Chapter 47: You're It

Well Shit, things just took and unexpected turn.

I looked at Michael Woods, standing in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"Very sweet indeed..." He spoke slowly, looking at our intertwined hands.

I was screaming at him on the inside but frozen on the outside.

"What do you want?" Adam growled at the both of them and they finally diverted their attention from me to look at Adam.

"Oh nothing much... Just came to see you Adam.. I really missed you.." Milani came forward towards him and I could feel him tense up beside me.

Now is not the time to freeze, you gotta help him.

I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry, but we're a bit busy right now... Maybe it'll be better if you came some other time? Or not at all perhaps?" I smiled at her sweetly and she looked at me, turning to face me then walked to stand right in front of me. I didn't flinch, but looked at her with confidence, staring her down. I could feel her squirm under my gaze and she looked away suddenly with a short laugh.

"Wow, she's intense. I can see why you like her Adam.. Always so intense... You always liked your women intense." She smirked at me and I faltered, looking away and taking a step back. Adam noticed this and his grip on my hand tightened.

"If there's nothing else, you may leave." He told her in an angry tone and she laughed.

"Why so uptight? Ugh I can't believe you were about to marry this girl Mikey." She told her brother who looked at me before grinning.

"She wasn't like this.. She was more... fun, let loose, particularly fond of danger and dangerous men.." He looked at Adam whose jaw was clenched.

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you." I told Michael whose grin grew even wider.

"Oh I'm not disappointed, not all all.. I think you're even hotter now.." He walked towards me and I stepped back. His hand reached out to touch me but Adam caught his arm in time, his grip firm.

"Don't ever fucking touch her. Or you'll regret it VERY much." He warned him and shoved Michael away. Michael chuckled and Adam glared at him.

"I see why you like her... I mean, she was WILD in bed..." He said and my soul dropped out of my body. Adam's body tensed and his jaw clenched, his eyes full of anger, when Lance walked into the room suddenly.

"Isabelle I need you to help me with some-..." He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw my face which was as pale as a ghost and then at the people in front of us.

"What are you doing here?" He spoke suddenly when Michael and Milani turned to look at him.

"Oh I just came with my sister but happened to stumble upon this beauty here." Michael winked at me and Lance came forward, grabbing Michael's collar.

"This is the last time I'm warning you, and I won't repeat myself the next time. Don't ever fucking come near my sister again." And he shoved Michael away, who stumbled a bit but regained his footing, looking at Lance with fear. Even I could feel Lance's anger. The way his eyes were on fire, it scared the hell out of everyone, and Milani took Michael's arm.

"I'll see you again Adam.. and next time it'll probably be my hand you'll be holding." She gave me a disgusted look before they both walked out and I released a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

Adam turned to me and held me by my shoulders, looking into my eyes. "Rose... are you okay?"

Lance came to me and Adam moved away, while Lance took my hands. "Isabelle?" He hugged me and rubbed my back. "It's okay, he's gone now.." I shuddered, relaxing into his embrace when his phone rang. He pulled away from me to pick it up. "I'll be right back." He went out of the office and I felt someone's arms come from behind me.

"Are you okay, love?" He asked me and I turned around, while he embraced me, and I put my arms around him.

"I don't know.. I definitely didn't faint this time..." I chuckled nervously and I felt him smile.

"I know.. We're progressing..." He said, kissing my forehead.

Lance came in and saw us, and I pulled away from Adam's embrace on seeing him.

"B, I have to go somewhere, it's urgent... Are you sure you're fine? Would you like to go home?" He asked me concerned but I shook my head.

"I'm fine.. You can go. I'll go home after finishing my work. Don't worry." I told him and gave him a small smile.

"Okay then." He looked at Adam. "Take care of her. I'm counting on you to get her home safe."He told him.

"Don't worry about it." Adam told him and Lance left, leaving us two alone again.

"I'll finish up then.." I walked over to the couch and sat down, completing my work and Adam sat back in his chair, looking at me intently before diving back into work. We worked for the next two hours in silence. I looked at Adam multiple times to see him working with complete focus, so I decided not to disturb him.

Only when I was done did I go to him to get him to approve my work. I walked to him but didn't notice me so I stood there for a few minutes, but he still didn't see me. I smiled to myself.

"Mr. Thorne?" I spoke to him in the sweetest way possible, and smiled at how he frowned before looking up at me.

"What? What did you just call me?" He asked me confused.

"Mr. Thorne? I don't understand what you mean.." I looked at him playfully.

"Come here." He told me and I walked over to him, while he turned his chair to face me and pulled me towards him. I yelped and fell into his lap, his hand sliding to my waist and the other on my leg.

"What are you doing?" I looked at him surprised and he smirked.

"Keeping you close to me. Like your brother told me to." He told me and made an innocent face and I rolled my eyes.

"Mr. Thorne, I don't think this is appropriate.." I smiled at him and his grip on my waist tightened, sending shivers down my spine.

"Say my name.." He told me, pulling me so close that our lips were just inches apart.

"Mr. Thorne.. what are you doing?" I whispered and he groaned in frustration.

"Don't call me that.. Say my name.." He growled.

"Mr. Thorne.." I smiled at him sweetly and he looked into my eyes.

"Say. My. Name." He said through clenched teeth then yanked my head to his, kissing me roughly and possessively, then leaving a trail of wet kisses down my neck.

"Say my name." He said again and I smiled, before he kissed me again, my hands hooking around his neck.

"Adam.." I gasped when he bit my lip then looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Good. Don't call me Mr. Thorne again." he rested his forehead against mine.

"Now what did you want to say to me?" He asked me pulling back, but did not loosen his grip on my waist.

"i'll tell you once you let me go."

"Never." He whispered before placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. "Come on, tell me."

I sighed. He's not gonna let this one go, is he?

So I made the most of it, breathing in his intoxicating cologne and smiling.

"Fine.. I'm done with the product design.. You can take a look at it." I pulled my laptop close to his and he looked over at all the files, and I stared at him. How he would frown when he focused too much and how he would relax when he understood everything. He finally looked at me and smiled.

"This is great, thank you." I smiled at him before placing a peck on his lips and getting off his lap while he snapped out of his daze.

"Come back here!" He got up from his seat after he noticed I had jumped off his lap.

"You're going to have to catch me first!" I told him and ran away from him, him following me close behind. I ran behind his table, him across me and we both dodged each other. Our laughter rang in the empty office and I ran finally, until he caught me from behind, picking me up and twirling me around, when he whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning my neck.

"Caught you."


Adam and Rose seem to be enjoying their time together.. What do you think of it? Will they remain happy or will hurdles block their path?

Keep reading to find out!

Question of the Day: What do you prefer, hide and seek or tag?

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