After that scenario at that cafe, I decided to stay away from there for a while before I would hear Lance and Arthur fighting with me to let the guards come along because "I needed to be protected from strange people".
I sighed. I've been sighing too much lately. I waited for my brothers to come in the car park below our office building. It was almost 12 pm already and then I heard the chime of a message and looked to see it from Tristan.
"We're here. You can come up now."
I took my bag and took my hat off, keeping it on the front seat and walked to the elevators. reaching my designated floor, I breathed in the scent of luxury and the doors opened to reveal a lavish lobby with modern and minimalist furniture. I walked the freshly polished floors and felt confidence oozing out of my body as every head turned in my direction, some gasping, some shocked and some surprised. How long since I came here last? I really can't remember. I should've worn the hat. Ugh.
Making my way up the to the top floor, I greeted Frederick, our P.A, and he nodded in agreement, giving me a small smile. As i strode into the CEO's office, a smile lit up my face to see two of my brothers already there, chatting with someone over a cup of coffee. I just couldn't get enough of them.
Walking towards them I sat down the couch nearest to Arthur and saw they were talking to Charlie Williams, a prominent figure in Thorne's industry, I thought to myself. They talked for a while, completely oblivious to my presence. When they got up to shake hands did I realise they were all looking at me while I had completely spaced out. I stood up suddenly and held out my hand to Charlie Williams, who took it and shook it firmly.
"Charlie Williams, Manager and a trusted friend of the Thorne family."
"Isabelle Edward, nice to meet you."
"This is our youngest sister" Arthur added to which Mr. Williams nodded and smiled at me, "Striking blue eyes, just like your brother." He said more carefully now, as I looked deeper into his eyes I could feel his fear when he looked in my eyes. and I smiled "Yes." And he must make you wet your pants if looking at mine has got you scared, I can only wonder what you felt looking at him.
Lance and I were known for our striking blue eyes, ones that made people's fear show on their faces. People couldn't look Lance in the eye when doing business with him. Neither could they with me. Once they had a look, their breaths would hitch and they'd stand there shocked for a few seconds before looking away and regaining their composure. Although I know it was wrong, it was just so much fun scaring people. Nobody could loo us in the ye, not even Josephine or Olivia.
After Mr. Williams left, I went to my office. Opening the door, I realized how long it had been since I came here. "One year." I whispered to myself. I had locked myself up for more than one year now, and I refused to go out anywhere. It had only been a few days that I started going to my boutique, and today was my second visit to the cafe. During this one year I had reflected on myself and brought about quiet some changes to my personality. I was more reserved now, more quiet... More sober? Perhaps. I had grown more serious too, and for the first time in my life, I actually enjoyed being alone, since my brothers were in England regarding business, the last time I saw them was nearly a year and a half ago.
I sighed and sat down on my chair, leaning back and enjoying the view from the French floor to wall window in my office, and after a while set down to drawing new designs for staff uniforms. Nearly two hours had passed when I called Anna, my P.A to bring in a snack for me from the cafeteria because I wouldn't be able to make it to lunch.
Nearly 15 minutes had passed and I heard a knock then my door opened. I didn't look up, engrossed in my work completely when a voice drew my out of my thoughts and I looked up to see Lance smiling down at me with two plates in his hand. He sat down across me and pushed the plate towards me.
"Eat." It felt like an order, but I was too hungry to mind so I dug in without a second look.
"Slow down Bee you'll choke" he laughed, making me aware of how I was eating, then he picked up his own sandwich and took a bite. We just sat there in silence, looking out the window when I spoke to him, causing him to look at me. "You okay Lance? You seem tired. Did you rest?
"Yeah don't worry love, I'm fine" he tried to reassure me but I didn't buy it, and gave him a skeptical look. "What? I'm fine Bee, don't worry about it, It's just work stress, you know, contracts, deals and all that stuff."
"So your'e trying to tell me that your'e growing old." I said with a very serious expression on my face but couldn't keep a straight face for long and started laughing.
"Ha-Ha, keep on laughing. I'm not old, it's just that the deal with the Thorne's pretty tough." He tried to defend himself, but to no avail. After I calmed down, I looked at him closely and could see the dark circles under his eyes.
"You know I could help you, right?" I asked, sounding concerned.
"I know, and I'll ask when I feel that I need help, so don't worry, everything's fine." He gave me a small smile and I nodded my head in understanding, because I knew arguing with him would get us now where.
"Anyways, how are the designs going so far?" He asked with a smile that reached his eyes, and I took this opportunity to become a complete dork.
"I'm done, you can take a look and approve them if you like."
"I don't need to approve them Belle, I know they'll be great. Just start working on them. Oh and before I forget, you wanted the old designs right? You'll have to fetch them yourself because everyone is busy right now."
"It's okay, I'll do it after lunch."
Lance stood up and nodded at me, then left the room.
A professional designer and business woman... What else has Isabelle got up her sleeve? And what surprises await her next? Keep reading to find out!
Question of the Day: Would you rather have siblings or be an only child?
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