Mini-version of Maleep

The next year Lily was just six years old but she was not acting like one. She was an adult trapped inside a little girl's body. At the age of six years old Lily already made her first first-ever medicine with the leaves she got when she went to take them at the mountains. And by next year when she was seven years old she started getting visions about the future and what she needs to do to help herself with self-traning. She was very dedicated. Then one day Lily had a vision about her neighbour being in danger. After that dream Lily went to her neighbour's house to warn her not to go to the mall on Saturday. Hi I'm Maleep, I mean Lily but you can call me both names if you want to and I'm here to warn you not to go anywhere on Saterday. The neighbour didn't take Lily seriously.

It's Saterday and Lily's neighbour decided to ignore her warning because she saw it as a joke. On her way back home she was involved in a car accident. She wasn't severely injured, she only got hurt by her leg. The next week Lily's neighbour limped to her house. When she got there she saw Lily playing around with her toys in her yard.

(Lily was finally starting to look her age and started acting like a kid).

Hi there little girl, how did you know that I'll be involved in a car accident? asked the neighbour. Hi neighbour, said Lily. I saw you in a dream then someone told me to tell you not to go anywhere on Saterday but seems like you didn't listen, said Lily. I'm playing with my toys, do want to play with me? asked Lily. No thank you I'll pass, I'm actually here for your mother, where is she? asked the neighbour. She's inside the house, answered Lily and continued to play with her toys.

Hi Lelapa can we talk just now? asked the neighbour. Yeah! What's going on? asked Lelapa. Nothing much I just came here to ask, what is wrong with your Lily? I know this might sound weird to you but Lily has spiritual powers and she has the ability to spiritually heal people, She got that from my late cousin, said Lelapa. And what was your late cousin's name? asked the neighbour. Her name was Maleep. Now it makes sense to me that she said that I can call her Maleep or Lily or even both, said the neighbour. What? (Lelapa is shocked). I think that your little Lily might be a mini-version of Maleep, and she might be the one controlling her sometimes when she's not acting like a kid. I think Lily is back to being herself again, I saw her playing with toys right outside before I came in, anyways thanks for the talk, Bye! said the neighbour.

On the other side Xola's powers were more reserved and than Lily's powers. It seems as if his powers are patient with him, so basically his powers are waiting for him to turn 15 years old so that he can activate them at that age.

( just like how a baby is born with legs but have to wait to pass 6 months so that the legs work properly, and for them to work the baby needs practice ), same thing with Xola's powers, they're like a babies legs waiting to grow so that they can practice to walk.

Then finally its eight years later, both Lily and Xola are now fifteen years old. It's the year that Lily finishes her long journey of self-training and its also the year that Xola start his spiritual journey and activates his spiritual powers that lives within him that was left to him by his late uncle 'Pake' . And as expected Lily's powers are more powerful than Pake's ones. Then finally it's the day of the ceremony for Xola ( which is part of the trading ). Alot of people showed up to show their support and others showed up to enjoy the feast.