I got up earlier than usual this morning. Last night's events still fresh in memory, I groan in frustration and make my way to the gym in my penthouse. After working out for an hour or so I took a shower and quickly changes into my suit,and making my way down in the elevators where I was greeted by Carter waiting for me.
"Cafe, Mr. Thorne?" He asked.
"Yes." And I sat down in the back as my guard sat in the front.
Coming to a stop in front of the cafe, i saw Taylor sitting near the window in their usual place, working on her laptop like always. I made my way inside and my eyes scanned the space automatically, looking for the one person I had hoped to see, but when I didn't find her anywhere, I went and sat with Taylor.
"Morning." She said without looking at me and I hummed in response. "Bell's gonna be here soon, don't worry." She chuckled at me and noticed me looking around.
"Right." I said and started checking my phone.
Why am I waiting for her? I just want to see her so badly and after kissing her last night, all I wanted was to kiss her again.
"Isabelle Edward! Your boyfriend's waiting for you at your seat!" Martha, the barista I presume shouted and I snapped my head towards the entrance where she stood along with her brothers, already looking at me.
She looked at her brothers who said something to her and then shook her head, and came to sit.
"I've been waiting for a while now." I told her, glancing at her briefly before looking back at her with a smirk. "Miss me?"
She looked away immediately when I noticed a slight blush on her cheeks. She must be thinking of last night.
"Ahem." Tristan cleared his throat and sat down next to Taylor, who looked up and smiled at him before resuming hr work again.
"Taylor? When did you get here?" Isabelle asked her suddenly and I guessed she didn't see her there before.
"Oh! You're here! Finally!" She exclaimed and took her arm, dragging her to the seat between her and me. The chair was a lot closer to mine and our knees touched briefly. Just then Taylor looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.
Thank you, Taylor, I owe you.
"Who ordered cupcakes?" She asked when breakfast arrived.
"I did, they seemed good." Arthur answered while reaching for one of them and stuffing the whole thing in his mouth.
"And here I thought Englishmen were gentlemen and actually had manners." Taylor said while looking at Arthur, who was still stuffing the cupcake in his mouth.
Englishmen? Right, they all were English, from London.. Explains their accent. I keep forgetting that.
"Whaaat? I am a gentleman!" Arthur exclaimed with a muffled sound, causing everyone to chuckle, but I just couldn't stop looking at her. She looked at me briefly and noticed me staring.
"What?" she whispered
"What?" I whispered back.
"Why are you staring at me?" She asked me bewildered.
I thought about my words before speaking.
"You look nice... I've been wanting to see you for a while now.." I told her, a bit nervous to be honest. She made me nervous.
"But we literally saw each other last night!"
"I know but.. I just wanted to see you again... I... I can't get you out of my head." I told her honestly, and it was true that I'd been thinking about her from the ride back from her house till now. She was the first thing on my mind in the morning, when I was working out, and when I came here and looked for her.
"We'll talk later." she told me and sipped her coffee.
"To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing Mr. Thorne here today?" Lance suddenly asked and I raised my coffee cup towards him. It wasn't the only reason though, and he was smart enough to know that.
"Coffee. It's good. Very... Addicting." I told him slowly, forming my words and looking at Belle when I said the last word.
She was addicting. Her kiss was addicting.
"Hmm... And you've been coming here for how long now?" Lance asked me again and narrowed his eyes at me.
"Two years... Maybe a little more..." I answered, glaring daggers at him.
"Then how come we've never sen you here before?" Arthur asked this time.
"I don't come here often." I told them and sipped my coffee.
"You do now though, don't you?" Lance said, glancing at Belle and my jaw clenched but I decided to remain quiet.
He knew why I come her regularly now. Any idiot would figure it out. And Lance Edward is no idiot.
Taylor cleared her throat and we all looked at her.
"Well, it was nice seeing you all again after some time, but I have to go now and I'm guessing you'll be late to work too if you don't leave soon.. Yeah?" She looked Isabelle and I got the hint they were trying to change the subject.
"Yeah.. yes.." she answered and said goodbye to Taylor while we all continued to glare at each other.
I offered Isabelle to ride with me in my car since we were to go to my office, but Lance dragged her by elbow towards their car before she said anything.
He has to come between us, doesn't he?
I reached first and saw Charlie waiting for me, so I walked over to him and we talked about our progress with the Edward's, when Belle came from behind me.
"Ah, Ms. Edward! So nice to see you again." He stretched his hand out to her and she shook it, before looking between us both and smirking.
Why did he smirk?
Her brothers came and went in with Charlie and I took this as a perfect opportunity to get closer to her.
"Stay close." I whispered in her, and she glanced at me. Once I saw that her brothers were out of sight, I snaked my arm around her waist and she flinched.
"What are you doing?"she asked me.
"We had a deal, remember?" I reminded her, raising my eyebrows.
"Yes, but it does not apply here, remember? She mimicked me and I chuckled.
She has nerve, this girl.
"Darling, everyone already knows so its best if you just go with it.' I smirked at her and took off her hat, dragging her inside and pulled her closer. I noticed her tense up as people turned around to look at us.
