Tianmen mountain range

After sending them away, Ning Qi sought the system for the remaining time for the side mission that he needs to complete.

"Ding! The host has 4 days left to complete the mission." The system responded straight away.

"Hm! That's enough time to complete that. From the map, I can enter the Tianmen mountain range at around 173 km from here. I should better get prepared thoroughly, before setting out." Ning Qi thought to himself.

Tianmen mountain range is kinda big with over 49 peaks that are stretching over two or three regions including Guangxi, Hunan, and Guizhou. Most of the mountains are in Hunan province, and a little part of the range is also covered in Guangxi and Guizhou.

Ning heard that some parts of the Tianmen mountain range were quite dangerous, and many died, who tried to explore those regions even if someone by chance come out, they won't say anything, making things so mysterious.

'It's most likely those vicious people from the Red blood sect that executes whoever entered their sect's range. I don't think any of the others who came out alive have entered their sect's range, they probably just mystifying things. or...' Ning Qi thought for some time, but soon shook his head, as he will soon know about its mysteries.

He next looked at his mobile, with many messages from Li Ping and Ning Jing mostly. And two from Su Xiao, he felt fortunate to have people that care for him. He promptly replied to them, that he is in Yangshou for something and will come back in 2 or 3 days.

He then took out the two guns from his bag and the remaining 4 magazines. He caressed them quite fondly, as they are undeniably 'attractive'. He then loaded the two mags in two guns subsequently.

He next placed them in a small bag which can be carried by hand. But Ning Qi felt it is quite troublesome to carry guns like this, he decided to buy holsters for them, after coming back from this journey.

After setting everything up, Ning Qi took his mobile and transferred 10 million to each of the disciple's accounts, finally fulfilling Nangong Xu's wish.

The next day early in the morning, the entire shen mansion is awake and all of them gathered in the main hall.

"Alright! I have something important to explore outside. I will come back in 2 or 3 days, once I have completed my work there. I hope that all of you will put some effort into your cultivation and expect at least both of you to break through to Qi refining realm 4 before I come back. " Ning Qi said, but he isn't that confident in them breaking through. As breaking through to Qi refining realm 3 required almost 6 days for Nangong Xu, for Qi refining realm 4 it will optimally need 12 days and at the bare minimum of 10 days.

Even though both of them have already accumulated the cultivation worth of 3 days before, it will at least need 7 more days for them to hit the Qi refining realm 4.

As for Nangong Xu, It may take at least 20 more days to 24 days to reach the next realm. But his brain suddenly lit up, as he almost forgot about the Qi refining pills that he got from the pill treasury.

"System! Divide the Qi refining pills into two pills in a bottle for two and the last pill in a single bottle and transfer me." Ning Qi instructed and hurriedly fished them out from the system.

Nangong Xu's group didn't suspect anything about Ning Qi taking something out of the air, But Shen's family people got widened and Shen Jian was almost about to chant the words, which he instantly stopped after earning a glare from Shen couple.

"Take these pills, these are called Qi refining pills, which can increase your speed of cultivation by 100% for a day. But these are only low grade, in the future, once you all break through to higher realms, I will provide you all with higher grade ones." Ning Qi slowly explained to them the pill's properties and how to utilize them, before delivering the bottles with two pills to Shen Yue and Kang Xuan.

He then handed the single pill bottle to Nangong Xu, who looked at him aggrievedly.

"Stop being a w*ss! As the eldest brother of the sect, you should sometimes need to be big-hearted." Ning Qi said as he felt the faces made by Nangong Xu, making everyone there smile.

They all know about the uses of pills from their notes in the Astral Qi book they have. Hence, they know how important a pill can play the role in their cultivation. They carefully held their pills, as though holding the babies.

"Alright! I hope that both of you can break through to the subsequent level before I come back. But don't pressure yourself too much too, as it won't make a considerable difference, even if you can't break through a day or two early. What I expect from all of you is diligent cultivation, as long as you perform your best, that's enough for me." Ning Qi carefully said, as he doesn't want them to feel burdened, but also not neglect their cultivation.

"Alright, sect master! I will make sure that every one of us will put our utmost effort into cultivation and breakthrough to the next level as soon as possible. We also don't want to feel helpless against a peak Qi refining cultivator and require your help every time. I will set a goal, that every one of us will need to be invincible against any Qi refining cultivators as our primary goal for now." Nangong Xu, who was making stupid faces a moment ago, said relatively solemnly and determined.

When he was in the arena, he suffered a bit helpless, when the young master of the Yan sect busted his facade directly mentioning the loophole in their technique. He wanted to say that he is going to set the goal to Qi refining level peak without employing the divine technique, but that will make Ning Qi kick his butt.

Kang Xuan and Shen Yue equally felt the determined tone in Nangong Xu, and couldn't help but feel that Nangong Xu is a very reliable senior brother, who can guide them in many ways and is quite suitable for the eldest senior brother of the sect. They also bobbed their heads, agreeing with Nangong Xu.

"Alright! I'm going at present. You can all go back to our sect, and I will directly come back to the sect. " Ning Qi said and walked away without looking back.

"Mr. Nangong Xu, My son will drop you all back, just inform me when you are ready to go back." Shen Jian hurriedly said as Ning Qi is going to steer the car of Kang Xuan.

"Thanks for the trouble! Also just call me Xu, and you don't need to be so formal with me, grandpa Jian." Nangong Xu said shamelessly, making Shen Yue roll her eyes, at the shameless senior brother, who directly started establishing relationships.

On the other hand, all the Shen family members gave a knowing smile at them, making Shen Yue embarrassed and wanted to say that nothing is happening. but she decided against it for some reason, even though she felt odd.

Ning Qi simply drove out of the Yangshuo and accelerated his car through the highway between Guilin and Hunan. His car didn't enter the Guilin, just bypassing it through the outer highway.

After driving for around 2 hours, Ning Qi reached the Guigan village, from there he has trek through the mountains to reach the exact location of the red blood sect.

He searched for an inn in this mountainous village for some time and parked his car there, after he gave some money to the inn owner to look after his car, before entering the forest area on the edge of the village.

Right after he entered the forest, he took out his gun and placed one on his front, even though he felt quite anxious that it may accidentally shoot his little brother. He clung one on his back, before carefully proceeding towards the bamboo forest area, with continuous instructions from the system, which become the guide for Ning Qi.

"Damn! This forest is more impenetrable than I expected. " Ning Qi cursed as he trekked along the area, as he felt too many obstructions everywhere and needed to move around many areas along the way.