CHAPTER 1- Permission To Love You

Part 05

The engagement was announced half a moon-month later. DaeHa looked as radiant as ever. They got their marriage certificate two days before their engagement day much to the delight of a happy Crown Prince. It has been planned to hold a royal wedding a moon-month later.

Although it was a whole lot for the new Crown Prince Consort, he still wouldn't regret any single bit of it. He was truely happy. He has already began his formal training as a new Crown Prince Consort. His second brother DaeJung teases him by calling him 'Princess' which makes DaeHa blush with shyness.

The entire Min family (President Min's family) were caught between celebrating the union and furious-ness(more of sadness) when President Min had announced the relationship between their 'little' Snowbird and the Western States Crown Prince. It was hard for the elderly Mins to accept but how can they reject it when another child of the Min family, a cousin to DaeHa, was already betrothed to the Eastern Royal family since his infancy. DaeHa was not there when his father had to drop the news but he knew for sure that his grandparents and great-grandparents were mad. He doesn't know how his Papa did it, but except for a few 'flicks' on his forehead and worried 'scolding', the elders made sure he lacked for nothing. His dowry list alone can make a high-class citizen sigh with envy. He didn't know he and every younger generation of the Mins have a 'dowry inheritance'. Be it Sen, Gama or Ven. Everyone has his and her own dowry inheritance already prepared from the time they turn 10 star-years. And this inheritance is made out of contributions from each elders of the family. Which is alot considering how large the Min family is.

On the other side, DaeHa's royal in-laws showed a lot of love and enthusiasm for this union. With constant giftings and treatment as if he had already entered the royal door. Although a bit 'rushed', the engagement was as luxurious and stylish as the beautiful rare diamonds encrusted in the white gold tiaras that sat perfectly on the neatly styled dark brunette short hair of the new 'crown prince consort'.

The second Min Youngmaster is an upcoming fashion designer. Since he turned fourteen(14), he has been in charge of the mogul Min's star-yearly closet. With his interest for fashion, Min DaeJung has dabbled in all kinds fashion art. Jewellery designing was just a side course he had taken as a hobby because he noticed how his two younger Ven brothers seems to like the shinning 'stones'(precious stones) as they called it in their infant years.

Now it came in handy.

The first tiara was a beautiful snow design with rare quaterz pink stones and sequin blue stones intricately entwined together by thin white gold. The second tiara had the Min family insignia on the front.

The name 'Min' written in a musical note form. Inlaid with pink and gold diamonds. Complicated but very unique. This insignia is how the billionaire Min family are recognised.

DaeHa wore the first tiara for his engagement banquet. He had the diamond lotus brooch U-Ram gifted him, pinned against his dark blue velvet suit. U-Ram also wore a matching suit just almost black. He looked as princely and more handsome to blushing the Ven who couldn't take his eyes off him.

On his engagement day, he danced under the beautiful glass dome as the moon and the stars shone it's blessings on them.

"It there's a word that combines beautiful, pretty, handsome and cute together then that's exactly how look my darling" U-Ram placed a doting kiss on the pale forehead of his 'bridegroom'. "You are gorgeous my Petal"

The engagement celebration lasted for three days although the ceremony has been done. During the period before the royal wedding which will be held in the Western State, the Mogul Min family travelled to the palace of the Ko royal family and where wholely welcomed into the state by the enthusiasm of the people and the rest of the Ko royal family.

With a natural borne deligence and sense of responsibility, DaeHa was able to easily and quickly fall into his new royal as a royal 'bridegroom'. With the good health and strong vitals received from the progress of his pregnancy, the Ven went about with his new royal in-laws for State meetings and other royal related works. The people welcomed him wholeheartedly. Although some still 'rant' on the 'EmpireWeb', they still couldn't help but compliment how beautiful and adorably cute their to-be 'Crown Prince Consort' is. Now they had mixed feelings


landlord: I can't help feeling that our Crown Prince has cheated the people of the Capital

landlord: because how can he just get such a cute and adorable Ven for a bridegroom??

user000021: I have to agree with the landlord on this one

user005001: me too upstairs!! I thought i was the only one who felt that way

user000012: see let me tell you. my parents don't have time to listen to gossips but after they saw our new Crown Prince Consort, they have been praising and scolding the Crown Prince *hhahaha*

user00042: my parents did the same!!

user00042: they kept asking how Crown Prince U-Ram got such a cute mate!! *hehhehehe*

user000012: he really got lucky!!

user000036: upstairs it also our blessing!! I am just happy to see them together!!

user000060: true!! they look soo perfect together!!

user006600: wait is no one going to talk about how the Min family seems to have the visuals celebrities will kill for

user00070: please let's not go there *T-T*

user00070: The father of our new CPC* is really giving me mid life daddy-issues!! *T-T*

user00062: i tell ya!! that Sen looks soo fine

user000031: his sons all look soo fine too

user00070: Mrs. Min is another level of goddess

user00091: I am a Ven and married to a Sen. But my husband and i just agreed we will definitely dump each other should Mrs. Min want a side sneaky rendezvous

user006600: oh gods *hahahahahaha~*

user004100: that is the best way to describe the Min family visuals *hahahahahhaa*

user00047: god-level visuals *chef kiss*


The King and Queen of the Ko royal household liked their 'daughter-inlaw' very much and made sure to carefully take care of him. From the proud and happy look the King has on his face recently to the joyful humming as the Queen plans the wedding, one can see how satisfied they are with their new 'daughter-inlaw'.

