Chapter 35: Cold People

"No.. No...Please... leave me alone..."

"Hey, hey... I'm here, I'm here..."

I heard someone's soft whispers, a light stroke on my cheek and I sat upright suddenly, my eyes shooting open.

"Wh-what? Where am I?" I asked and looked around, confused.

"My office... Here. Drink this."

I looked at the person beside me and saw Adam on his haunches with a glass of water in his hand. I found myself on the couch in his office, then carefully took the glass and downed the water in one go. He took the glass from me and set it on the table, then sat on the sofa beside me.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked me concerned.

"Better. Thank you." I replied, looking him in the eye.

"I was so worried... everyone was... You gave us quite the fright." He chuckled nervously and took my hand, stroking my knuckles with his thumb. The small action somehow seemed to relax me and I got more comfortable.

"What exactly happened?" I asked carefully when he looked back at me.

"You.. um... fainted... something about.. rumors?" He said uncertainly and I gave him a nod.

Then it dawned on me.

"You.. you were the one who hugged me.. right?" I looked at him expectantly and he nodded with a small smile.

"I didn't know what to do. I saw Lance hug you once before when you became... agitated so I thought I'd do the same... Did it work?" He asked me with a hopeful glint in his eyes and I smiled.

"Yeah.. It did wonders.. Thank you, it means a lot to me..." I looked at him earnestly and he gave me small smile, bringing his hand up and stroking my cheek very lightly. I found myself closing my eyes and enjoying the sensation, leaning into him slowly, when someone knocked on the door and my eyes opened, his hand dropping from my face as he turned backwards to see who came in.

"Lance..." I whispered, feeling emotion swell up in me again and swallowed it before I burst into tears. He came to me just as Adam got up and hugged me tightly.

"Isabelle... You're okay.. You're okay..." He exhaled, before shuddering and breathing a sigh of relief. It looked like he was trying to convince himself more than me.

He must have been scared for me.

"I'm okay.." I whispered back and he let me go, smiling as Arthur and Tristan piled in.

"Oh thank god you're okay." Arthur exclaimed and took my hands.

"Don't you ever do that to us again. We were so worried!" Tristan came and sat beside me, ruffling my hair.

"I'll try not to.." I smiled at the sight in front of me as I looked at their worry stricken faces now more relaxed. "Don't worry, I'm okay now.."

"Let's go home, okay?" Lance said, getting up and the others following suit.

"Okay." I said as I held onto their hands for support as I got up from the couch.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Lance asked and I shook my head.No, I'm feeling much better now... Although... I could use an appointment with Sierra...." I trailed off, and looked at Lance again who knew exactly what I meant, and nodded his head grimly, offering me his arm.

"Thanks.." I whispered to him and looking behind him, I saw Adam looking at us with an expressionless face.

"Thank you... For everything..." I said to him as Lance turned around to see who I was talking to then cleared his throat as we walked away from Adam and went back home.


I called Sierra and she says she'll see you in two hours." Arthur walked up to me and sat beside me on my couch.

"Okay, thanks..." I said distracted before he snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Earth to Belle, everything okay?

"Yeah.. I was just.. thinking.... What happened Arthur? Tell me honestly because all I remember is panicking and not being able to breath for what felt like forever." I looked at him pointedly before he answered, scratching the back of his neck.

"It happened again Bee.. I guess you heard rumors about yourself and you had a panic attack. You were pushing all of us away and wouldn't let anyone touch you and..." He stopped short before glancing at me.

"And what?" I asked him impatiently.

"Well, Adam came and he hugged you and said something to you that seemed to calm you down, before you fainted. He carried you to his office and lay you down on the couch." He stopped when he looked at my unreadable expression. "What? What's wrong?"

"Adam hugged me? Adam fuck*** Thorne? The deceptive, heartless and cold, domineering CEO, Adam Thorne?" I asked him all this in one breath and he nodded his head grimly.

"Yup. That's the one." He said slowly.

"How? And why?"

Adam Thorne? It couldn't be... Right?

"No idea Bells... We all were equally surprised. Even Lance, and he didn't even object to anything." Arthur looked surprised and I matched his expression.

"Really? And how's that possible?"

"No idea Bee, but you are the cause of it all." He sighed and looked at me while I just shook my head in disbelief.

"Unbelievable." I said whispering.

"I know right?" Arthur commented and we both just stared at the wall in front of us, lost in our thoughts.


Isabelle seems to be having a hard time believing Adam has a softer side to him.. But why does he hide it, she doesn't know.. And why does he only show it to her? She can't think of an explanation either.

Keep reading on to find out what happens next!

Question of the day: are you an introvert or an extrovert?

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