I ran a hand through my curled hair then applied a little gloss.
"Just gloss?" Taylor asked me and I nodded.
"Yeah. That'll be all." I told her.
"Talk to me B, I know you're upset over this morning." She said and I sighed, facing her.
"I'm just... tired.. of everything..." I told her and she hugged me tightly.
"I know. But it'll pass. Let's just get through this for now. You have a hot date waiting for you." She said pulling away and gave me a smile.
"So do you." I told her and she blushed. "And you're blushing!" I exclaimed but she hushed me.
"Come on B, quiet! Go on now, change before you get late." She pushed me towards the changing rooms where my light pink dress hung, with embroidery all over it. I ran my hand over the smooth fabric and put it on, smiling at my reflection.
I went out and Taylor clapped her hands.
"Gorgeous!" She gave me a wide smile and twirled in her own dark green dress that I designed. It reached her knees and flowed from her waist on wards, with slight embroidery on the neckline. "How do I look?"
"Amazing." I told her, putting on my light pink heels and we both walked out of the dressing rooms smiling.
We were greeted by my brothers, all three of them who hugged me when they saw me.
"You look amazing, as usual." Arthur grinned at me and Lance kissed my cheek.
"You're going to take everyone's breath away." Lance told me and gave me a smile. I looked over at Tristan who stood at a side, quieter than usual. Lance nudged me in his direction and I walked over to him. He smiled on seeing me, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Hey Tris.. You okay?" I asked hugging him and he patted my back.
He thought for a moment before he spoke. "I'm so sorry Belle... I should have said something... And I-... I just-..." He sighed heavily and ran a hand over his face.
"Hey, hey.. listen to me. It's not your fault, Tris, it's really not... I brought this on myself, not you." He looked at me with a sadness in his eyes.
"But I should have said something... Hell anything but I just watched while you were called names... I should have said something... You didn't deserve that.."
"I know, I know, but you have to stop beating yourself up over it because it's not your fault okay?" I told him and he nodded.
"Good. Now I want you to smile because it's an important day for me, okay?" I told him and he gave me a smile that reached his eyes, and I smiled back at him. "That's more like it. Now come on." I took his hand and dragged him towards the others and gave him a glass of champagne and took one for myself. My eyes scanned the room as I searched for one person, but I didn't see him anywhere.
"He's on his way. There was a problem at his office." Lance told me and I nodded, sipping my champagne, when the doors opened and Adam strode in, looking all prim and proper. Actually, he looked hot.
He wore a black coat and dress pant with a crisp white shirt underneath and the first two buttons of his shirt were kept open. My breath hitched when he flashed me a dazzling and charming smile before making his way over to me. Everyone cleared a path for him as he walked, as if he was a king.
"You look beautiful, love." He told me and I blushed.
"Gosh, I wish you blushed that hard when I complimented you." I heard Gareth's voice and saw him coming in, all ready in his suit.
"Shut up Gare." I glared at him playfully and he chuckled. "Right... It's time.." I took a deep breath, standing straighter when I felt Adam's arm go around my waist as he held me close and I smiled to myself as we walked out of the room and towards the entrance.
Walking out, I looked at the entrance decorated beautifully, with light pink balloons and streamers everywhere, along with golden and white fairy lights. Everything looked spectacular. I looked at the crowd and the reporters gathered in front, and saw my dad talking to Lance before both of them flashed me a smile. I even saw Aveline and Aidan who waved at me excitedly and I waved back.
Grabbing everyone's attention, I held out my shiny scissors in front of me to cut the ribbon, and glanced at Taylor who gave me a thumbs up.
"Hello everyone, thank you for coming to the reopening of my Boutique. And welcome!" I exclaimed as I cut the ribbon and everyone erupted into an applause and people cheered and whistled, the paparazzi taking photos and blinding us as I posed with all the other designers, staff and my family and friends. I felt Adam pull me towards him and in the heat of the moment, I placed a kiss on his lips, but before I could pull away, he held onto me and kissed me sweetly.
