Chapter 36: Therapy Sessions and A Date

"Taylor?.... Taylor?... Taylor!"

"OH MY GOD WHAT?! Sorry..." Taylor apologized sheepishly when she looked at my horrified face.

"Jeez, what were you thinking of?" I asked nudging her playfully.

"Nothing as interesting as your make out sesh with Thorne.." She sighed wistfully.

"Okay, what's wrong? Is this about that guy from work? The one who asked you out." I asked her and she smiled at me, her eyes sparkling.

"His name's Miles by the way, and yeah I went out with him twice now.." She said trailing of and looking at something behind me.

"Twice? Wow, you must be hooked already." I chuckled and she smacked my arm.

"He's amazing Bee, just like I wanted him to be.. Kind, caring, honest and he blurts out the most outrageous things when he's nervous!" She squealed with excitement

"Like what?"

"Well, on our second date, we had just finished dinner when he suddenly said that his older brother once slipped on a banana peel and fell into mud, and when Miles ran to help him, he slipped on the same banana peel and ended falling on top of his brother. The people around them thought they were a couple and were making out." She burst into laughter and I found myself rolling of my couch.

"Making out? In the mud?" I said choking on my own spit.

"I know right?!" She said and we continued laughing, doubling over and clutching our stomachs from the pain.

When we finally stopped, we decided to eat the snacks the Taylor had so graciously bought for us.

"So you're seeing Sierra today?" She spoke suddenly after we finished eating our chips.

"Yeah.. It's been a while.." I told her and she looked at me with a concerned look in her eyes.

"Don't let 'em get to you Bee.. They're just stupid rumors... And as far as what they're about, I think you should just ignore them because they don't seem to be stopping any time soon." She held my hands and I looked at her with a small smile.

"I know.. I know... I'm trying my best, but it's just... hard..." I swallowed the lump in my throat and forced myself to look at her, but it wasn't long before the tears fell down.

"Hey it's okay.. I'm right here with you, okay?" Taylor hugged me and rubbed my back slowly and I nodded.

"I could just murder the guy.. I have no problem doing so you know?" She said suddenly and I laughed. Classic Taylor, always knows how to make me laugh.

I pulled away from her and wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

"Okay, enough about me, what about you.. When's your third date? Are you guys official?" I asked her genuinely and she smiled.

"We're going out tonight... and I'm gonna tell him we're officially official tonight.. Speaking of, you don't have a dress fit for the occasion do you?" She looked at me hope fully and I laughed.

"Of course I do, come one, let's get you ready.. When's he coming?"

"In an hour, right when you're supposed to leave."

"Okay then, that's plenty of time floor you to doll up, not that you aren't already pretty.." I told her and she smacked my arm playfully.

"Okay enough flattery, stop trying to take my mind off the fact that you made out with Adam fuck*** Thorne!" She squealed in delight and plopped down on the couch in my closet while a looked for a dress for her.

"Yeah, even I'm fazed.." I said, blinking my eyes and shaking my head, continuing with my hunt.

"Yeah well he obviously has the hots for you.. I mean look at you, you're smokin'!" She said and made me laugh.

"Here, how bout this one?" I turned around with a short navy blue floral dress that ended above the knees and had pink and red flowers on it.

"Wow, this is so pretty.. Did you design it?" She asked examining the dress

"Yeah I did last year... Is it okay?

"Okay? It's perfect for tonight! Not too little and not too much, just right! Can I get ready now?" She looked at me excitedly and I nodded when she ran to the changing room to get dressed.

"You done Tay?" I asked her after nearly five minutes and she came out with a huge smile on her face.

"Well, how do I look?" She asked me nervously.

"Perfect. His jaw is so gonna drop when he sees you. You look beautiful." I smiled at her and led her to my dressing to do her makeup and style her hair. After nearly an hour, we were done and Taylor looked amazing.

"All done!" I said admiring her.

"Wow, this is so good! Thanks so much Belle!." She hugged me and I patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, it's what friends do, right?"

"Right." She nodded enthusiastically and we both pulled on our shoes and headed tot he door after looking at the mirror a last time.

We went down the stairs and I saw Lance waiting for me.

"Finally you're here. Hello Taylor, are you heading somewhere?" Lance said smiling at us both.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for my date." She said enthusiastically and we both chuckled at her reaction.

"Well, I'm running late so I'll be going now, you sure you'll be fine? I can stay a while if you want..." I asked but she shook her head.

"Nah it's fine, you go on.." She said

"Okay then, have fun okay?"

"Alright. Bye!" She hugged me and thanked me once again before we headed out.

"Good luck.. Not that you need it.." Lance looked at me and I felt more confident as he parked in the clinic's private parking lot.

Perks of being a billionaire I guess.

"Okay.. Here goes nothing..." I smiled at Lance who gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before I made my way inside the modern clinic and straight down the halls. I knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Come in" A voice spoke from the other side and I walked in.

"Sierra Marshall."

"Isabelle Edward. Didn't think I'd see you again."

"Well I proved you wrong... So here goes nothing."


Who's Sierra? And what secrets and memories is Isabelle supposed to unlock to move on yet again? Keep reading to find out!