Chapter 8: Confident


"Isabelle Rose Edward" she just stated. "Designer, shareholder, and... heiress... to Edward David George". Arthur cleared his throat, "Mr. Thorne, Isabelle is our youngest sister."

The Edward sons had a sister. Isabelle Rose Edward.

"Really? Interesting." I said, as if I enjoyed it. "A pleasure to meet you Ms. Edward."

She nodded at me and then sat beside Lance. Did she hold this much authority? I thought to myself.

Soon the presentations started and all eyes were on the screen except mine. I couldn't stop looking at her. She even tried to steal a glance towards me but I caught her and smirked, and she glared, which only made me want to look even more, until I heard Lance clear his throat and she looked away.

After the presentation, while we all discussed the project and the contract, she seemed to be unbothered and would only comment with a simple yes or no. Only when we were done discussing did she look up at us, and when she saw our expectant hazes, she finally spoke.

"We'll discuss the rest and we'll let you know as soon as possible. Thank you for your time Mr. Thorne, Ms. Thorne." She looked at me and I looked back with an intense gaze as she stood up, never leaving my eyes, and I followed suite.

"I hope I didn't waste much of your time, Mr. Thorne, you looked as if you would miss a very important meeting." she grinned at me knowingly, and I smirked at her and went closer, then held out my hand. Normally anyone would back away, be it a man or a woman, when I went closer to them. Although I was taller than her, she didn't even flinch, an unreadable expression on her face, and to say I was impressed was an understatement.

"Not at all. I hope I can see you again." With that she shook my hand and I grinned, holding her hand longer than necessary, then left the boardroom followed by Aveline and Aidan behind me.

What was I doing? I couldn't look her in the eye for more than ten seconds. ME, ADAM FUCK*** THORNE, whom people feared, cowered before and trembled. I guess this was why she wore those glasses all the time, and now that I think of it, so did Lance.

"Helloooo!" Aveline frowned and snapped her finger before my eyes.

"What are you thinking of Adam? Don't tell me it's her." She said in a sing-song voice that made me frustrated.

"Stop teasing him Ave, he won't answer and you know it. Although, she is the most beautiful creature you've ever seen, right?" Aidan stated, and my head snapped towards him in an instant. I glared at him and he took it as a sign to stop speaking.

"I'll take that as a yes." Aidan whispered, but it was loud enough for me to hear.

The rest of the day was spent in my office, and I could swear I could see everyone whispering something when I was around, although I had no idea what it was about. On finishing work, the office was nearly empty except a selective few. I could see some people huddled together by a desk whispering and giggling and I made my way towards them.

"Sounds like you all are enjoying your time in the office, aren't you?" I spoke from behind them and they all gasped and suddenly turned to face me.

"Sorry Mr. Thorne, we were just.... discussing some things related to work." A woman in her mid-twenties looked at me and batted her eyelashes and licked her lips to grab my attention, but it only made me angry.

"LUCAS!" I shouted to see a a worried Lucas running towards us.

"Why are they here?" I asked rather sternly.

"They failed to complete their work so they were required to stay late and finish it, Sir." Lucas replied, not looking at me, and my head snapped back to the people in front.

"Lucas. I want their resignations first thing in the morning tomorrow." I ordered him and he nodded his head, and I strode out of the office leaving the people behind with shocked faces.

Reaching home I swiped my key card to unlock my penthouse. It was empty, as usual, no one was around and I was now used to the silence that tried to haunt me but failed. But what did haunt me? Those piercing blue eyes. They showed me fear. Never did I imagine I would feel it, but I was proven wrong. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice when my phone chimed with a notification from Lucas, my P.A.

"Mr. Thorne, they've signed the contract."

And I smirked.


How did Isabelle know Adam's reaction? Now that they're tied by a contract, what happens when they work together? Keep reading to find out!

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