After lunch I went to the store room to get files on the previous designs. On the way I could see people running around the office, all fully awake and it looked as if they were high. I caught the arm of someone who was just running past me and asked him what was going on.
"It's Mr. Thorne, he's coming right now"
"What? Now? Wasn't his visit scheduled to next week?"
"Yes ma'am, but there were some problems and so he's coming right now, the meeting is in an hour."
"Okay then. You can go," He nodded curtly before running back to god knows where. I had only walked a few steps when I heard my name, and turned around to see my P.A running towards me.
"Ms. Edward, the meeting with Mr. Thorne is in an hour, so you have to get changed into formal attire." Before I could say anything else, she added, "Mr. Edward asked me to see to it immediately as you will be in the meeting. He also told me to tell you to introduce yourself as the designer, shareholder and...." she paused for a second thinking on whether or not she should say anything further but then went on anyway. "And the heiress to the Edward Company, or rather Edward David George."
"What? Now? Why? Okay... Wait where do I have to go?" I was confused as hell, but decided to go with the flow and followed my P.A to the small boutique we had in our office for moments like these. I rummaged the racks for formal business attire and came upon the perfect pants and shirt, accompanied with the perfect back heels, I carried them to the changing room and quickly slipped them on.
When I came out, my P.A held out my glasses for me. I felt myself hesitating for a split second before putting them on.
'Tell me when the meeting starts, I'll be in my office." With that I went out and back to where I was headed, the store room.
After rummaging for what felt like hours, I checked my phone and saw it had been merely 40 minutes. Gathering all the designs and files I had found so far, I placed them in a big pile and decided to carry them to my office myself because calling someone to help would've been a waste of time. According to me at least.
Carefully picking up the heap I made my way to my office, and although I could not see anything at the front, I dodged people from the sides and luckily no one noticed.
"Almost... there..." I thought to myself and as soon as my office door came into view, I had the audacity to try and speed my pace a bit, because I realized my mistake only a moment later when I bumped into something, or someone and everything came tumbling down, along with me and the someone I bumped in to.
"Oof!" I exclaimed as fell on the floor with the thud, dragging along the person I bumped into with me when I snatched his or her collar for a last futile attempt to save my life. The next moment, as I opened my eyes, I could see black ones looking back at me, or maybe it were my glasses that made them look so dark. A moment later I was yanked up by someone after the person on top me kindly decided that it was time to get off.
"Belle! Are you okay?" was all I heard and then I looked at Tristan staring at me to see if I was fine, and me, looking at all the papers and files cluttered on the floor that I would have to arrange, ALL OVER AGAIN. My eyes shot to the man who bumped into me and it was that moment I snapped when I realized it was the same man from the cafe, and I said some things that I didn't really regret.
"Are you fuck*** mad? You ass****! Couldn't you see that someone was walking with so many fuck*** files and folders and you literally didn't see me, I mean are you insane? Or are you fuck*** blind?! Now who's going to arrange all those damn files?! Was this your plan of revenge? Because this is so fuck*** sick dude!" I kept on speaking, completely oblivious to the fact that the man in front of me looked at me with an amused face, while the people with him were shocked? surprised? I mean have they never seen someone talk back? Or snap because I don't know, life wasn't good? I mean, JESUS!
The employees of our company just gasped in shock and covered their mouths while Tristan tried to calm me down and then Arthur came running down followed by a very serious Lance, who surprised at the scene, wasn't much shocked to see me in all my bad ass glory. Although looking at the man I was cursing, he had second thoughts.
"Isabelle." Lance called and quickly came up to me and then shocked everyone, by pulling me in for a hug. Not that I minded, it felt nice but it was also kind of weird when I saw everyone staring at us, along with the man in front. Lance had his back to the man, and I realized that he hugged me to shut me up.
"Isabelle. Calm down. It's okay. Okay?" Lance said in a very concerned voice and I turned my head towards him and then he let me go, gave Arthur a nod, and Arthur took me to his office.
Was Isabelle right to lose her mind? Keep reading to find out!
Question of the Day: Have you ever accused someone of doing something they didn't?