Well, it all began as a dream, a fantasy. I kept wondering how two opposite sex siblings, could have unconditional for each other. And in this case an older brother and a younger sister. Unbelievable right? I was yet to find out.

I was born when my father had stopped wishing for a girl child. Papa had two sons already and when Mama became heavy with child for the third time, Papa's hope was lost. But Mama delivered safely, and I came. The long awaited girl child. The only problem was that, I was very tiny and Papa thought I was not going to make it. But I did and I became his favorite. I was a very troublesome kid. Thinking back on it all, now that I'm a grownup, I was sorry for my parents. But it was their fault, they should not have overpampered me in the first place, and that would have saved a lot of people a lot of headaches. I thought everyone despised me, all, except one. Papa said he was my brother and I liked him. His name was Jay. Jay and I were inseparable. You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. Let's just say we were the ride or die type of siblings.

One sunset, when I was eight, we were relaxing on our little hill. And as the orange rays reflected on our faces, Jay came up with a plan. It was soo brilliant, that I clapped my hands with joy. We were going to fix one of Papa's long forgotten electric torch. I was happy because, I would be praised for a good work done, which did not often happen. We scheduled the day for the operation. Eventually, the D-day came and we got to work. I was supposed to be the switch operator, turning it off or on per his command. Dumb right?. It was fun at first, but he got soo bossy and I got irritated. His next command was to turn off the switch, I feigned deafness and in a flash, he was thrown across the room by the force from the electric shock. Filled with guilt, I ran out and he followed with the face of an angry bull. I ran my fastest, but my tiny legs were no match for his sprint. Soon, he caught up with me and the blows landed. I prepared myself for the pain, but I felt nothing except for his fist hitting me. I guess the shock sucked his energy. He must have seen the look of fear on my face, caused he plopped down besides me with a resignation sigh. We looked at each other and started laughing our heads off with tears streaming down our faces like two idiots lost on our way to the south. He held my hand and apologized, though it was unlike me, I apologized too. We heard our names being mentioned by bossy Joe, the first child, telling us dinner was ready. Jay took my hand and we joyfully marched towards the house.


'' The Lion stakes his claim to the leadership of the pack. But the Antelopes remember the ferocious pounce of his paws. The Hyena says the crown is made for him. But the Impalas shudder at his lethal appetite. The Giraffe craves a place in the front, but his eyes are too far from the ground. When the Zebra says it's his right to lead, the pack points to the duplicity of his stripes. The Elephant trudges into the power tussle, but its colleagues dread his trampling feet. The Warthog too ugly. The Rhino too riotous. And the pack thrashes around, like a Snake without a head. 'Our need calls for a hybrid of habits'-

'' So what kind of leader are they looking for, Mama?'' I asked. '' Shh!'' She said. ''I told you to not interrupt when I'm telling a story. How then can you fall asleep if you keep interrupting? Baby, talk when I'm done okay?'' I nodded like a saint paying heed to the master's command. Mama laughed and I kept thinking, '' God, she's soo pretty and nice.'' '' So where was I when you interrupted?''. She asked. '' Oh yeah, I remember now''. And she wore such a respectful expression as if she were about to talk of God's Holiest of Holies.

'' Our needs calls for a hybrid of habits'', proclaims the Forest Sage. A little bit of a Lion, a little bit of a Lamb. Tough like a Tiger, compassionate as a Doe. Transparent like a river, mysterious like a lake. A leader who know how to follow followers mindful of right to lead''. She smiled and said '' Just like you dear, exactly like you''. She kissed me goodnight, covered me with my blanket and switched off the bedside lamp. I heard the thud sound the door made as Mama closed it behind her. I smiled when I heard Mama exclaim '' Dear put me down, the kids are sleeping''. ''Not until I get I want''. Papa replied as the sound of their footsteps faded away with Mama laughing gayfully. I snuggled closer to my teddy bear, which Papa gave me and hummed a tune to lure me to sleep. I stood up suddenly as I remembered I had not given Jay his goodnight kiss. With the speed of lightening, I ran to his room, climbed his bed, kissed him and with the same speed, ran back to my room. ''God, thank you for this amazing family''. I prayed. ''And let nothing destroy this amazing relationship'' I pled, drifting off to sleep.

But well, I guess God had other plans.