Chapter 9: Night Out


"What?" I snapped my head to where Tristan sat, behind me while I got ready in my room.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking.... Whatever was going on inside the head of Adam Thorne?" He stated simply, then looked at me and smiled while I looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him simply, turning my head back towards the mirror to make my hair.

"What are you not telling me Belle?" He asked, and this made me stop in my tracks, and I sighed.

"Look, I went to the cafe today to have coffee with Taylor, and then there was a sudden crowd and I slammed into some guy, twice, and the second time I knocked over his coffee which apparently left a really big stain on his shirt, but just so you know, I was pushed, I don't bump into random strangers normally. Anyway, he blamed me, we had a little argument and I kinda took off my glasses and then everybody around us stared and me and whispered some things which I know CAN NOT be good, and anyway, I don't really care, but just don't tell Lance please... And then I left the cafe and paid for his spilled coffee and said I would pay for the shirt too but he made a fuss like a kid, and then I bumped into him again today, as you saw, and that's pretty much it." I stopped for a second to catch my breath then continued. "Please don't tell Lance, please...."

Tristan blinked once, then twice, and them laughed. "Wow Bee, didn't think you had it in you. Anyhow, it's fine but that wasn't really what I was asking about." He made a sheepish grin and I sat staring at him to continue.

"What I meant was, is there any special reason as to why he was staring at you the whole meeting?" He asked and I thought about my words carefully.

"No, I;m not sure... Maybe because I had the audacity to curse him?" And that left me and Tristan laughing hysterically until one of the maids came with my dress.

"We'll be leaving in 20 Bee, hurry up, okay?" Tristan told me as he got up from my couch.

"Okay, I just need to change." I told him and he left the room.

I went to my closet to wear the dress that was apparently chosen by my brother dearest, Arthur, because I had to accompany them to a club for a meeting with the Thornes. But the meeting wasn't formal, we just had to get to know each other apparently, as Lance told me, since we signed the contract. It had been two weeks since we signed and I had not seen Adam Thorne anywhere. Good for me though, at least I wouldn't have to waste my time with the Greek God. Wait, did I just call him a Greek God? I slapped my head and quickly slipped on my dress, and admired my reflection in the mirror,

"Damn, I look good." I chuckled to myself and remembered that I had not been to a club for more than two years now, let alone wear a short dress, but I felt beautiful and that was what mattered to me.

Straightening a few folds and grabbing a clutch, I went out towards the living room and was walking down the stairs when I heard a whistle, actually two whistles and looked down to see me brothers looking up and whistling, making me laugh.

"You look HOT Bee, see, I told you I had an amazing taste." Arthur exclaimed while Tristan gave me a bear hug and told me I looked amazing. I looked to see Lance with a surprised face and then he glared at Arthur.

"I told you to get her something respectable enough so men wouldn't gawk at her like you two are right now." He said through clenched teeth and Arthur chuckled nervously.

"Oh wow, must have slipped my mind, but that's okay, we'll be there to stop any man from looking, or we'll gauge their eyes out. Right man?" He looked at Tristan hopefully for support and Tristan sighed. "Yeah, don't worry Lance, we're running late as it is.

"FINE." Lance hissed and them took off outside, and we followed quietly.

The entrance to the club was packed and so we had to stop a little far from the main entrance because we were already late.

"Stay close and don't go anywhere, got it?" Lance told me as we got out pf our car and walked towards the entrance. I could feel heads turning and people staring so I slid closer to Lance and hooked my arm through his, and he gave me a reassuring pat on my arm making me relax a little.

Just stating the the club was high class would be an understatement. I looked around me and basked in the luxury around me, while a manager came and led us to the VIP area. I walked right next to lance, my arm still linked through his and Arthur and Tristan were close behind. I walked up the stairs and saw a less crowded area and in one of the biggest booths saw the Thorne family sitting and talking quietly, enjoying their drinks. We walked towards them and when they noticed us, they all stood up.

"Hello again Mr. Edward, it's nice to see you again." Aidan Thorne came forward and greeted us and then stopped at me, looking me up and down before Lance cleared his throat.

"Uh, right, hello to you too, Ms. Edward, you look amazing tonight." He said shyly and settled back and then Aveline came forward and greeted us all.

"Wow, you look so pretty today, Ms. Edward!" She said excitedly and I smiled at her and complimented her dress as well as she looked really nice too.

"You can call me Belle, no need to be formal you two." I smiled at them and they nodded their heads in agreement. Then cam the devil himself, Adam Thorne, greeting Lance and then me.

"We meet once more, Ms. Edward, and might I say, you look ravishing tonight", he looked at me intently and then took my hand and kissed the back of my knuckles never leaving my eyes, making me blush and feel a tingling sensation where he held my hand. We stared at each other until I heard a very familiar voice that made me look back, and I saw my cousin Gareth David King walking towards us with a big smile on his face as he looked at me.

Adam Thorne backed away to get a clearer view of the person and had a confused look on his face when Gareth cam and kissed me on on cheek and put his arm around my waist.

"Did you miss me Belle? I know you couldn't resist such a handsome face as mine. But don't worry sweetheart, I'm here now." He waggled his eyes playfully at me and I giggled, then tried to swat his chest when he caught my hand and put it on his heart.

"This is where you hit me Belle, right here." And he chuckled along with my brothers at my bewildered expression then let go of my hand, but not my waist, and looked at Adam Thorne.

"Gareth David King, and you must be Adam Thorne, nice to meet you." He sounded polite but I couldn't miss the hint of poison in his words.

"Yes, although I wish I could say the same." Adam Thorne smirked and looked at the hand around my waist and frowned.

"And how do you know this lovely woman here?" He asked, and I could hear the curiosity in his voice.

"That's for you to guess and and me to know, my kind sir." Gareth told him smirking, and I patted his chest.

"Gareth is my cousin, Mr. Thorne, and a close friend as well." I told him, and he just nodded his head, thinking of something I couldn't quite comprehend.

"Please, call me Adam, no need for formalities." And I smiled at him.

As we all sat and chatted, Aveline came to me and we talked about random stuff, and I figured she and Aidan must be twins, since they were the same age and looked so similar to each other. She was a nice person to talk to and I felt myself relaxing, oblivious to the tense atmosphere around me and the pair of eyes that stared at me continuously.

"You look really beautiful tonight Belle." Gareth whispered in my ear but loud enough so that everyone could hear, including Adam. I looked at Gareth and smiled and then he left to get me a drink.

"So, is Gareth King your boyfriend?" Aveline asked with sparkling eyes full of excitement, and i laughed at her.

"No, it's not like that, we're just really close because we basically grew up together. And he flirts with literally everyone." I smiled at her when Gareth came and handed me my drink, with a big smile on his face.

"So Isabelle, what is that you do exactly, in your company?" I turned around and saw Adam Thorne looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"Nothing much, I'm their designer, interior decorator, artist, and all the orders have to go through me before they are finalized." I stated simply the truth

"I also have a boutique", to which he nodded and smiled, continuing to sip his drink. To say his smile was simply gorgeous would be lying. I took this opportunity to stare at how his first two shirt buttons were open and his shirt stretched across his body, his dark blue coat matching the color of his eyes and his perfectly sculpted face and jawline that made me stare for a while till I heard my name being called, and I looked up to realize I had been staring for too long, and Adam had noticed.


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