Chapter 48: Zombie

The rest of the week passed by a blur. In designing the perfect dress, working till late in the office and in planning the opening of the boutique, I was exhausted by the day of the party.

"So what color are your outfits?" Taylor asked me while I was busy dozing off on the couch in my room. "Did Adam give any preferences?"

"'Not pink.' That's all he said." I told her, half asleep.

"Hmm... How specific." She said.

"I know right." I answered.

"So are you done with 'em?"

"Yup" I said.

"Did you send Adam his suit?"


"What did he say?"


"B, are you listening to me?"


"You look like a zombie Belle." She spoke after a while and I opened my eyes to see her hovering over my face.

"I know.. I'm so tired." I sighed for the tenth time this day. "Before you ask, I'm supposed to get ready by 7 pm."

Taylor closed her mouth and sat beside me, and patted my shoulder.

"Go to sleep. I'll be right here working. I'll wake you up at 5, okay?" She told me reaching for her laptop.

"Okay.. G'night." I yawned and fell into a deep sleep immediately, only to be woken up to someone shaking shaking me violently.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I screamed and the shaking stopped.

"Jeez, did I disturb your beauty sleep?" I opened my eyes to see Arthur right above me, looking at me upside down, with an innocent smile on his face.

I sighed. "What do you want?" I asked him.

"What do I want? Hmm.. let me think... World domination?" He chuckled and I groaned in frustration.

"Speak or get lost!" I screamed in annoyance and he laughed.

"Alright, alright.. I mean, I won't have a date waiting for me in less than 2 hours, so yeah.. I came to tell you it is well over 5 pm." He shrugged and I blinked a few times before my eyes widened with shock.

"The fuck! TAYLOR! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" I shouted and fell of the couch. "Ow!"

"She's fast asleep in front of you." He pointed to Taylor who was now getting up.

"Shit, what time is it?" She checked her phone and gasped, then looked at me. "Belle! What are you waiting for? Get in the bath, NOW!"

I struggled to my feet and ran into the bathroom, settling for a moisturizing bath that had to be cut short because of Taylor's frantic knocking on the bathroom door.

"Coming!" I slipped my bath gown on and hurried outside where Taylor was waiting for me with all kinds of hair styling items. She shoved me into a chair and starting doing my hair while I did my make-up.

"You're supposed to go there, yes?" Taylor asked me while styling my hair.

"Yeah with Lance and the others." I answered while doing my eye make up.

"Gloss?" Taylor asked me and I nodded, taking it from her and applying it on my lips.

"Okay, all done.." Taylor admired her work and smiled. "Now go change beautiful." And she practically shoved me into the walk in closet, where my dress hung on a mannequin. Taking a deep breath, I slipped it on, admiring my work while slipping on my heels and then stepping out.

"How do I look?" I twirled for Taylor and she clapped her hands.

"Oh my god B! You look gorgeous!" She squealed and hugged me, and I admired myself in the full length mirror.

"Wow. I look good." I smiled, thinking about what Adam would say to me, and how he would look.

Hot, duh.

"Now come one, go before you get late." She shooed me out of the room and I quickly picked up my clutch and phone, Taylor handing me my mask, and I walked down the stairs, my heels clacking on the floor as I made my way down, where I saw my brothers waiting for me with champagne glasses in hand.

"Enjoying without me?" I called to them and all of them turned around smiling, Tristan offering me a glass too.

I admired how handsome they looked in their matching tux.. Women would be falling at their feet... literally.

"How could we enjoy without our beautiful sister?" Arthur told me.

"You look beautiful, and thank you for designing our suits on such short notice." Lance told me and I smiled at him.

"You're gonna take everyone down with that look Belle." Tristan exclaimed, clinking our glasses and enjoying our drinks till Lance offered me his arm and we left for the party.

"I think it's gonna be an amazing night." Arthur exclaimed from the front seat, handing everyone their masks.

Somehow, I think it is.


How does Isabelle look and what do you think awaits them at the party?

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QOTD: What color dress would you wear to a masquerade ball?

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