CHAPTER 1- Permission To Love You

Part 06

Six Star Years Later:

It was early Tuesday morning in the Ko royal household in the capital, but DaeHa was already almost done with the day.

He only has about 30mins before his first class of the day starts but here he is standing in a black turtle neck and a tight lace half brief, arguing with his husband about his choice of pants.

"But hyung~ i have a lot to do today and a fitted skinny jeans and sneakers is what i plan to wear!!" The Ven's exasperated voice could be heard from the huge walk in closet.

His husband (a damn possessive one) is currently filtering through his throngs of long baggy slacks for a perfect one.

"Petal I'm not against you wearing that skinny Jeans, but the issue is you don't want to wear my cardi or shirt on it- i am still mad at that- so it is better to give you a different outfit" U-Ram remarks picking out a biege baggy slacks and scanning it

"But it is a bit hot outside~!!" DaeHa retorts whinnig

"I checked the weather forecast, it might rain. I've already asked Ki Yuk to put a coat in the car for you. Welcome very much" U-Ram was now picking a shirt to match.

"Thank you love but hyu~~ung!!" DaeHa whines

"I am sorry but i am not going to have others stare at your sexy jiggling ass. If i was going to be with you the whole day then fine. But you will be busy and so will I. Take off your turtle kneck and put this on" U-Ram kissed the retort away from the fiery Ven's lips.

That always seems to shut him up. More like his brain gets too distracted to form a sentence. After coming back to his senses the Sen was already on another side of the closet picking out accessories.

"Damn sexy specimen of a Sen being a bloody tease!!😫" he complains to himself. Taking a look at the outfit in his hands he sighs.

"I still give in to his nonsense" a small fond smile tugs at his lips. Then began to hurriedly dress up and get ready for the day. He was almost late.

DaeHa realised how possessive his Sen can be sometimes and honestly... he really likes it. He never knew that, seeing his husband get jealous over a few posts of how good he looks from the back on the 'EmpireWeb' would make him this happy. Now his attires consist of an item or piece belonging to his husband. Or his jealous Crown Prince picks his whole attire (with the help of the stylist of course).

His things were already packed and in the car. He enters the bedroom after dressing up and saw his husband dressed in his 'casual' streetware matching their little 5 star-years baby sitting on the bed and busy on his tablet.

'As i thought' DaeHa rolls his eyes affectionately at his husband's 'styling'. Right from the moment little U-Hyun was born, Crown Prince U-Ram hasn't for once stopped showing off his little cub to everyone. Sometimes DaeHa feels like it was the Sen who gave birth instead of himself, but oh well he can't complain. And most often U-Ram takes his son everywhere. Well who said little U-Hyun should look like a spitting image of his appa.

A mass of curly dark hair, doll-like pheonix eyes with long lashes and deepest blue (navy blue) with sperks of silver dust for iris. And slightly darker skin tone just like the Crown Prince.

'One look and you can tell he is a 'Ko' '

-his clan members had stated the first time they saw the newborn U-Hyun.

'Hyung... sorry you lost the first round'

The brat who annoys DaeHa the most in his clan, Imperial Fourth Prince of the empire, Yong-Ju had had gleefully stated.

'And I'm very sure he won't take your shortness too'

If not for the second oldest of the clan- whom happens to be the Crown Prince of the Southern State- who will for sure give him a 'smack' on the head should he say a bad word in front of the baby, DaeHa would have happily cursed him (fourth Imperial Prince) to the next dimension and back.

After they had breakfast together, U-Ram and little U-Hyun saw DaeHa off to school before both headed off to work.

DaeHa was almost late for his 'Advanced Politics' class but made it right before the professor walked in. He didn't notice who he sat beside until he turned to see the zoomed in face of his youngest brother. He gave a bland questioning look.



DaeHa: "Should i ask what you are doing here or pretend you are not here as you slink your way out?"


"None of the above?" the younger turned and pretended he was busy reading the (upside down) paper on the table.

"Who are you hiding from?" DaeHa squints at his baby brother

DaeChan pretends as if he didn't hear.

"Min DaeChan if you don't tell me who you are hiding from i will call Jaejae hyungie and Winter hyungie to interrogate you" DaeHa says in a low voice since the professor just walked in. DaeChan stiffened at the 'threat'.

"You shouldn't threaten a child hyungie!!! That is child abuse!!" He said in an aggrieved tone which made the professor clear her throat.

"Sorry Ms. "

"Keep your voice down" DaeHa scolds after apologising to the professor

"You are my baby brother and i can bully you all i want" DaeHa snorts softly "You have four seconds to confess or I'm calling hyungies" he held up his phone to prove his threat.

When Chan was twelve (12) star-years, he was secretly bullied by a few cousins of theirs from their mother's side who attended the same school as them. Chan was reluctant to worsen the relationship between his Mama and her family so he didn't report the issue but he always runs to any of his hyungs classes to hide from his bullies. One day, Hyunjae and DaeJung noticed this and began to observe and question Chan. Under the pressure, the young Ven finally broke down and confessed to the constant bullying and extortion from those "cousins".

