"Someone's giddy today" Taylor exclaimed in her sing-song voice as she sat down on her table with two coffee cups in her hand.
"They're back today, why wouldn't I be happy?" I said, laughing at her reaction as she realized whom I meant then smiled too. Taylor had been my best friend since I was a baby. We basically grew up together. Our moms were best friends too, so it was only natural for us to grow so close to each other. After my mom's death, Taylor's mom was the next person whom I could call my mother, not that sorry excuse of a human who lounged all day acting oh-so-concerned about me when my dad was around and then didn't even spare me a glance once he was gone.
My life was far from normal, and Taylor knew everything about me and I about her. Our bond only grew stronger each passing day and I was thankful to have her as my friend.
We chatted about the usual, the weather, politics, recent changes in the country, and gossiping about Josephine and Olivia. Every now and then Taylor would sigh and and say "I wish one of us could find a man, who loves us for us, takes us out, buys us gifts and then gets jealous too, and sweeps us off our feet." She sighed again and I nudged her with my elbow and told her to stop daydreaming.
"Seriously Bels, it's been like, two years. You should let go now. Move one, find someone who'll actually love you and not someone who will run after you money." I sighed like every time I did when Taylor mentioned him.
"I know Tay, but I'm in no mood for wasting my time on dating useless men with an inflated ego. They're like Olivia, but like her male version, and even worse." I said, and then Taylor looked at me for a few seconds the we both started laughing hysterically/ "I don't-I don't think there's anyone worse Bee." Taylor struggled to say all the while holding herself from falling down from laughing.
When we finally stopped laughing, we looked around to see the previously empty cafe now busy with people. I could hear at the people chatting, laughing and talking and I wished it could've been quite for a while longer. I got up from our table after finishing my coffee and told Taylor that I had to go the office regarding some designing, to which she told me that she had some work to finish anyway and would stay here a little longer.
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you? There's really no problem, I can go to the office later." I asked Taylor, but she only smile and said "It's fine really. You go work and when your'e done, call me. Okay?" I told her I'd call her in the evening and said goodbye to her, aware of the crowd forming in the cafe.
"Ugh... this is why I like solitude" I whispered to myself and tried to get out of the huge crowd of people blocking my way. I kept my head down and pulled my hat and glasses closer to my face so no one would recognize me, and kept my head down. It was only when I bumped into a wall and I fell face forward, but didn't hit the floor before someone caught me. Just as i was about to regain my footing someone pushed me from behind and I bumped into the wall again and felt a hot liquid trickling down my hands and then heard an "Ouch!" when I looked up to see that I had not only bumped into someone twice thinking it was a wall, but also spilled coffee on this person's white dress shirt which was now more brown than white.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you, I'm really sorry and I grabbed some napkins from the nearest table and started dabbing at the stain, only for the person to hold my wrist, demanding me to stop.
"Just stop! Look at what you've done! I've got a meeting in 30 minutes and you've soiled my shirt!" The man"s voice boomed and I dared myself to look up to see a pair of deep blue eyes staring right at me, fuming with anger.
"I'm really sorry sir, I didn't see you there, I'll pay for the damages and the dry cleaning. Actually you know what, I'll get you a new shirt, but I'm really sorry, sincerely." I apologized but it only made the man angrier.
"What good will cleaning or buying me a new shirt do now? I've got a meeting to attend and you've.... UGH!" He groaned in frustration and I apologized again and told him that I really didn't see him.
"Well how would you see, are you blind or something? Why are you wearing sunglasses inside the cafe?" He exclaimed, now more frustrated than angry.
This made me angry too. I'd been apologizing to the man for god knows how long and he can't get past the fact that I spilled the coffee on him, and it wasn't even mine for god's sake! I lost my temper and the nearly shouted but thought better not it and told him through clenched teeth "Well, if your'e so concerned about your meeting, you should stop wasting time already because you spent the last 10 minutes arguing with me when you could've just changed your stupid shirt." I hissed and he smirked, then exclaimed "At least I'm not the blind one here. You'll pay for the coffee you just spilled and the shirt you just ruined." He said it as a whisper but it was loud enough for everyone to hear, and a few people stared at us while some chuckled at how we were acting like kids.
I snapped and took of my glasses and for a few seconds he stared at me, awestruck, looking right into my eyes. He suddenly cleared his throat and looked away when I realized people were staring at me with shocked and surprised expressions, covering their mouths.
"Shit" I muttered then went to the counter and told Martha, the bartender, "Martha, please give this kind man a coffee of his liking and put it on my tab", and taking a pen from the counter and scribbling my number, gave it to her and told her to tell him that I'd pay for the ruined shirt. After that I pulled my hat down and put my glasses on and nearly ran out of there before people started talking.
.......................................................................................................Who is Isabelle really and why does she wear glasses all the time? Keep reading to find out!
Question of the Day: What is your favorite drink?