We both pulled away smiling as reporters took our photo and bombarded us with questions..
Everyone moved inside, buying things or sipping champagne. I was happy, truly. I would often give people advice on their wardrobe and help them choose, but otherwise I was either answering questions or talking to family and friends.
"Everything is so lovely. I knew you could do it!" My dad hugged me and I hugged him back, my face now hurting from all the smiling.
"Thanks dad. I really appreciate you coming here. It means more than you know." I told him and he patted my back.
"Of course dear, why wouldn't I come?" He said and walked towards some of his friends to talk to them, when I felt hot breath fanning my neck.
"Come with me." I smiled inwardly at the husky voice and turned around to a grinning Adam.
"Where?" I asked him and he shrugged.
"Outside. I feel like you need a breather." He took my hand and we both walked upstairs to my office and out on the balcony. We stood in silence for a while until Adam stood behind me and I was caged between him and the railing.
"You've done so amazing Rose... I'm so proud of you." He spoke in my ear and I smiled, melting completely at the praise. I gasped when I felt him placing soft kisses on my neck and my hands clutched the railing tighter.
"Thank you." I whispered. "For everything."
I felt his smile as he placed a lingering kiss on my neck then pulled away as I turned to face him.
"We still need to talk." I reminded him and he nodded.
"I know... How about now?" He asked suddenly and I frowned.
"Yes. I want to clear the air. I can't take it anymore Rose.." He stepped forward, taking my hand and I led him back inside my office and we sat down on a couch, side by side. We sat in silence before he cleared his throat.
"I know I shouldn't have put you in an awkward position at the party... it was going so great until..." He stopped and I glanced at him.
"I know." I whispered slowly and he looked at me, his eyes sparkling with the faint light that entered that dark room from the balcony. "It's just that I... I'm afraid... of falling for someone... And my fear is what holds me back. You don't know how much it hurt. I'm scared of going through that again." I told him and he took my hand.
"I know love. I know it's hard, but you have to trust me, okay?" He asked me, his eyes searching mine and I nodded.
"I do trust you..." I whispered and saw him smile.
"Good." He whispered back but then he thought for a moment and tensed. "So what about us?"
"What about us?" I asked him.
"You said at the party that you needed to think about... us. Are you... having second thoughts about me?" He suddenly spoke and my eyes widened, and I saw the hurt that flashed across his face, and I cupped his cheek.
"No Adam, I'm not leaving you, don't worry." He relaxed visibly and exhaled.
"Oh thank god... You have no idea what that did to me..." He chuckled nervously and covered his hand over mine that still cupped his cheek.
"I was just overwhelmed by everything... That's all... I'm sorry for leaving you hanging there... And the reporters made it worse. All their questions and stupid theories." I said and he shook his head.
"It's alright.. I understand. And don't worry about any rumors or articles. I made sure they were all taken down. It obviously won't put an end to them, but it finished some things at least." He told me.
"Thank you.." I whispered to him and he nodded, but then furrowed his eyebrows. "But I have to ask you one thing though."
"What?" I asked him.
"Why is it that whenever Gareth is around, I find you in a very compromising position with him... And barely wearing anything..." I laughed when he said that and he just stared at me with his mouth hanging open.
"That's just Gareth, Adam, don't worry... Now that I think about it, it is true." I placed a finger on my chin, thinking deeply before bursting into laughter. Suddenly, Adam grabbed my face and crashed his lips onto mine, kissing me. When he pulled back, I was panting.
"I love it when you laugh... When you smile... It lights everything up... Never stop smiling.." he whispered and kissed me again, holding me possessively and kissing me deeply, with a new found passion. I kissed him back with equal passion.
"And I love it when you smile..." I whispered and he chuckled, then got up and took my hand.
"Come on. People must be wondering where we ran off to." He tugged at my hand and I got up, and we both went back downstairs to our family and friends. I felt full of life, full of energy as Adam intertwined our fingers and placed a kiss to my temple.
Now I know, things would be alright.