Chapter 45: Be Mine

"You sure you're okay?" Taylor asked me for the tenth time now while searching my closet as I thought about yesterday.

"Yeah I really am.. I feel a lot lighter now that I've told him.." I sighed and looked at Taylor. "You find anything yet?"

"Still looking.. And you said he called you Rose?" She looked at me this time and I nodded my head.

"Yeah... I don't understand why though.." I answered.

"I remember your mom used to call you that... How do you feel about it?" She asked me, looking concerned.

"I don't know... Part of me feels nice to hear it again and part of me wants to shove all the feelings away." I answer her and she continues digging in my closet.

"For what it's worth, I think he's serious about you.." She said and I looked at her.

"How so?"

"Well, I've seen the way you both look at each other and the sexual tension is just so thick you can practically cut it with a knife if you wanted."

"Really?" I asked her dumbfounded.

"Yup. And also because I haven't heard about any scandal surrounding him since you met him." She answered looking at me.

"Wait, REALLY?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah I mean, I was also shocked because he's the definition of a playboy.. and literally sleeps with everybody... everyday..." She said deep in thought and for some reason I felt a pang in my chest when I heard he slept with someone every other day.

Am I jealous? Nah.. I'm not, right?

"B? Are you listening?" I snapped out of my daze and looked at Taylor with a cute outfit in her hand.

"Yeah, is that the one?" I asked her and she smiled.

"I know you weren't listening to me, but yeah, this is the one, perfect for a day at the fair and an art gallery. Didn't you design this?"

"Yeah I did." I nodded and got up from the couch and took the hanger from Taylor's hand, heading to change.

I came out and twirled for Taylor.

"This okay?" I asked looking at myself in the full length mirror.

"Perfect. His jaw is gonna drop." She chuckled while I put on eyeliner and a little gloss. Picking up my bag and phone I checked the time.

"It's 5 pm. He must be here." I said and hugged Taylor good bye, heading down stairs, meeting Mr. Baker on the way.

"Is he here?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yes, he's waiting down."

"Okay thank you." I walked further down and heard voices coming from the living room. I walked there to see Adam talking to my dad and Lance. I walked towards them and hugged Lance from behind. He looked at me and smiled. I then looked at Adam who was dressed.. Well not casually.. But he looked hot. Like the sun hot.

I looked at him while he smiled at me and held out his hand. I looked at it for a moment then took it, standing beside him.

"Isabelle dear, have fun but be careful and stay close to Adam. Danger is in every corner for you, and you know that." My dad told me and I held his hand, reassuring him.

"Don't worry dad, I'll be fine." I said to him and he smiled.

"Don't worry sir, I'll keep her as close as possible." Adam smirked at me and I could feel the blood rush to my head.

"Have fun B." Lance smiled at me and we said our goodbyes before heading out.

We sat in a different car from last time and after sitting did I notice that the driver was also different and the back was closed from the front, a black divider in between giving privacy. My heart started beating faster as I made myself comfortable.

Adam sat beside me and looked me up and down before smiling. He leaned towards me and for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me, but he reached for my seat belt, lingering longer than expected and I closed my eyes, basking in his scent and opened them to see him looking at me.

He buckled my seat belt, eyes still on me before his gaze flicked to my lips and he smirked when he saw me gulp.

He pulled back, settling into his seat and buckling his seat belt as we drove off. We were sitting close to each other and I felt his hand settle on mine, our fingers intertwining and I smiled, but didn't look at him because I knew he was staring at me.

A moment passed when I felt hot breath on my neck and I tilted my head to get a good look at him already leaning towards my ear. I closed my eyes in anticipation of what was to happen.

"You look really sexy... But isn't this too short?" He eyed my skirt, which was really short and his other hand touched the bare skin on my thigh, just above my thigh-high boots and he slid his hand a little upwards. My breath hitched and I kept my eyes closed, biting my lip unintentionally as shivers ran down my spine.

"I think it's perfect." He whispered and I gasped when one of his fingers touched the band of my panties, and he removed his hand slowly, his finger trailing down my thigh. "Can I kiss you?" He whispered and I nodded my head slowly, and I felt him touch my lip and then his lips were on mine, kissing me slowly while I savored his taste and breathed in his scent.

He left me completely breathless and reclined back to his seat, and I glanced at him, still dizzy and saw him looking at me, our hands still intertwined and I smiled at him. He smiled back and I looked out the window, before I did something else.

We reached the fair shortly and getting out of the car, he took my hand and intertwined our fingers, pulling me close and leading me inside the colorful fair.

