
Playlist for this Chapter: Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince by Taylor Swift, Into You by Ariana Grande.

I gasped when my eyes met with deep blue ones, cold and furious as they seemed to look through me. I scowled and tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge.

"Nicholas, let me go." I said, pushing him away but he just looked at me indifferently.

"Did you not hear me? Let. Me. Go. Nicholas." I hissed at him and he looked taken aback at first but loosened his grip and I put some distance between us.

"Let's go Sienna." I said turning around.

"Stop." Nico's voice sounded but I ignored him. I heard his heavy footsteps before he caught my arm but I flung it away from him.

"No. You stop following me." I said and he an his tongue across his teeth.

"Come with me. I'll take you home." He said but I crossed my arms over my chest.

"No." I said and he glared at me.

"Come sit in my car or I'll make you sit." He said firmly and I straightened up.

"Why? So you can claim me again?" I said sarcastically and he scowled and ran a hand across his face.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for this morning, I shouldn't have done that." He said and sighed.

"Yeah. I'm glad you realized you were being an asshole." I rolled my eyes.

"And what about Liam?" He retorted back and I scoffed.

"What about Liam, Nicholas? I don't give a damn about him and what he says but what you say affects me too because I do give a damn about you and I'm seriously regretting it right now." My voice got higher and people who weren't looking were now staring at us intently.

Nico looked at me with a regretful expression in his eyes and drew a frustrated breath. Just then I felt Sienna's hand on my shoulder.

"Not here Dove, people are looking." She whispered to me and I looked around.

"Why don't you guys go ahead and talk somewhere more private? I'll go home okay?" Sienna said and I looked at her and then at Nico.

"Just come with me Dove." He said before adding. "Please." I gave in at that moment and told Sienna to get home safe, and stormed towards his car.

He took my car keys from me and gave it to one of his men who then left as I sat in the passenger seat and buckled my seatbelt, looking out the window as we drove off.

He stopped in front of a hotel I recognized was the one he was staying at. A man opened my door and got up, Nico following me in. An elevator took us to his floor and we stepped into his room.

This gave me major Deja vu as I remembered how similar the scene felt to when I left him, and something inside me shook, making me emotional. I swallowed the emotions with difficulty and sat down on the couch. Nico took off his coat and threw it aside, sitting across me.

"I'm sorry. For this morning. That was childish of me." He started but I gave away no emotion as I stared at the wall behind him.

I sighed after a while. "You have to stop acting out like that Nicholas." I said sternly and he looked down, holding his head in his hands.

"I know, I know and I'm working on it. But I can't just let him hit on you like that." He said and I shook my head.

"He wasn't hitting on me." I said and he looked at me in disbelief.

"Why are you defending him?"

"I'm not defending him!" I said and Nico scoffed.

"Do you still love him?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"No, I don't. Not anymore." I said but he just narrowed his eyes at me. "But you don't believe me, do you?" I chuckled and stood up.

"I'm leaving." I said but he stood up, taking hold of my arm.

"You're not going anywhere." He said and I glared at him.

"Yes I am. And I won't see you till you sort your shit out and can trust me enough to be around other men." I told him and he growled.

"I do trust you, it's him I don't trust." He hissed.

"Well then you should trust me enough to know that no one else means to me as much as you!" I told him and he faltered a bit, before composing himself again.

"I didn't mean it like that." He defended himself and I scoffed.

"Well then how exactly did you mean it?" I snapped at him.

"I..." But he couldn't say anything while I waited for him to say something. He ran a hand through his hair in frustration and took my hands.

"I'm sorry my love, I'm really sorry." He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. "I'm trying to be better, I really am. I just.. I can't take it when other men look at you like that. The way I look at you... It makes my blood boil and I want to gauge their eyes out." He said and I gasped.

"I mean, I wouldn't do that, obviously, it's just a thought." He quickly corrected himself.

I sighed deeply. "You have to stop acting like an over protective and jealous boyfriend Nicholas." I told him and he nodded his head.

"I'm... trying." He said exhaling. "I just can't help it." He said and pulled me into his arms.

"I know." I whispered, hugging him back. We stood like that for a while until his phone buzzed with an incoming call. He picked his phone up and glanced at the screen before putting it to his ear.

"What is it now?" He said and pulled my hand, settling on the couch and pulling me with him. I put my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat and the rumble of his chest when he spoke in his deep voice. He ran his hands through my hair and I closed my eyes, and fell into a deep slumber.

I woke with a start when I felt a sudden coldness take over my body. I reached out for Nico and felt his warm hands take my cold ones.

"I'm right here love." He said and I relaxed knowing he was here, slowly sitting up.

"What time is it?" I asked glancing at him and he looked at his watch.

"It's 7 pm." He said and my eyes widened.