All four Min brothers including a close cousin(more like a brother) from their fathers' side had beaten all six cousins and their minions into the ER. Their mother also finally cutting all ties to with her family. But that's just the first of the youngest mogul Min unfortunate incident. The second incident was from a bad 'relationship' when he was 17star-years old. Since then, the Min brothers have became super sensitive and protective towards their youngest maknae.

"Honestly it's nothing serious. Just.. I embarrassed myself in front of my crush and I don't know how to appear in front of him again" Chan groans in a pouty tone.

DaeHa raised his elegant brow at his brother and rolled his eyes. He was going to pretend he doesn't know who Chan's crush was and just focus on the lesson. When it comes to the matters of the heart, he wouldn't intervene and influence any decision making of the little Ven. Unless Chan himself ask for his opinion. And knowing his baby brother, when it gets too much, he would call for a night out with the 'bottoms gang'.

He turned back to see the sad pout on his brother's naturally perfect contoured face and sighs.

'If only he didn't look like me' he muse to himself packing his stuff back into his bag and notified his proffesor for permission to leave, then gently 'tug' his baby brother out of the lecture hall. Chan yelped startled before obediently following his hyungie out.

Ten minutes later they were in the empty music room and DaeHa playing a calming and soft melody on the piano with Chan sitting beside him feeling lighter with every note. This is what it feels like to be born into a music inclined family. No matter what they go through, they always find comfort in the sound of music.

By the third song, Chan was singing and dancing along to the piano with a big smile on his face and heart feeling lighter.

"I love you Birdie hyungie" Chan hugs his brother after they ended their 'private concert', resting his head on the shoulders of the shorter male. He felt grateful once again for having his older brother still living in the Capital. Although DaeHa spends every school break in the Western State, Chan knows he will always have his brother to guide and support him when needed.

"Love you too baby Frostie" DaeHa chuckles, affectionately tapping Chan's head ignoring his little protest at the nickname.

Because all three of his little Vens were born during the winter season, President Min nicknamed all three of them according to the season.

DaeJung is WinterOwl (Owl because DaeJung hardly ever slept at night). DaeHa is Snowbird. And DaeChan is Frost.

Calling him Frost is no problem but his hyungs take great pleasure calling him 'Frostie' much to his 'annoyance'.

After chatting for a few more minutes DaeHa walked his brother to the entrance of the faculty building where his(Chan's) car and bodyguard was waiting. They shared the last hug before bidding each other goodbye. Looking at the time he realised he already missed two classes and it was half way through his break period. He shrugs and decided to go to his office to prepare for his afternoon meetings.

On the way it suddenly got cloudy and started to drizzle shortly after. Fortunately he was not the one driving. Although he has a long line of guards that follows him everywhere as soon as he steps outside his home, his husband does indulge him to drive by himself once in a while. And he definitely hates to drive during a rainy day.

After a long day of running around, Crown Prince Consort DaeHa finally steps out of the private elevator into the family waiting area of his office building and the sight of his Sen patiently teaching their little baby how to play the piano game on his(baby's) tab warmed his heart. All tiredness seems to be dispelled instantly and he felt more refreshed.

"Hello Hyunnie appa and little Hyunnie" he greets as he approached the father and son duo.

"Mama!!" Prince U-Hyun excitedly greets his eomma, hugging him and acting more cute. Although he loves following his appa like a little tail, he still misses his eomma if he doesn't see him for a long time. And today is one of the very rare times he doesn't see his eomma for a whole day.

The bodyguards and assistants bow in greeting.

"At ease" DaeHa responds with a nod walking towards his husband.

U-Ram smiled gently seeing his beloved. DaeHa felt bad seeing his baby's reaction. He must have missed him alot.

"Eomma is sorry hmm my Hyunnie-ah. I was busy the whole day and forgot to call you during lunch. Eomma is really sorry my baby" DaeHa solemly apologies to his baby who clenched tightly to his back. He tightens his embrace in distress gently rubbing his small back

"Please forgive eomma hm baby?" DaeHa kissed the mass of curly locks while taking a sit on his Sen's lap to comfortably hold his baby. U-Ram hugs his little family and places a sweet kiss on his mate's head. He knew how busy DaeHa was today because he had sent a message showing his schedule and asking for help to book an appointment with an old friend of his(U-Ram).

After placating his baby he finally greeted his husband with a kiss. They talked for a while then set off to their home. Little Hyunnie fell asleep on the way in his eomma's warm arms and the Ven comfortablely snuggled in his Crown Prince's arms.

Looking down at the serene sleepy face of his mate carefully and lovingly cradling their sleeping son, Sen U-Ram felt his heart full of warmth and overflowing with love.

DaeHa has always been right. This is Home...