Empty space in my heart.

As Lily and Xola grew up, they both meet new people in their lives. And they lost their parents, Lelapa and Mtase passed away, they were very old and they couldn't handle life well. Lily found herself a handsome boyfriend, and Xola found himself a very pretty lady. Lily meet her partner in 1845, they got married in 1848 then 3 years later they had their first-ever child. Lily was both happy and depressed about her life. Why am I so depressed yet I'm so happy? Why do I feel like I have an empty space in my heart? asked Lily with tears in her eyes.

On the other side Xola was also going through the same phase in his life. Even though Lily and Xola never knew each other, but they felt like they are missing each other. Lily felt Maleep's spiritual feelings ( which were indicating that she misses Pake alot and she regrets ever listening to the chief ). And Xola felt Pake's spiritual feelings ( which were indicating that he regrets not stepping up to the chief to protect his love and lover "Maleep" as her man. Pake's biggest mistake in life was to let go of his love of his life "Maleep". Pake deeply misses Maleep, which is now affecting Xola's human feelings. Xola is deeply hurt and misses somebody he doesn't physically know. Xola is now married to his pretty lady and later on they had 3 kids in their marriage. Even though Xola had a happy and wonderful family, he was still not happy inside.

Xola felt like he was in a dark place in his life. He always pretended to be happy infront of his family but couldn't pretend when he was alone. Everytime he got a chance to be alone he cried and because of this he got more and more depressed, which caused him to be a bit weak, which also affected his spiritual powers. Because of how weak and depressed he was, it also caused his powers to connect to his feelings, which were at the time "weak".

On the other hand Lily kept herself busy with spiritual work as a way to distract herself so that she can avoid her depressing feelings she has in her heart.

Then one day Lily went to the mountains nearby Mainsixhundred, she took her medicine plant and her "Impepho".

(Impepho is an indigenous African plant that once dried but then gets burnt in order to communicate with one's ancestors).

Lily went down on her knee and started doing a ritual. Lily lit up the Impepho and started asking her ancestors questions about why she's feeling this certain way in her life. Lily knew that her ancestors heard her and now what's left for them to do is to respond to her questions.

( Her ancestors answers her through her dreams ) so she went back home to sleep. She got home and explained to her husband that she's tired and that she needs to sleep. Okay darling goodnight and sweet dreams, said Lily's husband.

Lily went to sleep, then suddenly Lily started to dream, in her dream she saw a beautiful lady wearing red and white clothes, and she was holding hands with someone that seemed so white and blank. Then they separated their hands and the beautiful lady started screamin "no" and started crying. Then that was the end of Lily's dream., she woke up confused, trying to understand and interpret the dream well.

Meanwhile Xola had a dream where a handsome man wearing red and white clothes came to him holding hands with someone that seemed so white and blank, then this time the lady started to disappear then the man in red and white clothes started crying and asking the blank lady to come back to him and that he is sorry and still deeply loves her.

( So basically Maleep came to Lily's dreams to explain to her why she's feeling this certain and where the feeling of depression comes from, meanwhile Pake came to Xola's dreams to explain to him about how he let go of his old lover just to keep her safe and how regretful he's been feeling ever since letting go of Maleep ).