For us.
"So he asked you to design an outfit for the both of you? Like a couple's outfit?" Taylor asked me on the phone.
"Yup." I said, popping the 'p'.
"Well you better design something fabulous then!" She screamed through the phone and I chuckled.
"Do you think I'm going too fast?" I asked her once she stopped screaming.
"Are you happy? Just tell me that." She asked me and I thought about it for a moment before smiling.
"Yes. I'm happy. Very." I answered, still smiling.
"Well then it's clear isn't it? You're doing just fine.Just follow your heart." She told me.
"Yeah.. anyway.. I'm really tired right now.. You're coming tomorrow right?" I asked her hopeful.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you... I have a date tomorrow, stretching the whole day and I don't think it'll be possible for me to come." She said.
"Oh, that's alright... I guess I'll see you on Monday then, right.?"
"Right." She answered.
"Okay well, have fun and take care. Bye." I told her and hung up, lying on my side and pulling the covers over me, I slept peacefully.
"Busy weekend, huh?" My dad asked me at breakfast on Monday.
"Yeah, sorry dad. I tried looking for you yesterday, where were you?" I asked him while shoving a spoon full of waffles in my mouth.
"I was at a friend's. How did your date go?" He asked me and I looked up at him smiling.
"It was good dad. I had a lot of fun." I told him and he took my hand.
"Just be careful dear. And tell me all about it when you come back home, okay?"
"I will dad. Where's everyone else?" I asked him.
"Your brothers left a while ago.. And Josephine and Olivia are on vacation.. somewhere." My dad told me and I nodded.
"Wait, vacation? Why?" I asked him.
Why were they on vacation in the middle of the year?
"Olivia was a little... upset... because of your relationship with Adam.." He answered.
"Oh." Was all I said. "Well, I have to go now, I'll see you tonight, okay?" I got up and hugged him, running outside.
"Gabriel." I greeted my driver as he opened the door for me.
"Ms. Edward."
We reached the cafe quite quickly and I went in after texting Lance I'd be at the office in a while. Going in I saw Taylor sitting on our usual spot and after giving my coffee order, I headed towards Taylor and sat down on my seat.
He's not here today...
"Who ya lookin' for?" Taylor asked me with a grin and I stuck my tongue out at her.
My coffee came and I made myself busy drinking it, not thinking too much on the fact that Adam wasn't here. My eyes would scan the cafe every now and then, but he wouldn't show up.
"How was your date?" I asked Taylor after a while and she looked up at me with the biggest smile on her face.
"You have no idea! Oh my god Belle it was soooo amazing!" She squealed and I laughed, while she gave me a very detailed version of her date. When she was done, we drank our coffees in silence until suddenly it felt like my heart became slower, when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.I looked up to see Adam smiling down at me before leaning down and kissing me sweetly.
To say I was shocked would be an understatement. He used the element of surprise on me.
But it's a good thing I love surprises.
He pulled away, smiling before sitting next to me and taking my hand.
"How are you?" He asked me.
"Good. How are you?" I smiled at him and he gave me a boyish grin that made me swoon.
"Better now that I'm with you." He grinned when I heard Taylor clear her throat, and we both looked at her with our eyebrows raised.
"Sorry to burst your bubble but as sweet all of this is, it's also very cheesy.. So I'm just going to say this.. Get a room!" We both laughed at her and he ordered his coffee, all of us sitting in a comfortable silence and enjoying the moment.
"Are you coming to our office today?" He asked me after a while and I nodded my head while we proceeded to pay for our coffee.
"Yeah. Lance is already there.. But the boss is missing and they can't seem to find him." I looked at him and he grinned.
"Really? He must be out with his girlfriend having coffee.." I laughed at him and he tugged at my hand, pulling me out of the shop.
Girlfriend.. He called me his girlfriend...
Butterflies erupted everywhere and I felt as if I was flying.
"Come with me?" He asked me and I smiled, then went to Gabriel to tell him I'd be going with Adam.
I ran back to Adam to see him talking on the phone. Boy he looked hot... Focus Belle! He took my hand and lead me to his car and was on the phone nearly the whole ride. When we finally reached his office did he hang up and looked over at me. I didn't budge, or get out of the car, as memories of the last time I was here rushed to my head and my grip on the door handle tightened.