The Queen has managed to wiggle her way pass the cold demeanor of Mrs. Min and got her chatting animatedly about things only the two could understand.

President Min squints towards his wife's direction

'She seems to forget my existence now that she's got a new friend'

They were in their private courtyard in the main Western Royal palace. The king and queen had stopped by for dinner with the main Min family who had come for the auspicious marriage.

"I heard you like glocks?" The king who was sitting beside President Min asks. Breaking the one sided staring contest of the Sen.

"That's right your Majesty"

"U-Rung-ssi or hyung will do fine. No need for formalities when in private" King U-Rung says with a wave of hand. A servant stepped forward carrying a box on a silk cushion

"You are just one moon-month older than me. No need for hyung" President Min snorts finally feeling more relaxed as he sipped on his wine.

"I still saw the Unirse a moon-month before you so yes, i am your hyung" the King wittily replies

President Min just rolls his eyes and didn't bother to refute anymore. He has heard of how shameless the King of the Western State can be sometimes, seeing it now he understands what they meant.

Well literally having the deep night sky and 'twinkling stars' for eyes will indeed give any Sen a big boost of overconfidence.

A black wood case was shoved in his languid sight. He quirks a brow

"What is this?" President Min curiously ask as he takes the 'blackbox'. He opens it and the sight of the glistening black gun nestled in the velvety cushion with black bullets arranged neatly made him straighten up. He tried not show his excitement while the King pretends not to see.

"This is the latest production by an old friend from the 'Black Bull Tribe'. Although she has been busy rebuilding her tribe after a few tough times, i can guarantee, she is still the best weapon and tech master I have ever come across" the King goes on to explain more about the glock in the box.

The more the king talks about the functions and other things related to the gun, the more excited President Min gets. This is a very rare gift.

That eased the annoyance the mogul Min familyhead felt by a 'bit'. The two fathers chatted about the business news and other 'news' going on around as they watched their family together.

'Snowbird will be happy here' President sighs.

He can see how the Ko royal family dotes on his little Ven. He can see the happiness and pride shinning in their eyes when they look at their first son and his Snowbird together. The relaxed and easy manner with which they address him. Just like how he and his darling does. It feels like his son is being 'snatched' away and try as much as he can, it still felt a bit uncomfortable at the thought but it still comforted him.

"Papa.." the soft gentle voice broke him out of his revere.

He looks down to see his Snowbird nestled in his arms as they both glide across the dance floor for the 'father and bride' dance. It is the day of the wedding and President Min could not help feeling a bit more sentimental.

"DaeHa will always be Papa's Snowbird.. right?" The little Ven asks, his head raised back with his eyes glassy from holding back tears as if to asks for the reassurance of his father's love

"Why? Does Snowbird want to find a new Papa?" He squints with a teasing smile

"Papa~!!" DaeHa whines stuffing his face to the elders pecs hidden underneath the traditional wedding suits specifically designed for the parents of the newly wedded couple.

The elder Sen chuckles patting his son's head lovingly as they continue to dance to the slow song being played by the Imperial Orchestras.

A song both father and son created for this special moments.

'Papa's Little Snowbird'

"My little darling Snowbird. You will always be Papa's precious DaeHa" he says


"Yes. Forever my Snowbird" he places a gentle loving kiss on the brow of his baby.

DaeHa felt an immense relief wash through him. He once read somewhere that *a married bride is like a water spilled. Their husband's family becomes their new family*

He has been scared he will not be his Papa's favourite Snowbird anymore. But with this reassurance, he knows he will never be rejected by his Papa at least.

The wedding was more glamorous than the engagement had been. It felt like a wedding made out of a fantasy. From the never ending stream of royalties from both the Imperial family and other States. There were even a few from outside the Great Korie Empire. The luxurious and lavish decorations that made everywhere look like a winter fairyland in the middle of Spring. The rare performance of the Min youths coming together to create a beautiful masterpiece made the entire Empire once again see the closeness and love shared amongst the billionare Min family. Also by gods are they talented!!. The joy of both families could clearly be seen from thousands of miles away. Whiles it made some Vens envious, it still made more wish for such a dream wedding. But all in all they still wished the newly married couple their heartfelt blessings.