''Everything was soo nice and everyone was happy''. I began narrating my dream. Papa held me tighter and urged me to go on. Being rest assured that Papa was there, I continued. '' All was calm, everything was soo bright, I was in my best clothes and then...''. ''And then what?'' My parents asked in unison. I continued, unsure of myself. '' And then the scene changed. I found myself in a strange environment, with beautiful houses. As I was about entering one, flying dogs flew from nowhere and sat on the houses. Immediately, it changed to ugly, horror looking houses, I had ever seen. My clothes became tattered and worn out and it was strangely quiet- as if I was in a graveyard. I panicked and tried to run, but I felt your hands on me, all of you. Your clothes were torn and dirty. I looked at your faces and it was long and sad. I woke up screaming and that's when you all rushed in''. Papa and Mama looked at each other's faces and Papa tried to soothe me by telling me it was just a dream. I knew he was telling lies because, he wore such a worried look and my teacher had told me that, dreams were nice and fun and that anything opposite, was a nightmare. ''It's okay dear, since it's still late, I urge you to go back to sleep, we will talk about it in the morning''. Papa said. Since it was the only thing to do, I nodded. He covered me with my blanket and kissed my forehead. Jay came closer, till his lips touched my ears and gave a loud snore, like that of a pig. It made me laugh and for a moment, I felt everything was going to be fine. But as they left me to their rooms, I felt soo alone and terrified and as young as I was, I knew something horrible was about to happen. Something unbelievable.


The doorbell rang again and Mama ordered me to see who was at the door. I frowned because I was soo hungry and did not feel like opening doors. ''But Mama,'' I began. ''I will go''. Jay said. Saving me from some beatings. I looked at him with grateful eyes and said to bossy Joe who was watching a silly comic but holding the remote tightly as if watching a live football match. ''He is a real paladin''. ''Whatever'' was his reply. Jay came back a few minutes later holding two crisp fifty cedis note. We all looked at the money like our life depends on it, which was partly true. ''One of Papa's numerous debtors brought this as half-payment''. He said, waving it. ''Thank God,'' Mama said. ''I thought we were going to sleep on an empty stomach today too''. Joe said. Mama took her handbag, collected the money from Jay and with me tagging along, went to the market.

Papa came home right after dinner was served. ''How did it go dear''? Mama asked. ''Same old, same old. Still jobless''. Papa muttered. ''Cheer up dear, everything is gonna be alright''. Mama said as she began serving Papa his food. I took Jay's hand and led him outside. He went back inside and came back with our food. We climbed our little hill, how he managed to climb with his hands full marveled me. I sat down as he did, I guess he expected me to chatter like a free bird because he asked ''What is wrong with my little heart? What is making you soo quiet?'' ''Hm it's been a year since I had that horrid dream, right?'' I asked. ''Exactly''. Jay mumbled around a mouthful of his dinner. ''Jay, have you not noticed that everything became sort of worse, since then? Mama lost her job, we dropped out of school due to financial reasons and to top it all, Papa, my Papa, our Papa, a whole boss is now jobless and broke. We can not afford two square meals a day, not to talk of three''. I said as tears gathered in my eyes. Jay looked at me shocked. ''Don't tell me, you are blaming yourself-''. ''Of course I am''. I cut him off, as the tear fell from my eyes. ''Oh my sweet little sister, don't be sad. look some things are bound to happen, that is why we have nature. If you blame yourself for this misfortune, you might as well blame yourself for natural disasters like the avalanche, tsunami, earthquake and you being a worrywart''. He said, with a smile hovering around his lips. I kept quiet, pretending to not care about the whole worrywart issue. He kept smiling mischievously till my curiosity got the better of me and I timidly asked ''What the monkey's butt is the foreign word you just used?'' His smile widened, he knew my curiosity will not allow me to ignore him, but why wouldn't it especially when he was using an alienate name. ''My dearest sister'' He began mysteriously. ''Since you don't know what the monkey's butt is that, I would tell you. It is just you and your self-blame attitude. Just chill out, if it will make you feel better, then I promise, no I swear to never leave you. Okay?'' I looked him in the eye, ready to let him have it. But I saw sincerity soo true that all I could do was smile. ''Yes, it will make me feel better'' I said, nodding. He began to feed me and I started to complain, but he would have non of it, so I complied.

After our dinner, we went back inside to drop our plates. As we were about to depart to our rooms, we overheard our parents discussing on selling our house. I looked at Jay and I knew he could read fear in my eyes. He kissed me swiftly on the lips and bid me goodnight. Once in the comfort of my bed, I hugged my teddy bear tight and wept silently. 'Why? How could this happen to me, to us?' I thought. I looked around my room, the room I have been since, I could say my name. 'Are we really going to give it up? Why?' I kept thinking. I was very stressed and fully awake when Mama came to check up on me. One look at me and she took me in her arms. She rocked me in silence until I visibly relaxed. ''Feeling better?'' She asked. ''Are we really leaving?'' I whispered back. She gave me a disapproving look. ''What did I tell you about eavesdropping?'' She quietly asked. ''I would not tell you anything now, sleep love, you, we are going to be fine. Everything would be fine, you will see''. She laid me down and covered me up. ''Sleep''. I heard her say as she closed the door. I sighed, I knew she was lying to me. I did not feel right and as I gradually slipped into unconsciousness, I felt a sickening weird feeling. Little did I know, that it had something to do with Papa, my Papa.