"7 pm? I forgot to tell my parents! They must be so worried!" I said, looking around frantically for my phone, when he took my hand.

"It's alright. I told them you were with me." He said and I relaxed a bit.

"Oh thank you so much." I said smiling and settled back into his embrace and his arms wrapped around me.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"A bit."

"I'll order some dinner then. Is it okay if Jake joins us?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah it's fine." I said and a knock was heard on the door and I sat up straight as Jake waltzed in with lots of food boxes in his hand.

"Oh hey there Dove. How we doing?" He asked me and I smiled at him.

"Hello to you too. I'm doing fine, thank you." I told him and he sat down, pulling out the food. My mouth watered at the burgers and the fries as Nico handed me one. I dug in immediately, sipping my coke and chatting away with Jake happily, like Nico and I didn't just fight a few hours ago.

After eating, we all settled in front of the television and watched a random action movie that was playing.

"Qualche indizio?" (Any leads?) Nico asked Jake and he shook his head.

"No." He replied. "È pronta a parlare di tutto?" (Is she ready to talk about everything?) He asked him.

"Non credo. Cercherò di parlarle domattina. Abbiamo uh... abbiamo litigato qualche tempo fa e non voglio sconvolgerla in questo momento." (I don't think so. I'll try to talk to her in the morning. We uh... had an argument a while ago and I don't want to upset her right now.) Nico said.

"Oh. Non dire niente per ora, allora." (Oh. Don't say anything for now then.) Jake replied and Nico hummed in response and I smiled.

"You guys done talking about me?" I said and both of them looked at me shocked.

"How did you know?" Nico asked me and I frowned.

"I uh.. learned Italian." I said and they both looked at me baffled.

"When?" They both asked me at the same time and I shrugged.

"This year." I said and they nodded. After a while, Jake said he was tired and had to take care of some work, so he left, leaving Nico and me alone.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I whispered and felt Nico's smile from behind me.

"Of course. Do you want to tell someone at home?" He asked me and I took out my phone, telling my friends and Ava I was staying with Nico, and to tell mom and dad something. Anything but Nico.

"Done." I said and turned towards Nico who grinned at me, and I straddled him, kissing him deeply. I had taken the initiative this time and he looked taken aback for a moment before kissing me back ferociously. Our kiss turned heated within moments, rough, passionate as he bit my lip.

My hands went to his shirt and started unbuttoning it. He pulled away with a smirk.

"Impatient are we?" He asked and I glared at him playfully.

"Shut up and kiss me." I said and he sucked in a breath before crashing his lips back onto mine and kissing me with a new found passion.

He threw his shirt aside and his hands went under my sweatshirt, pulling it up. We broke the kiss only to take my sweatshirt off. He then picked me up and took me towards his bed and laid me down, hovering on top of me and kissing my neck.

I moaned a bit, but then bit my lip. He looked up into my eyes.

"Don't bite your lip." He said and released my lip with his thumb, placing a kiss on my lips and left a trail of wet kisses down my neck and to my breast. His hand cupped my breast and squeezed it gently and I gasped.

He moved down to my stomach and kissed me there before unbuttoning my pants and sliding them off.He came back on top of me and his hands trailed my breasts, moving to my back where he opened my bra with a flick of his wrist and it threw it aside.

I shuddered when the cold hair hit my bare chest as he started kissing my breasts, sucking my nipples and massaging the other. My hands trailed down his chest, before moving back up and hooking around his hair.

His hands trailed down and his fingers traced the band of my panties before pulling them off swiftly. He rubbed my clit slowly as I squirmed and felt the heat rushing down.

I clutched onto the bed sheets, my back arching as he slid a finger inside me and started moving it slowly, and increased his pace when he felt I was more comfortable.

He kissed my breasts as I felt the pressure building up inside me and another one of his fingers slid inside me and I gasped, my moans drowning out when he kissed my lips. My hands tugged at his hair as I moaned and panted his name.

"Cazzo, stai andando così bene piccola." (Fuck you're doing so good baby.) He whispered and moments later, I moaned his name as I released the pressure inside me, the pleasure enveloping me as he kissed my lips one more time and sliding his fingers out of me.

I looked at him through half lidded eyes and he smiled at me.

"Sei così bella amore mio." (You're so beautiful my love.) He whispered and I smiled at him.

"Anche tu sei bella." (You're beautiful too.) I whispered to him and he chuckled, pecking my lips and getting up. He went to the bathroom and came out a few minutes later, taking his pants off. I looked at him only in his boxers and felt my face heat up.

He smirked, getting in bed beside me and pulling the covers over us, he pulled me closer and withing moments, my eyes closed.

"Ti amo." (I love you) I heard him whisper faintly and fell into a deep slumber.

Anch'io ti amo (I love you too.)