Chapter 34: Slipping through the Cracks

On finishing coffee we all went to Adam's office since the work was there. Adam offered to take me in his car but my nerves got the best of me. Although before I could say anything, Lance glared at him and steered me towards our car with my elbow, and we rode in silence until we reached the office.

"Stay close, B." Lance suggested and I rolled my eyes at him before getting out of the car to see Adam already waiting for us, talking to some man I figured was Charlie Williams once we walked closer to them.

"Ah, Ms. Edward! So nice to see you again." He stretched his hand out to me and I took it politely, before he looked between me and Adam and I saw some kind of emotion flicker across his face.

"Yes, you too." I replied politely, still observing him when my brothers came up to us to greet the man, and we went inside.

"Stay close." Adam whispered in my ear, his warm breath making goosebumps rise on the back o my neck before I glanced at him smirking, and decided to walk with him while the others went ahead, oblivious that I had been left behind in their conversations with Mr. Williams. Once they were out of sight, Adam snaked his arm my waist and I jumped a bit.

"What are you doing?" I whisper-screamed at him.

"We had a deal, remember?"

"Yes, but it does not apply here, remember? I mimicked him.

"Darling, everyone already knows so its best if you just go with it.' He smirked at me, taking off my hat and dragged me inside with his free hand on my waist, and I swear every single face turned around to look at us.

"Just great." I muttered, and walked with him.

That's her! She's Isabelle Edward!

She's the girlfriend?

Yeah, she's the one in the pictures!

She is pretty, don't you think?

Don't worry, she's just another one of his conquests.

The grip my hand had on Adam's arm tightened but I looked forward and walked with my head high, pretending as if all of this didn't affect me.

Why did I care what they said? But it did, and that's the problem. I get insecure when rumors about me float around. Not good ones especially.

Adam looked at me concerned "Are you okay?"

I didn't look into his eyes but I could sense that he felt something was wrong the way I turned pale.

"Rumors..." I murmured so quietly he wouldn't have heard. Except he did, and his jaw clenched when he looked around us.

"Is something the problem?" He said loud enough that everyone went silent. "If so, feel free to send in your resignations by noon to my P.A. I'll be waiting." He said giving everyone a stern look before gazing at my eyes, taking my hand and leading me away to the elevators.

Everyone went silent and no one looked at me anymore. I took a sigh of relief when the elevator doors closed.

"News sure travels fast, doesn't it?" I chuckled nervously and he looked at me like I'd gone mad.

"Why do you give a fuck about what they think?" He asked me seriously.

"Because I... I know what rumors can do to a person and no matter the cost, I am not wiling to go through that again. For any one. Ever." I told him, my eyes glossing over and I looked away before he could see my face.

"Okay. I understand..." He said so softly that I wouldn't have heard him if not for the silence around us. The elevator doors opened with a ding and I quickly walked out and towards the board room where the meeting was going to take place.

I went in and saw Aveline talking to some people before she saw me and gave me a small wave, rushing over.

"Isabelle, hi! How are you?" She said excitedly and I forced a smile.

"I'm fine... It's good to see you too." And she nodded before looking around me.

"Where's Adam?" She asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"We came up together but I came here first.. he must be around here. Where are my brothers?" I asked her looking around.

"They're right there. Waiting for you, in fact... Are you.. okay? You look a bit.. pale.." She looked at me concerned.

"Just.. a minor problem... Don't worry..." I gave her a small smile and patted her arm before making my way to my brothers.

I reached them and felt dizzy all of a sudden, and grabbed Tristan's arm to steady myself.

"Whoa, B, you okay?" Tristan held me and looked at me confused.

"I...I don't know what happened... I..." I felt emotions piling up again as unpleasant memories made their way to the surface through the cracks that I had blocked long ago. "So many rumors... Please... stop them..." I felt a tear fall down and Lance gripped my other arm, steadying me.

"Hey, hey, look at me.. Calm down... Deep breaths.. B, look at me.." Lance made me look at him and I shook my head.

"No..please stop, let me go.. please...." I whispered, more tears escaping my eyes when I suddenly felt someone hug me and whisper in my ear.

"It's okay... It's okay... I'm here and I won't let them get to you... They're gone now...Hush..." He whispered softly and I shuddered before giving myself in to the embrace, breathing in the comforting scent of... Adam.

He rubbed my back shortly and I exhaled slowly, the tension from my body releasing before I felt myself slip into darkness.

He came for me.

And something told me he'd do it again.


Isabelle seems to fallen into a deep slumber.. Is Adam her prince charming? How will he wake her up?

Keep reading to find out!

Question of the Day: Do you have a dark past or any dark memories?

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