"Wait here, I'll go in" I assured my driver as I unbuckled my seat belt and made my way to the cafe across the street, one I've been coming to for nearly the past two years every morning for their coffee. I wasn't one to like things so easily but something about this place just had me hooked. It must be their coffee, I thought. What else could it be?
Upon making my way in, I noticed the heavy crowd forming and decided to wait in line. It had been nearly five minutes that I heard someone laughing loudly from one of the corners. It was infectious, the laugh, and it wasn't in my resolve to just ignore when I looked in the direction of the laughter, and saw two young girls laughing hysterically. I could see one of them, who had her face towards me, with honey blonde hair and deep brown eyes, while the other's back was facing me. I could see strands of brown hair flowing down her back, and she was wearing denim jeans and a white crop top, along with a hat on her head. She titled her head and I saw that she also wore sunglasses and I smirked at how stupid this girl must be to wear glasses inside the cafe, even though it wasn't that sunny outside either.
Still, I envied their freedom to laugh and to enjoy themselves. My turn came sooner than expected and I had my coffee in my hands in less than five minutes. I took a sip, moving from the cashier who kept batting her eyelashes at me to grab my attention. Ugh...
I moved away towards the window when felt the crowd growing heavier so I decided to move out. I was about to turn around when someone bumped into me, a girl, to be precise, but I caught her hand and pulled her up.
I hear a sigh of relief and then she lunged at me again and this time with force, knocking my coffee cup from my hands and causing all the coffee to fall on me and stain my shirt.
"Ouch!" I exclaimed and looked up to see it was the same girl with the glasses. That's when I snapped.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you, I'm really sorry" she kept on speaking and grabbed some napkins from the nearest table and started dabbing at the stain, a futile effort, until I held her wrist tightly demanding her to stop.
"Just stop! Look at what you've done! I've got a meeting in 30 minutes and you've soiled my shirt!" I boomed, fuming with anger when she looked up to look in my eyes.
"I'm really sorry sir, I didn't see you there, I'll pay for the damages and the dry cleaning. Actually you know what, I'll get you a new shirt, but I'm really sorry, sincerely." She apologized but it only made me angrier for some reason.
"What good will cleaning or buying me a new shirt do now? I've got a meeting to attend and you've.... UGH!" I groaned in frustration and she apologized again and told me that she really didn't see me. I figured this was one of the same attempts women make to flatter me. Trust me, There's been worse scenarios than this one, and all the drama just to get my number.
"Well how would you see, are you blind or something? Why are you wearing sunglasses inside the cafe?" I exclaimed, growing more frustrated than angry. But what she said next surprised me.
"Well, if your'e so concerned about your meeting, you should stop wasting time already because you spent the last 10 minutes arguing with me when you could've just changed your stupid shirt." she hissed and I smirked, then said "At least I'm not the blind one here. You'll pay for the coffee you just spilled and the shirt you just ruined." I said it as a whisper but I was sure it was loud enough for everyone to hear, and a few people stared at us while some chuckled at us.
That moment her expression changed and she suddenly took of her glasses and for a few seconds I stared at her eyes, awestruck, boring right into mine. What I felt as I stared at those ocean eyes could not be explained. I felt myself drowning in the sea, and fear crept up my chest, something I had never experienced before, but now it felt so surreal. I suddenly cleared my throat and looked away, trying to slow down my increasing heartbeat and regaining composure, when I realized people were staring at... her? with shocked and surprised expressions, covering their mouths, but I didn't quite get why.
"Shit" I heard her mutter and then she went to the counter and told the bartender, "Martha, please give this kind man a coffee of his liking and put it on my tab", and taking a pen from the counter and scribbling something on the napkin, she gave it to her and pulled down her hat and put her glasses back on and nearly ran out.
I was still shocked to comprehend the whole situation and people whispering about it didn't help my case. I went to the counter where I got my new coffee, and the bartender gave me the napkin.
"This is her number, she told me to tell tell you to contact her and she would pay for the shirt." I took the napkin from her and noticed how even the scribbled handwriting looked so neat. I put it in my pocket and left the cafe when I saw myt driver frowning at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Sir, your shirt.. it's umm..."
I looked down and noticed the large stain. "Fuck." I muttered.
Thankfully there was a spare shirt in my office which was only a ten minute drive away but the meeting was in 15. I message my P.A to reschedule the meeting to some other day as I had to go meet the Edward sons.
All changed and tidy, I was on my way when Lance Edward called me.
"Thorne." Was all he said.
"I'm on my way, I'll be there in half an hour tops."
"Okay then" And then he cut the call. Lance Edward, a clever, cunning and cold person, best at what he does-business. This was why I respected him and decided to meet with him regarding a new contract that would benefit us both, and to my surprise, he agreed.
Entering Edward Enterprises I saw it in its full glory, and was thoroughly impressed by not just outside, but the inside was just as magnificent. Lance Edward was good at what he did, along with his brothers Arthur and Tristan. Too good.
On reaching the top floor, I heard a chime on my phone to find a text from Amelia.
"I'm on my way and Aidan's with me.Don't do anything stupid."
This was all she said. I was busy replying to her, oblivious to my surroundings when I crashed into something, rather someone, who tried to take hold of my collar for support but failed and dragged me along with them.
"Oof!" I heard her say.
I found myself lying on top of a woman and after regaining my senses, i quickly got up with the help of Lucas, my P.A.
"Belle! Are you okay?" a man ran towards her and helped her up. I recognized him immediately as Tristan David Edward, the youngest brother. I looked at the woman with a confused face and then I saw those glasses, and I realized something. But before I could say anything, all hell broke loose.
"Are you fuck*** mad? You ass****! Couldn't you see that someone was walking with so many fuck*** files and folders and you literally didn't see me, I mean are you insane? Or are you fuck*** blind?! Now who's going to arrange all those damn files?! Was this your plan of revenge? Because this is so fuck*** sick dude!" She kept on speaking, completely oblivious to the fact that I now had an amused expression on my face, while the people beside me were gaping at her audacity to talk balk.
Just as she was taking, two men whom I recognized to Arthur David Edward and then Lance David Edward came in worried. Who was this woman and how had she captured all the attention in a matter of seconds? And they said I was a drama queen.
"Isabelle."Lance called out to her. That's when Edward's eldest son shocked not only me, but also the rest of the people around. He hugged her. "Isabelle. Calm down. It's okay. Okay?" Lance told her, concerned, and he he let her go, gave Arthur a nod, and Arthur took her to his office.
Lance cleared his throat, looking at me then motioned to Tristan who told the employees to go back to work. "Mr. Thorne." Lance said, and I looked at him and then he gestured to follow him, and I did, all the while wondering who she was. Girlfriend? Probably. But why did it bother me? I had no idea.
Was Adam's anger towards Isabelle justified? Why does Isabelle's relationship matter to Adam? Keep reading on to find out!
Question of the Day: Have you ever worn sunglasses in a dark room or somewhere they weren't needed?
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