"I'm right here with you. You don't need to worry about a thing. Okay?" He told me, opening the door for me as I got out, then he took my hand and led me inside. I could see all the eyes on me as I walked with Adam hand-in-hand. Envious glares and what not followed me to the elevator where I took a breath of relief once the doors closed.
Reaching his office I texted Lance I was there and would be working. I sat down at my usual place and he took his place in his chair. I worked for the next two hours or so and so did he in a comfortable silence, and people would come every now and then to give him files.
I looked at how confident he was working and dealing with everyone. I found myself staring at his lips, those perfect lips that kissed me just a while ago, and then his jawline where a light stubble had formed, making him look more mature and how his fingers glided over his laptop keys.
"Like what you see?" He asked me after a while and I snapped out of my daze, looking at him and felt the heat rising to my cheeks.
Why do I always get caught? I should be more discreet when I stare at him.
I shrugged my shoulders and he looked at me carefully before clicking his tongue and going over to his door and locking it.
Wait, why is he locking it?
He then walked over to me in long strides and hovered over me, lifting my chin with his index finger and looking in my eyes.
"May I?" He asked me and I felt myself nodding at him, when his lips crashed over mine, making me gasp and close my eyes on instinct. His tongue entered my mouth, tasting every corner and I felt myself leaning back. One of his hand went behind on my back as I lowered myself unintentionally on the couch and he came over me, kissing me passionately, caressing my face as my hands went up to his hair, running my fingers through it until he bit my lip and I gasped, looking at him and he smirked, then kissed my jawline and my neck, leaving me panting for more. Then realization struck me.
"Adam.." I tried to speak but he silenced me with a kiss. "we can't...not here." I managed to say and he pulled back a bit looking at me with a frown.
"Why?" He asked me.
"We're in your office, what if someone...?" I trailed off and he smirked.
"I don't give a fuck." He said and crashed his lips on mine again.
Oh well, I tried.
He kissed me with so much passion that I felt as if I was on fire, running my hands in his hair why his hands roamed my body. I let a small moan escape my lips as he he kissed my neck.
"Adam..." I moaned slightly and he stopped... then looked at me.
"Say my name.." He whispered against my lips.
"Adam" I whispered, closing my eyes.
He smiled. "I love the way you say my name..." And he kissed me more possessively this time, holding me tight until someone knocked on the door, but he didn't stop.
"Adam? Someone's knocking on the door..." I whispered to him.
He groaned in frustration before getting off of me and pulling me along with him, and gave me a small peck on my lips. I could see his annoyed expression when someone knocked again and I fixed myself before pretending like I was working, while he went to the door and opened it with force.
"What?" He snapped and I saw a very scared Lucas on the other side.
"Uh.. Mr. Thorne, Ms. Woods is here to see you with some man..." He looked at him sheepishly.
Adam eyes shot to mine and I looked at him, the hurt visible in his them.
"I told you clearly not to let her in." He said through clenched teeth.
"Yes, but sir she wouldn't listen.. she said it was very important..."
I found myself walking over to Adam and I took his hand.
"Why don't you send her in, Lucas, we'll be waiting." I told him and he nodded, closing the door behind him. Adam didn't say a word and just walked over to his chair, looking out the window. I sighed before walking over to him and standing beside him.
"Why'd you let her in?" He asked me and I looked at him, but he looked outside.
"To clear the air... She'll manage a way to see you anyway. Why not now?"
Adam sighed, running a hand over his face. I took both his hands and he turned to me, and I looked at his beautiful blue eyes, smiling, and I cupped his cheek.
"No matter what she says or does, I'll be right here beside you... Okay?" I told him and saw him relax visibly and smile at me a little, and I kissed his cheek, and hugged him, holding him close when the doors to his office suddenly slammed open.
"Well, isn't this sweet?" A woman spoke and I pulled away from Adam to look in her direction. Milani stood there, arms across her chest and smirking.
Adam straightened up and took my hand, and I squeezed it a bit to tell him I was here for him.
"Isn't this sweet Michael?" She spoke again and smirked when a man came from behind her and eyed our intertwined hands. "Very" He spoke and my heart dropped.
Well shit.
Why are the Woods' here to see Adam? What tricks have they up their sleeves now?
Keep reading to find out!
Question of the Day: Favorite dessert?
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