"Just great." she muttered while walking
I think she doesn't like the attention, I thought. Any other woman would flaunt that she had been with me, then why not her?
I heard whispers directed at us.. More her..
That's her! She's Isabelle Edward!
She's the girlfriend?
Yeah, she's the one in the pictures!
She is pretty, don't you think?
Don't worry, she's just another one of his conquests.
The grip of her hand on mine tightened, but she walked with her head high.
Confidence practically oozes out of her.
But something wasn't right the way her grip grew harder on my arm. I looked over at her and asked, "Are you okay?"
I could see her turning paler by the second and I knew this wasn't a good sign.
"Rumors..." she murmured so quietly I wouldn't have heard her.. But I did and my jaw clenched out of anger, and I looked at the people around us still gaping.
"Is something the problem?" I said loud enough that everyone went silent. "If so, feel free to send in your resignations by noon to my P.A. I'll be waiting." I gave everyone a cold look before glancing at the woman beside me and taking her hand, I led her towards the elevators.
Why did it affect her?
People continued with their work as if nothing had happened and I heard her take a sigh of relief when the elevator doors closed.
"News sure travels fast, doesn't it?" she chuckled nervously and I looked at her to see if she was fine.
"Why do you give a fuck about what they think?" I asked her, but she shook her head.
"Because I... I know what rumors can do to a person and no matter the cost, I am not wiling to go through that again. For any one. Ever." she told me with such emotion that her eyes glossed over but she looked away quickly.
What the hell happened to her?
"Okay. I understand..."I said quietly and as soon as the doors opened, she sprinted out and towards the board room.
I went in and saw Aveline talking to some people before she saw me and gave me a small wave, rushing over.
I went in after her and saw her talking to Aveline and as I started to make my way toward her she walked over to her brothers, and suddenly gripped Tristan's arm. I walked towards her slowly, as I noticed people turning and looking at her, but I reassured them everything was fine and they all leave the room because there was a slight problem. When the room was empty, I looked over at them and saw Lance hold her other arm to support her and try to talk to her, but she was pushing them away.
My heart started beating faster and then I heard her.
"So many rumors... Please... stop them..." Lance steadied her, looking t her worried.
"Hey, hey, look at me.. Calm down... Deep breaths.. B, look at me.." Lance told her but she just shook her head.
"No..please stop, let me go.. please...." she said and then I couldn't take it anymore. I walked in front of them and suddenly hugged her, before anyone could do anything else. I was equally stunned by my own reaction as were the people around me.
"It's okay... It's okay... I'm here and I won't let them get to you... They're gone now...Hush..." I whispered into her ear softly, rubbing her back and holding her close,, when she shuddered and exhaled, relaxing slowly in my embrace, until I felt her body go limp, so I quickly held her up and carried her bridal style towards my office, her brothers close behind me.
"Hurry, Adam." Lance told me.
"I'm taking her to my office, call a doctor, quickly." I told him and he nodded, pulling Arthur and Tristan with him while I passed Lucas who gave me a puzzled look but I ignored him
"Get me a blanket. Now!" I told him and he snapped out of his daze and ran off to god knows where.
I carefully put her own the couch and put the blanket on top of her that Lucas brought.
"Leave." I told him and he left.
I sat beside her and watched the dried tears on her cheeks, and wiped them away with my thumb, just when Lance came in followed by a doctor.
I watched his every move like a hawk and saw him squirm under my gaze.
He better not do anything wrong.
It took a while to check her and after she was done, the doctor came to us, while we were pacing around anxiously in the room.
"She's fine now.. Looks like she had a major panic attack, but she's okay now since someone relaxed her. If she fainted during the attack, it wouldn't have been good. But let her rest now and she'll wake on her own.. Give me call if anything goes wrong." We nodded our heads and Lucas let the doctor out.
"I'm going home to tell dad... He should hear from us." Arthur told Lance and Tristan said he'd join him, and with that they both left. leaving me and Lance looking at each other awkwardly. He sat beside Isabelle and I bought a chair, sitting close tot he couch and looked at him as he pushed a stray strand of hair away from her face.
"Thank you." He suddenly spoke and I looked up at him. "Thank you for calming her down. It means more than you know. He told me and I felt confused for some reason.
She means a lot to him, I thought. He can't see her hurt.
"Don't mention it." I told him and he give me a slight nod.
"Just... whatever you do, don't hurt her. You already know how she was after she saw Woods. I can't bear to see her like that again. I love her too much and I can't lose her. She's my everything."
"I won't hurt her. That much I can assure you of." I reassured him and he seemed to relax a bit.
"I can't tell her what to do because it's her life, but I trust her... And I know for a fact there's something between you two. Anyone can see it. I don't like you. But I trust that she has thought about everything." He told me while looking at her and I nodded my head, not knowing what to say to him, until he stood up.
"I have a few important calls to make. Kindly watch her for a while." He told me and I nodded, getting out of my seat when he left the room. I sat down beside her and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
She makes me want to be better, and I like it.
Adam wants to be a better man for Belle, but can the bad boy really give up everything for her?
Keep reading to find out!
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