Chen Feiyu

While Ning Qi trek through the forest, many wild animals including some aggressive wild boars, tried to close in on him. But Ning Qi released his foundation establishment aura, frightening them.

Around 4 or 5 hours later, Ning Qi observed a lot of bamboo trees appearing along his path. That means he is already extremely close to the bamboo forest entrance.

Just as he was treading forward quickly, he saw a white silhouette secretly observing the bamboo forest from the top of the tree. With the insight of Ning Qi at the foundation establishment realm, he already detected him, but the other person still doesn't know, that he is being watched yet.

"Is he an ordinary human or a disciple of the red blood sect?" Ning Qi thought to himself, before revealing his eye of spirit ability, to check on his cultivation level first.

'Name: Chen Feiyu - Human

cultivation: Qi refining level 6.


Strength: 8

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 7

Martial technique: None.

"Hm! This guy is at best a bit better than an average Qi refining level 6. I will probably be able to get some details regarding their sect if I can catch him alive. " Ning Qi thought, as he wanted to catch this guy alive first.

Ning Qi gradually made his way towards the tree, that guy is standing on, not afraid of him running away. If a Qi refining level 6 can run away from him, then Ning Qi can completely destroy his cultivation and become a cripple.

But he didn't want him to alert others of his sect, which will disturb his initial intention of investigation.

As he merely reached the 50-meter radius of that tree, that guy who is on quite some alert, quickly noticed Ning Qi coming. He instantly rushed down the tree and came towards Ning Qi, before halting 5 meters away from him.

Seeing that this guy fell into his trap, Ning Qi felt quite happy but didn't perform anything, wanting to see, what this guy will do.

"Halt mister! I don't think you should go deeper than this. There is a fierce leopard hunting the people in this section. You should better head back directly." That guy warned Ning Qi to not go deeper into the forest.

Ning Qi, who was expecting him to laugh wildly saying, here comes my blood bag' or 'food' or something like that, and try to play with him, as though predators play with their prays.

His words instantly baffled him, as this guy is still talking 'nonsense'. When did the Tianmen mountain range contain leopards? It has been almost 1000 years since anyone has discovered a leopard in these mountains.

Only wolves and black bears represent the only chief threats in this mountain range. Naturally, for people who don't possess any proper experience in hunting, even wild boars represent an enormous threat.

"When did Tianmen mountain range consist of leopards here?" Ning Qi asked, as he felt weird and also found that this guy was presumably not someone from the red blood sect.

'What the heck is wrong with this guy? If I say there are leopards there are leopards here. I'm trying to prevent you from becoming a food here, alright?' Chen Feiyu cursed, as he saw Ning Qi disputing his claim.

He looked at Ning Qi, who looks to be a well-educated mortal. He couldn't help but curse again, thinking that these are the most hated people for him these days. These guys, unlike those hunters who enter the mountains for food, constantly try to seek fun in such dangerous environments, thinking that they can do anything, as long as they stay alert.

Even one such guy climbed a tree, after seeing a black bear, thinking that a bear won't be able to climb it. He has to go scare the bear away, as it practically killed that guy.

He felt that the sect allocated him to guard this area is one of the worst missions. Even though he felt reasonably pleasant at saving many people initially, he felt more unfortunate as the days pass by. He witnesses too many foolish people, especially those that enjoy a decent education, which didn't heed his suggestions. He has to inflict quite a beating, before causing them to recognize who is the boss here.

" Alright! It's not the leopard, and it's a tiger actually. I neglected what I was mentioning in a hurry. Therefore, it's cleverer if you get out of here... I'm one of the forest guards that is guarding this area against this side to restrict people from entering this vulnerable zone. Some of my colleagues are guarding it on different sides, but a lot of people are still dying every month, as we can't protect in all gaps." Chen Feiyu revealed relatively sadly, even though he altered the story from sect disciples to forest guards, what he said is quite true.

He had witnessed many people dying, right in front of his eyes, as he got a bit late to save them from those bastard disciples of the red blood sect. He doesn't comprehend why his sect masters and elders in the sect are not eradicating such a puny and evil sect.

Even if they comprise just a branch of the main sect, It's still an evil sect after all. Even if they eradicate them, all the righteous sects will come to their aid, right? Chen Feiyu thought to himself sadly.

They even came to an agreement with their sect, saying that they won't go out of the bamboo forest. But once any human steps into it, then they must not intervene in their prey. That's the reason their sect dispatched disciples under the sect to defend these areas to restrict any people from entering the bamboo forest. But even if they are in patrol, they can't patrol the entire forest tightly, and sometimes, some people will slip by them, dying in the hands of those bastards.

"Hm? When were there tigers in this mountain range? There was never been news of tigers in the Tianmen Mountains, for hundreds of years. In addition, if you are a forest guard, can you show me your identity guard" Ning Qi said feeling weirder, as this guy tried his best to stop him from entering this forest.

"Looks like you don't want to listen to reasoning! Allow me to teach you some manners then! If I say there is a leopard, there is a leopard and If I say there is a tiger, there is a tiger here. If I say I'm the forest guard, I'm the guard alright? I have been trying to save your ass from the very start, but you kept questioning my patience. Do you desire me to beat the shit out of you before you listen to me?" Chen Feiyu came forward and put his hand on Ning Qi's shoulder while trying to intimidate him. He tried to exert some force on Ning Qi by squeezing his shoulders a bit.

But seeing Ning Qi still standing absolutely without any reaction, he increased force again. Ning Qi however didn't look like he is going to collapse as he expected. Not expecting what is going on, he employed practically half of his force, which resulted in a similar response.

He wanted to utilize full force to press down on this guy no matter what! But he neglected the critical issue that no normal human being can be able to endure his half-strength without making a sound.

"Alright! Stop massaging my shoulders already. Even If you use all your strength at Qi refining level 6, you won't be capable to force me down." Ning Qi said slowly, as he refer to this guy relentlessly trying to squeeze him down.

Listening to Ning Qi's words, Chen Feiyu did stop, but he didn't initially receive what Ning Qi stated. But once the reasoning knock him, he hurriedly jumped back and established a certain distance between himself and Ning Qi, looking completely vigilant.

On the other hand, Ning Qi doesn't know whether to laugh or cry at this guy's foolish reactions, which are consistently one moment late.

"Stop acting stupidly! If I desired you to die, you would already die so many times already." Ning Qi said, to which Chen Feiyu thought for a moment and know what Ning Qi saying is the truth. He didn't let go of his vigilance completely, even if Ning Qi told the truth. One should always be alert when you are in the presence of an unknown cultivator is what their sect teaching is.

"My apologies Mister! I didn't know that you were also a cultivator. I thought you were a normal human that wants to enter the area of the red blood sect, which may cause disaster to you and that is the reason I was trying to stop you from entering." Chen Feiyu explained slowly.

"That's alright! But why are you securing this area? Even if you defend this one section, do you think that you can prevent people from entering the forest?" Ning Qi asked a bit confused.

"Ah! Allow me to introduce myself first Mister! I'm Chen Feiyu an outer sect disciple of the Heavenly wolf sect, that is also residing in the Tianmen mountain range..."Chen Feiyu slowly explained his mission and sect details, as that is not secret at all.

"Hm! How can I address you, Mister?" Instead of inquiring about Ning Qi's name directly, Chen Feiyu cleverly asked for his title. He doesn't want to offend anyone unless it is necessary. Even though their sect is many times stronger than the red blood sect branch, there is always a bigger mountain than the ones you have seen. Therefore, according to him, it's better to be careful than regret it later.