We stopped by many booths with different activities. I led him to a stall where people were popping balloons with a gun.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"You'll see." He smirked and paid, giving me a gun and I aimed at the balloon, popping it in all three tries.

"You can shoot." He looked at me in awe and I shrugged.

"How bout a bet?" He asked me.

"A bet?" I asked him confused as he led me through the crowd. We stopped at a stall and I saw an archery contest in front. "What's this?"

"If you win, I'll grant you one wish. And if I win, you'll have to grant me one wish." He said and I thought about the challenge for a moment.

"Okay... You're on." I told him and he smiled, but I gestured him to go first. He smirked and entered us in the contest. Then we both took a bow and a few arrows and settled side by side along with a few other people. Everyone shot in their turns. A few missed and were disqualified.

When it was Adam's turn, he winked at me and shot his arrow. It landed close to the target and he moved to the next round. His was the closest to the target so he had the highest score.

I stood there a moment before aiming my arrow and taking a deep breath, I shot it. It landed right in the center of the target and I jumped in joy. Blowing a kiss to Adam and winking, his face surprised before he caught my kiss and put it in his pocket.

We played like this and Adam and I both moved to the final round. I gave him a determined look and he smirked at me.

He's good. But not as good. I smirked back at him and we both took our places. We had an equal score. He took the first shot and his arrow landed right in the middle of the target. People cheered for him and it was then my turn.

"I've already won so you can grant me my wish now." He whispered in my ear and I turned to him, grinning.

"Don't lose hope just yet sweetheart." I gave him a smirk and he moved away to give me space to shoot. I aimed at the target, and took a deep breath.

One... two... three...


I shot my arrow and looked at it, a satisfied smirk on my face as I looked at Adam whose expression matched everyone else's. Shocked, surprised, awestruck before he shook his head and everyone erupted into applause. He gave me a wide grin and I smiled at him, looking back at my arrow that had pierced and split Adam's arrow in half right in the middle and landed straight in the target.

We took our prizes, which was really a medal.

"Didn't know you were a secret assassin." Adam told me when we sat down with ice cream cones in our hands.

I laughed at him. "I know how to shoot a gun because Lance taught me.. to protect myself from.. people. And I learned archery in England." I smiled at him and licked my melting ice cream. He looked at me and smiled, reaching for me and wiping my lip with his finger and licking it.

We ate our ice cream in silence until he dragged me to a Ferris wheel.

"Wait, why are we here?" I asked him and he looked at me, taking my hand and leading us to the Ferris wheel. He handed our tickets and we sat in our box, but no one else sat with us.

"Are we in here alone?" I asked him again as we got comfortable and he sat beside me, very close.

"Wouldn't want anyone to disturb us now, would we?" He looked at me.

"How did you convince them to let us sit alone... wait.. don't answer that actually." I shook my head smiling.

Of course, he paid extra... He's Adam Thorne for god's sake!

"And it's not like we'll be doing anything in here." I told him and regretted saying anything as he smirked at me, taking my hand and holding it tight. I blushed and looked away from his eyes.

We started moving and I could feel the butterflies.. Although I wasn't sure if it was because of the ride or because of how his hand held mine and rested on my bare thigh, giving me a tingling sensation.

We rode in silence and I looked at the view in front of us.

"Wow... It's beautiful..." I said.

"It is.. makes me want to look at it everyday and make it mine.." Adam said and I glanced at him already looking at me. My heart stopped beating and my breath hitched as his hand reached for my face, pushing away a stray strand and he cupped my cheek, leaning forward and kissed me, his tongue exploring my moth as he tilted his head to kiss me more deeply.

He was passionate and sweet at the same time, his hand sliding up and down my thigh, my hand on his arm and the other one on his chest, touching where his chest was bare and exposed. He pulled away and closed his eyes, resting his forehead against mine.

"Be mine." He whispered quietly and my eyes shot open and I looked at him, removing my hand from his face ad he looked at me, so much emotion in his eyes.

Do I want this? Do I want to be with him? After all I've been through, am I willing to love again?

"Yes..." I whispered, not believing myself and his face suddenly lit up like a kid's, and he pulled me close again and kissed me passionately before pulling away and smiling.

"Does this mean you're my girlfriend now?" He asked me and I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder and taking his hand.

"Yes." I whispered and he kissed the top of my head as the Ferris wheel started moving again.

"Thank you... Rose" He whispered as he held my hand tighter, his other arm around me.

I want this.. I want to be with him.. I'm willing to love again...


Finally they're together! What do you think will happen next?

Keep reading to find out!

Question of the Day: Would you rather spend a day at a fair or an art gallery?

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