I took a shower quickly and slipping on my robe, I went to my closet and gasped when I saw Adam putting on his tie. He turned around and looked at me carefully, eyes roaming my body that made me aware of everything he was doing, until he glanced at me and gave me a wink, before fixing his tie again.
"You look good." I told him as I walked past him to get my clothes.
"They're not mine." He answered.
"Still. You look good." I said, taking out my new dark blue skinny jeans and white button down, and turned to Adam.
"I need to change here." He turned to me and raised his eyebrows.
"Can I stay?" He asked me so innocently and I scoffed.
"Get out." I told him and smirked, while he chuckled and took his coat and went outside. I locked the door just in case.
You never know with these playboys.
Quickly slipping on my clothes, I went out and dried my hair and put on some gloss, while Adam ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to fix the mess. I looked him over in his navy blue suit, that fit him quite well.
So this is what it'll be like to live with him. I didn't find the idea appalling, rather... appealing.
"You have your opening today, right?" He turned to me and I nodded. "What time?"
"In a few hours." I answered, putting on my heels.
"Are you going somewhere?" He asked me, following me around wherever I went.
I picked up my bag and phone. "Yeah. To the store." He nodded.
"Can I come?" I turned to him this time and thought for a while.
"I'll think about it." I told him with a sly smile and he frowned.
"What's there to think about?" He followed me out and down the stairs.
"Depends on my mood sweetheart." I told him and entered the dining room, as all eyes turned to me.
"Ah! Finally, you're here." My dad said and I walked over to him, placing a kiss on his cheek and sitting down at my usual place, while Adam stood in the doorway awkwardly.
"Adam, you can sit next to Belle." My dad said and Adam walked over to me and sat down, giving me a meaningful look.
"Did you sleep well dear?" My dad asked me and I nodded.
"Yes, I did." I stole a glance at Adam who smirked, and drank his juice quietly.
"Wait, you stayed here?" A high pitched voice made me flinch and I looked in front of me to see Tristan.
That's not Tristan's voice.
I looked beside him and saw a very shocked Olivia and Josephine sitting there.
"Oh you're back. How unfortunate." I spoke, whispering the last part but I assumed everyone heard me the way my Lance and Adam chuckled while Olivia only glared at me, before fake-smiling at Adam.
"You're so shameless Isabelle. Letting a man stay over for the night and doing god knows what with him in your bedroom! And all the while living with your family!" Josephine exclaimed and I just stared at her, speechless.
"Excuse me?" I scoffed. "I didn't ask him to stay over, Lance did, I was already asleep." I said and Adam tensed beside me. I knew what I said didn't leave a good impression on him, and for a moment I felt guilty.
"Still, you slept with him didn't you? In the same bed?" Olivia interrogated me and I rolled my eyes.
"That's none of your business Olivia dear, it's mine. Why do you care anyways? And don't pretend you're innocent, because we all know very well that you're not." I told her calmly and she gasped.
"How dare you!" She exclaimed. "We all know your reputation with men. Especially with that rumor flying about.. What was it again? Ah! Isabelle Edwards might just be pregnant, but whose child is it? Michael Woods' or Adam Thorne's? You're the slut. Still after that poor Woods' guy. No wonder he left you, you manipulative raging bitch!" She smirked at me and so did Josephine.
As soon as she said this, I froze, my fork falling from the table and everything went quiet. Like the calm before the storm..
"That's quite enough." My dad said angrily and Josephine glared at him.
"Why? It is true. She's a slut, trapping innocent rich men into her traps and then breaking their hearts when she gets bored with them. Just like her mother. Like mother like daughter" She spat with poison in her voice and that's when I snapped, getting up from my chair abruptly and slamming my fist on the table that everyone looked at me with their eyes wide.
I had never reacted like this. Ever.
"You will not speak of my mother that way. You can spout all you want about me, but never, ever, speak of my mother because trust me when I say this, I will end you, without regret." I held a knife in my hand and clenched it so tightly that I felt blood flowing down my hands.
"And keep your sorry excuse of a daughter in line because I will not hesitate to make your life a living hell." I glared daggers at her and my warning affected her, the way she and Olivia were squirming under my gaze. Lance and Arthur stood up from their seats, and so did Tristan.
"Pack your bags, and LEAVE. If I see your faces again, it will be the end of you." Lance slammed his fist on the table and everyone flinched. I could feel the anger rolling off of him. He was mad. And Lance rarely got mad.
"Rose... Calm down.." Adam tried to pry my hand with the knife open slowly, and handed Arthur the bloody knife.
"Come on love, come with me.." He whispered, taking my arm and dragging me from there and outside, he led me to our garden. Mr. Baker came running with a first-aid kit in his hand and gave it to Adam, who quickly cleaned the blood while I sat there, emotionless.
He bandaged my hand and kissed my wrist, draping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close. That's when the tears spilled from my eyes and I buried my face in his chest, crying uncontrollably and shaking. I was hurt, and not because of the knife, I was hurt emotionally. I was drained and it felt like I couldn't take it anymore.
Adam rubbed my back and whispered sweet nothings into my ear, while holding me close.
"It's alright, love. It's going to be okay..." He whispered and I calmed down slowly, burying my face in his chest as he kissed my forehead. Lance came to me running and bent down to examine my hand.
"For fuck's sake, B. Why did you hurt yourself?" He looked at me and I could see the pain in his eyes and I knew what he was thinking about.
"I'm sorry Lance, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry.." I whispered and he hugged me tightly.
"God why are you apologizing? It's not your fault love." He sighed and pulled away. "You need to leave for now. Don't come home until I get rid of those two." He said.
"Wh-what?" I stammered. "Where will I stay?" I asked him and before he could say anything, Adam did.
"With me." Both Lance and I looked at him. "She can stay with me. I have many extra rooms at my place." He looked at me meaningfully and I glanced at Lance who sighed.
"Are you okay with this?" He asked me and I thought before nodding my head slowly.
"I trust him." I told Lance and felt Adam relax a bit and so did Lance.
"Very well then. You'll stay with him until I say so, okay?" He asked me and I nodded.
"Good. I'll have the maids pack your things and sent over to his place. You have your opening today, don't let anything hold you back, you get me?" He said and I gave him a small smile.
"Yeah. Okay.." I gave him a quick smile, before turning to Adam. "Can you take me? I'd love it if you could come with me." As soon as I said this his face lit up.
"Of course. Come on." He tugged at my hand and I got up, giving Lance a quick hug before following Adam towards his car. Mr. Baker handed him his car keys and turned to me and gave me a warm smile.
"It's all going to be alright my child. All in due time. Go on now, have fun." He smiled at me and I gave him a hug, before sitting in Adam's car and buckling my seat belt.
"Ready?" He asked, taking my hand.
"As I'll ever be." I said, intertwining our fingers and giving him a small smile before we drove off.
I have a feeling that with Adam by my side, things might be alright after all.