
Playlist for this chapter: Quit by Ariana Grande

"Oh fuck." Cole whispered.

Oh fuck indeed.

I stared at a very furious Nicholas standing in front of us, in a black suit, his jet black hair slicked back neatly as he took me in like I was his prey.

He looks really hot. Like sun, hot.

"Hello. How can we help you?" Daniel asked him and put his hand forward for Nicholas to shake but he didn't bother to even look at Daniel, rather he was looking at his arm draped over my shoulder, and his jaw clenched tightly as his eyes flicked to mine. I quickly removed Daniel's hand and he frowned and looked at me.

"You okay Dovey?" He asked me and I gave him a quick nod, tearing my gaze from Nicholas and glancing at him briefly.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine.." I said and we all stood there in awkward silence until Dave came forward.

"Mr. King. It's good to see you. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked him and Nicholas glanced at him briefly, his eyes full of anger as he looked at Dave who stepped back quickly. I noticed Jake standing behind Nicholas and he gave me a small wave and I smiled and waved back at him.

"Hey Jake." I said and Nicholas cleared his throat, my eyes snapping to his.

"Do you know these people, Dovey?" Daniel asked me and I nodded my head slowly.

"Yeah... I uh.. I do..um.." I looked at Nicholas and shot him a smile. "This is Daniel, a friend, and Dan, this is Nicholas. He's uh... He's my..." I looked at Cole and Abby who looked at us with eyes wide and shook their heads mouthing 'no'. But I was too late.

"Boyfriend." Nicholas said calmly but I could hint the anger in his voice as I turned to look at him with wide eyes.

Shit. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Dove? What is he saying?" Ava came up to me and suddenly Nicholas grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him, holding me close.

"I'm Dove's boyfriend, Nicholas King. Nice to meet you. You must be Ava, the sister." He said and held out his hand and Ava shook it hesitantly, her eyes snapping to mine.

"What's this Dove? You didn't tell me?" She asked me and I shook my head when Nicholas looked at me.

"You didn't tell her about us?" He asked me and I hinted the disbelief in his voice.

"I was going to... I just didn't find the right time.." I told Ava who nodded slowly, when Cole and Abby came up front.

"Don't worry Ave, she's in good hands, we know him." Cole told her.

"So you guys knew? And you didn't bother to tell me?" She looked at them in disbelief.

"Dove said she wanted to tell you herself, so we didn't. She really was going to tell you today but then we went out and she never got the chance to." Abby explained to her and Ava looked at me.

"Okay... I trust you Dove, but are you sure?" She asked me and I nodded my head, smiling.

"I'm sure." I told her and Nicholas relaxed a bit.

"How old are you?" Ava suddenly asked Nicholas and everyone looked at him, including me.

"25." He answered simply and Ava nodded.

"Alright. We'll talk later, okay?" She told me and I nodded then looked at Dan.

"It's okay Dan, I know him." I reassured him and he nodded, giving me a quick hug before following Ava. I could see the girls eyeing Nicholas like he was a full course meal.

I guess he was.

But he didn't even spare them a glance, instead, he looked at me.

"Come with me." He said and lead me out of the penthouse, towards the elevator.

"Wait, what about Jake?" I asked him.

"He was leaving anyway." He said as the doors dinged open and he entered. Now I recognized the place. It was the same building where Nicholas lived.

I knew it felt familiar.

He took my hand and led me upstairs and inside a room, which I assumed was his because of the coat and shirts lying on the couch. It was mainly black and grey, with very little stuff, but it was really spacious and the little furniture seemed modern and expensive.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked him when he left my hand and had tuned around, running a hand through his hair. He turned around abruptly, grabbing me by the nape of my neck and pulled me to him, crashing his lips onto mine.

He kissed me hard, roughly, holding my waist possessively as his hands slid down my body and he grabbed my ass and squeezed it before letting go. I gasped in his mouth and he slid his tongue inside, pushing me backwards until my legs hit the bed and he threw me onto it, taking off his coat and throwing it aside and pulling at his tie, then climbing on top of me.

He kissed me again, his tongue exploring my mouth as his hands roamed my body possessively and roughly, igniting a spark that ran to my core. He nuzzled his face into my neck, leaving wet kisses and nipping at my skin, biting my earlobe and licking wherever he bit me. I moaned and gasped, already feeling myself getting wet.


"Fuck" He cursed and looked into my eyes. "No one can touch you, but me. You. Are. Mine." He whispered to me and I shuddered, and his words imprinted themselves on my mind as he kissed me again.

"Nicholas..." I moaned lightly and he looked up at me with lust filled in his eyes, the blue in them now darker than ever.

"Tell me when you need me to stop." He whispered, trailing his hands up my thigh and kissing there lightly. It was like a new side of him appeared, much more gentle, like he wasn't rough with me just moments ago.

He placed kisses on my inner thigh and I moaned in pleasure as his hands pulled my dress up and traced the band of my panties.

"Fuck. You're so wet." He whispered, his fingers lightly tracing me, and then in one swift motion, he pulled my panties down and I gasped as the cold air hit me and he looked at me, kissing me slowly, our lips moving in perfect sync when I felt his finger circle my area as his other hand cupped my cheek. His finger slid into me and I gasped in between the kiss, arching my back so that my chest touched his.

He slowly moved his finger inside me, while I panted as I felt the blood rush to my head and a pit in my stomach.

"Nicholas" I moaned as he slid another finger inside and moved them a little faster now as my breathing became more ragged as I clutched to the sheets, then he bent down and licked me, my back arching in pleasure as I moaned and he licked all my juices.

"Cazzo, hai un sapore cosi dolce." (Fuck you taste so sweet.) He whispered and I moaned again when his stubble tickled me down there as he lapped his tongue against me, his fingers moving inside me steadily. I felt the pressure building up inside of me and I arched my back when I released, tugging at his hair, pleasure enveloping me as I moaned his name and his fingers slowly slid out of me.

He looked me in the eye as my vision cleared and I lay there panting, he kissed me deeply before pulling my dress down and helping me sit up. He went to the bathroom and brought out a wet towel and wiped me clean. He put it back in the bathroom and I quickly put my panties back on, when he came out and walked over to me, pulling me close by my waist and kissing me deeply.

He rested his forehead against mine when he pulled back and smiled. A genuine one.

"That..." I spoke but couldn't form any words as he held my hands.

Was amazing? Exhilarating? So fucking good?

"I know." He chuckled and kissed my forehead, picking up his coat and slipping it back on. I glanced at his lips and smiled, wiping them with my thumb as he gazed into my eyes.

"Red does look good on you. But I'm afraid we can't take that risk right now." I told him and he chuckled, placing a kiss on my wrist and leading me towards the elevator.

"Where are we going?" I asked him and he grinned.

"To a date." He replied and my eyes widened.

What the actual fuck.