I looked at my watch once again, on my way out of Lance Edward's office when the door opened suddenly and a woman came in angry, and tripped when I caught her mid air. I looked at her and realized she was Belle.
"Oof!"she looked up to see me. "Hi." She whispered and straightened up, then glare behind me. I turned around and saw her walking towards her brothers.. furiously?
"What the actual F*** Lance!" She screamed at him and his eyes widened, and I looked at him amused.
"Were you that mad about me going out to dinner last night that you couldn't wake me up in the morning?! Were you seriously that pissed off even when I told you the truth and everything else? I seriously can't believe you now, why would you stoop that low? And then you told the guards not to let me out of the house, or enter here?" she scoffed at him.
"Isabelle." He warned. "Let's talk somewhere else. Not here. Not now."
"No, I'm done talking. I was only here to see if you were really the one who did this but now I'm sure."
"Belle, calm down okay, let's talk." Tristan tried to take her hands but she pushed him away.
"I'm leaving. You can talk about all you want, but I'm going. Have fun controlling other people's lives, because I'm DONE!" she left the office, slamming the door. I shrugged my shoulders and went out to see her still outside, pacing.
Boy she looked cute when she was mad, I thought and chuckled.
I touched her arm and she turned around furiously.
"What now?" She snapped and surprised me, then calmed down a bit when she saw me.
"Sorry. I got a little carried away." she answered, not looking in my eyes.
"It's okay. Happens all the time" I grinned at me but she didn't even glance at me.
"Are you going somewhere?" I asked
"Yes, to my boutique."
"Come on, I'll drop you." I offered, pointing to my car.
"No it's fine, thank you. My driver's on the way."
"I insist. Isabelle." I said and opened the door for her, and she sat down before looking at me thoughtfully. I told Carter to take us to the cafe but she seemed to distracted to notice me speaking.
"Why are we here?" she asked once we reached.
"To have breakfast. You don't look like you've eaten anything since last night, am I correct?" I said and she nodded, thinking hard about something.
We sat in a corner near the window where we sat last time and sipped on our coffee and ate brownies, sitting in complete silence, when I reached across, taking off her glasses and putting them on the table and looking at her beautiful eyes.
"Are you okay?" I finally asked her, quite concerned when she didn't speak.
"Not really, but I'll manage." she answered me honestly, giving me a slight nod.
"Do they hate me that much?" I asked again and she almost choked on her coffee, making me chuckle.
She looked at me confused.
"Your brothers, I mean. They looked displeased."
"Yes, they weren't exactly elated but I cleared the air for them. At least I thought I did..." she sighed and we didn't speak after that.
The car ride was mostly silent until she spoke suddenly.
"Right, um... before I forget, I need your size", She told me as we reached our destination.
I looked at her thinking hard before nodding. "Okay.. I have some time now so you can take it right now. If it's no problem?"
She sucked in a sharp breath. "Yeah... Yeah no problem.. Come on in."
When we went in I saw a luxurious boutique with racks lining the walls and fancy clothes hanging, along with a few employees working here and there, some even gasped when they saw me.
"Oh my god it's Adam Thorne!" A few girls squealed and Isabelle glanced at me, but I had my usual cold expression on my face.
"Come this way" She led me to her office, a spacious room with a floor to wall window. I took off my coat slowly, while she watched my every move.
"Am I supposed to take off my clothes?" I asked innocently.
"No!" she answered quickly and I smirked.
She came closer and took my measurements, and I took this is as an opportunity to lean in closer and take a whiff of her perfume.
Vanilla, I thought.
"This reminds of that little moment in my office." I whispered in her while she took my collar measurements and she pulled at the tape, choking me slightly, then letting go and looking me in the eyes. A few seconds passed like this and we didn't move until someone knocked on the door and came in.
"Um.. Mr. Thorne?" Her head snapped to Carter, and she looked anywhere but at me, her face turning a light shade of red.
"What?" I snapped, rather loudly and Carter flinched.
"Lucas is calling saying you won't pick your phone. You have a meeting in less than half an hour, Sir." he said this and hurried out.
"I'm done anyway so you can go now." she said slowly and looked at me.
"Do you want me to go?" I said and inched closer to her, making her back away a bit.
"You're running late as it is. Aveline already sent me her preferences and sizes... for Aidan and your dad too... So I'll get to work." she told him and I nodded, taking the hint. "Do you have any preferences?" She asked me, causing me to smirk.
"You." I said, and left her with her mouth hanging open.
Is Adam hooked already to our loving Belle? She makes his heart beat faster, but does he realize it? Keep reading to find out!
Question of the Day: break dancing or a waltz?
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