"Isabelle.." I heard someone whisper but ignored it.
"Isabeeeelleeee..." Someone whispered in sing song voice.
"You think she's okay?" Another voice said and I pulled my covers over my face trying to drown out their voices which moved closer to me by every passing second.
"Should we just pull it off from her? Another voice said.
"No, you know she gets cranky when we do that.
A voice of reason and good judgement.
"Isabelleeee?" Someone whispered from so close that I groaned and took off the duvet from my head in a flash.
"WHAT?" I snapped and looked at the three bewildered faces suddenly step back in defense.
"You okay?" Tristan asked me, examining my face and turning it around to get a better look.
"How... What... UGH STOP!" I flung his hands away and glared at my three annoying brothers for waking me up so early... At least I thought it was early... Right?
"Can't a lady sleep peacefully? I glared at them again, throwing daggers but they snickered.
"A lady isn't supposed to be in bed all day.." Arthur exclaimed in a high pitched voice, making Tristan and Lance burst into a fit of laughter.
"Stop this instant or I will go back to sleep!" I threatened them and they stopped laughing, trying to make serious faces.
"Ugh... I just... can't with you three. What is it now?" I asked them rubbing my face.
"We have work, in case you forgot, my lady." Tristan said and snickered, making the other two chuckle and then shut up when I glared daggers at them.
"Whaaat? It's not a holiday?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"No love, it's Tuesday, the weekend was over a day ago." Lance shrugged at me while I rolled my eyes and got out of bed until I heard them all scream.
"What now?!" I turned to face them as they attempted at hiding their faces.
"A lady is expected to be decent." Arthur said chuckling while covering his eyes and I looked down at my silky purple shorts and back up at them.
"You're so immature. All of you!" I pointed my finger at each one of them and stomped to the bathroom to wash my face, then to the closet, them still waiting for me, but now comfortable on the couch with their phones in their hands. I opened my mouth to say something but Lance beat me to it.
"We're going to Thorne's office today so be presentable. It's expected of a lady." He smirked, not looking at me and I rolled my eyes before heading back to the closet and finding something 'presentable'.
And deciding to wear a hat today instead of glasses, I texted Taylor I make it to the cafe in a while cafe because I was already running late. Also because I just talked to her a few hours ago to relay all the events of yesterday, and we had ended up talking till nearly 5 a.m.
Thinking about talking with Taylor made me instantly remember the kiss I shared last night with Adam and my fingers automatically touched my lip as I relished in the memory, when someone cleared their throat behind me.
"Ready?" Tristan spoke and I turned around suddenly, he looked at me skeptically before I nodded my head and put my hat on, following him to his car.
"Are you hungry, B?" Arthur asked me on the way from the front seat.
"Yeah could we make a small stop at the cafe if that's okay? If we're not running late that is..." I said as I trailed off and Lance nodded to me from the rear view mirror and turned towards the cafe.
We were there in nearly ten minutes and as soon as we got out, I could see many, many girls and women staring at my brothers. Many is an understatement.
"Lance" I whispered and he looked at me. "They're staring at you guys"
"Can't help it if we're hot, B." Arthur chimed in from beside me, and all three of them took out their sunglasses and put them on at the same time and I saw people fainting. That may be a bit too dramatic.
Lance offered me his arm and we walked inside the cafe, all eyes turning to me this time.
"Great. Now what." I muttered under my breath and heard Lance chuckle.
"Isabelle Edward! Your boyfriend's waiting for you at your seat!" Martha said as soon as she saw us and pointed to my place where Adam sat with his back to us, doing something on his phone,
"I'll get you your coffee's now!" She exclaimed excitedly and went to the back and I exhaled and looked at my brothers who looked somewhat bewildered.
"You have a boyfriend?" Arthur asked.
"No, I don't. Come on." I muttered and dragged them to the seat and saw Adam look up with a smile before frowning at my personal 'bodyguards'.
"I've been waiting for a while now." He said so slowly it made me nervous and think back to last night. His gaze went to my lips automatically before looking back at me with a smirk. "Miss me?"
I felt heat rise to my cheeks and looked away.
"Ahem." Tristan cleared his throat while sitting down next to... Taylor?
"Taylor? When did you get here?" I asked her, and she looked at me from her laptop.
"Oh! You're here! Finally!" She exclaimed and took my arm, dragging me to the seat between her and Adam... Closer to Adam, although. Just as we all sat down, our coffee and brownies came, along with some cupcakes.
"Who ordered cupcakes?" I asked.
"I did, they seemed good." Arthur answered while reaching for one of them and stuffing the whole thing in his mouth.
"And here I thought Englishmen were gentlemen and actually had manners." Taylor said while looking at Arthur, who was still stuffing the cupcake in his mouth.
"Whaaat? I am a gentleman!" Arthur exclaimed with a muffled sound and made us all chuckle.
I looked over at Adam who sipped his coffee quietly, but was looking at me the entire time.
"What?" I whispered
"What?" He whispered back.
"Why are you staring at me?" I asked him confused, but made sure no one heard me as they occupied themselves with breakfast and Arthur's antics.
"You look nice... I've been wanting to see you for a while now.." He said as if he was unsure of himself... almost, nervous...
"But we literally saw each other last night!"
"I know but.. I just wanted to see you again... I... I can't get you out of my head." He said slowly and looked at me expectantly.
"We'll talk later." I told him while noticing the group had become a bit quieter now and we would be heard.
"To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing Mr. Thorne here today?" Lance suddenly asked and we all looked at him, but Adam only raised his coffee cup.
"Coffee. It's good. Very... Addicting." As he said the last word he glanced at me and I gulped.
Addicting? What the hell is that supposed to mean?!
"Hmm... And you've been coming here for how long now?" Lance asked him again with a serious expression we wouldn't quite comprehend, and I quickly took a brownie and made myself busy eating it.
"Two years... Maybe a little more..." He answered and looked back at him with the same intensity.
"Then how come we've never sen you here before?" Arthur asked him this time.
"I don't come here often." H e simply stated and went back to his coffee.
"You do now though, don't you?" Lance said, glancing at me but Adam's jaw only clenched as he sipped his coffee and didn't answer.
Why don't they just kill each other already? It's so obvious they want to, then why wait?
Taylor cleared her throat to divert the attention and thankfully, it worked.
"Well, it was nice seeing you all again after some time, but I have to go now and I'm guessing you'll be late to work too if you don't leave soon.. Yeah?" She looked at me expectantly.
"Yeah.. yes.." I answered quickly and everyone nodded, while Taylor hugged me goodbye and left for work after paying for her coffee, and everyone resumed their glaring at each other, while I sighed.
What have I gotten myself into?
As tensions rise between everyone, how will they handle all the problems being thrown at them?
Keep reading to find out!
Question of the day: Brownies or cupcakes?
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