Chapter 17: Party Time

I looked at myself, completely awestruck and for the first time in two years, I felt beautiful. I looked at my reflection once more, the dress and my eyes looked like one.

Making my way down the stairs at exactly 7:30 pm, I saw my family waiting for me downstairs. They all looked up to the sound of my heels on the stairs and I could swear I saw their mouth hang open.

"You look beautiful darling." My dad came and hugged me. "Just like you mother." And gave me a wide smile. Then my brothers came all at once.

"You look amazing Bee!" Tristan exclaimed, smiling and Arthur joined in.

"Beautiful. Just like mom." I looked at Lance smiling at me and I smiled back at him, then went forward and hugged him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Me too, love." And he pulled away smiling, kissing my forehead.

"Where is everyone?" I saw Gareth coming in with a big smile on his face and stopped in his tracks when he looked at me, and started clapping.

"You look HOT Belle!" And I laughed at him, when he came and kissed me on the cheek.

"And thank you, for the lovely suit you designed, mademoiselle." He said still smiling, and I glanced at his Blue-grey suit that matched his eyes, and the navy blue pocket square that matched my dress. Lance's outfit was the same color as mine since our eyes were the same, and Tristan's were a shade of grey-green, so I made his suit grey with a light green pocket square. Arthur's was a darker grey shade, matching his eyes. Dad's suit was Black, with a black bowtie since his eyes were a really dark grey, nearly black.

Olivia wore a pink dress and looked surprisingly nice.

"I wanted a shocking pink one, but this'll do as well." Olivia said, but I ignored her.

While Josephine requested a black one.

"My lady." Gareth offered me his arm and I took it, smiling, and we walked towards his car while the others came in theirs. On reaching the party did I realize how big it was.

"Wow, this is amazing." I exclaimed, looking out the window, and Gareth nodded. He got out and held the door for me and held out his other hand, which I took and got out of the car to the flashing of numerous cameras. Taking his arm, we walked ahead a bit and stood where the rest of our family stood. We talked to numerous people, Gareth taking me everywhere with him, with cameramen following us close.

"Ms. Edward! Mr. King!" Someone called us and we both looked back to see photographers taking our pictures, calling us and we turned around.

That's when I saw Adam Thorne with his family. And I felt like the world had stopped. He looked ridiculously handsome, wearing his suit that matched his eyes, a deep blue that looked almost black when looked from far away, and in his pocket he had a navy blue pocket square, the color of my eyes, just like the one in Gareth's pocket.

I don't remember putting that in there, I thought, and I looked at him smiling at me, and I smiled back.

Gareth noticed us looking and smiling at each other when he put his hand on my waist and pulled me close and then kissed me on my cheek, smiling widely at me while everyone took our pictures.

"Are you two dating Mr. King?" Someone said.

"That's for you to guess and us to know." He winked at me and I smiled at him while he gave everyone his signature grin that made ladies fall at his feet, but I laughed at the thought. I looked at Adam again who was no longer smiling, but had an unreadable expression on his face which I couldn't quite comprehend. Gareth then pulled me with him and we walked over to the Thorne family.

"Belle!"Aveline exclaimed and smiled at me. She wore a light green dress that matched her eyes and Aidan was right beside her, wearing a black tux.

"I must say, you've done an amazing job with this tux." Aidan smiled at me and I thanked him

"You look so pretty! Dad come here!" Aveline squealed and a man in his fifties came ahead and smiled at me.

"Isabelle, lovely to meet you finally, and I must say, you've done a great job with these outfits. Adam personally told us how talented you were and even showed me the designs your'e working on with him. I love your work." He gave a warm fatherly smile, and I smiled back at him.

"Lovely to meet you too, sir. And thank you so much, I really appreciate it." Just then someone came beside me and took my waist, pulling me close. I thought it was Gareth, but when I looked up, I saw Adam holding me close and smiling at me.

"See, I told you dad." He said and his father nodded at me, then left with Aveline and Aidan to talk to some of his friends.

"You look absolutely breathtaking sweetheart." He whispered in my ear, making a shiver run down my spine and I took a whiff of his intoxicating cologne that made me want to lean in even more, until Gareth came in front of us.

"Mr. Thorne, I've come to take my date back." He stated simply, glaring at him and the took my hand and pulled me towards him.

I have to be honest though, I felt pretty disappointed when his hand left my waist.

My brothers came and greeted the Thorne family, along with my father and Olivia and Josephine close behind. Olivia took every chance she could to suck up to Adam, but he ignored her completely, which only made her more shameless.

"Would you like to dance Adam?" She asked him, batting her eyelashes at him.

"No thank you." And I chuckled along with my brothers which made her glare at us. Then Adam held out his hand to me and looked at me expectantly.

"May I have your first dance, Belle?" He asked, and I glanced at my father who nodded, then put my hand in his while he whisked me away to the dance floor, drawing me close by my waist and holding my hand, started moving to the rhythm.

"I thought I gave you a different colored square." I said, pointing to his coat pocket.

"You did, and I remembered how you told me that you matched your dresses with everyone's eyes, so I put in one that matched, well... yours." He said, smiling sheepishly.

I felt heat rising to my cheeks and before I knew it, the song was over and he left my hand, reluctantly, and smiled before I made my way back to my brothers and saw them throwing out death glares at Adam before smiling at me like nothing was wrong.


Adam finally asked Belle to dance! What reactions do their families have and what blast from the past will knock Isabelle down? Keep reading to find out!

Question of the Day: Is there someone you want to forget?

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