My Woman

Playlist for this Chapter: Every day by Ariana Grande, Positions by Ariana Grande.

I woke up when I felt a light caress on my cheek. Soft and light touches trailing down my arms and a peck on my lips. I smiled shyly with my eyes still closed and heard a deep chuckle.

"You can open your eyes now." He whispered and I opened my eyes slowly, meeting intense, dark blue ones.

I traced my fingers on his face, outlining his jawline, his eyes, his lips and cupped his cheek.

"You're real." I whispered and he chuckled.

"Of course I'm real." He said and I smiled, looking at his eyes.

"I thought it was all a dream." I said and he covered my hand with his.

"This is real. We're real." He whispered, but sounded like he was convincing himself more than me.

I was still in a daze as he slowly got up and out of bed.

"Do you want to shower?" He asked and I looked at him in his boxers.

"Yeah." I said smiling, my eyes fixed on his body.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked me and I propped my head on my hand.

"Very much." I said and he smirked and leaned down so our faces were inches apart.

"Then would you like to shower with me to further enjoy the view?" He said and I blushed. The thought of showering with him sent a jolt of electricity through my body and before I knew it, I was nodding my head.

He smirked and took my hand, leading me into the bathroom. Somewhere in the middle of the night, I had put on Nico's dress shirt to cover myself. We walked into the bathroom and brushed our teeth and Nico started the shower. He eyed me in the mirror from behind me as I glanced at the numerous notifications on my phone that was placed on the vanity.

His arms came around me from behind me as he started kissing my neck, his minty breath fanning me and leaving me shuddering.

"You look so sexy in my shirt." He said and I blushed as he looked at the reflection of us.

"We look good together, no?" He said and I smiled.

"Yeah." I said, taking my phone and taking a picture of us standing like that in the mirror. "There. Now we even have proof of how good we look together." I waved my phone at him and he grinned.

His hand trailed up my thigh sneakily and I yelped when he pinched my inner thigh.

"Nico..." I whined. "We both have to be somewhere." I said, reminding him we were going to be late. He scowled and turned me around swiftly.

"I don't care." He growled.

"But I do. Come on, shower first." I said and he pulled back and grunted. His hands slowly went to the shirt I was wearing and he started unbuttoning it slowly while I waited with baited breath.

The shirt dropped with a thud on the ground and I looked down shyly, but his finger lifted my chin.

"Don't ever hide from me. You're so beautiful you drive me mad." He whispered giving me a small smile, his eyes on my face the whole time, never straying from mine.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked me and I nodded and he took his boxers off. I couldn't help but admire his perfect body as he pulled me under the hot shower.

We just stood there under the shower for a few moments, looking into each other's eyes, completely mesmerized. His eyes finally looked at my body and darkened immediately as he gulped before growling.

"Fuck it." He said and pushed me against the cold glass shower wall, kissing me ferociously. I kissed him back with equal passion, my hands running through his hair as he bit my earlobe and kissed my neck and then my breasts.

I felt wild, free and I pulled his face back up and kissed him deeply, taking charge. I bit his lip and he hissed in pain as I licked where I bit him. My lips went to his neck, breathing in his manly scent as I kissed him greedily.

In the spur of the moment, my hands trailed down his chest and down to his stomach. I trailed them further down but he caught my hand before I could go any further and pushed me against the wall, pining my hands on either side of me.

"What do you think you're doing?" He said in a frustrated voice.

"I want to pleasure you." I whispered and he just stared into my eyes deeply.

"Don't start something you can't finish." He said, nuzzling his face in my neck and inhaling deeply.

"I want to." I whispered and he pulled away from me. I took this as a green light and kissed his lips, then his jaw, slowly taking hold of his erection and running my hand over it.

He growled and closed his eyes, running his tongue over his teeth. I bent down slowly and looked up at him to see him already looking at me.

I ran my tongue over the tip of his cock and placed a small kiss there. Nico took a hold of my hair, pushing them back from my face as I licked his erection slowly, tasting him fully.

"Stop playing with me." He growled and I took his cock in my mouth and he closed his eyes, his head falling back as he mumbled something.

I pushed my head down a little bit, I sucked his cock slowly, bobbing my head up and down. I moaned around his length and guided my head lower, trying to take it in fully. I sucked and licked while his breathing became heavier.

"Harder." He said breathless, his head resting on the wall and I obeyed his command, taking his length in my mouth fully and sucking harder.

"Fuck." He whispered as his grip on my hair tightened and I knew he was about to come. And he released into my mouth moments later. I took it all in without hesitation and swallowed everything as he sighed deeply, trying to control his breathing.

I got up slowly and he pushed me against the wall, kissing my lips roughly. When he pulled away, we were both panting for air.

"I love you." He whispered against my lips.

"I love you too." I whispered back and he smiled, taking the some soap and putting it on my body and rubbing it slowly. He applied shampoo to my hair and massaged it slowly, making me close my eyes.

I did the same for him, washing him up and applying shampoo in his hair. When we were done, he wrapped a towel around his waist and then one around my body, leading me outside.

Just then a knock was heard on the door and he answered it while I waited in the bedroom. He brought back a bag and handed it to me.

"Wear these." He said and started wearing his clothes. I looked inside the bag and found a silky navy blue button down dress shirt, black pants and a black coat. There was also some clean lingerie inside and I smiled, putting on the clothes.

I glanced at the price tags briefly and gasped when I saw how expensive the clothes were. I could afford them easily, but I still knew they weren't exactly cheap. Buttoning my shirt, Nico came out of the bathroom dressed in a navy blue suit matching my shirt.

I knew he did this on purpose.

He was doing his tie and I walked over to him, taking his tie and doing it for him. I smoothed it down and looked up at him. His eyes trailed my body and he smirked in satisfaction.

"You look nice." He said.

"You didn't have to get me such expensive clothes." I told him and he frowned.

"Only the best for you my love." He said and pecked my forehead, putting on his coat. I combed my hair, applying the lip gloss in my bag and wore the black coat.

"Thank you. And you look handsome too. But is there any hidden meaning behind our matching outfits or was it purely coincidental?" I asked him and he smirked, reaching towards my necklace on the dressing table and putting it around my neck and looking at me with satisfaction.

"Like how you coincidentally bumped into me five times? Then no, it was purely intentional." He smirked and I rolled my eyes playfully, smiling. He took my hand and we both took the elevator downstairs to the dining hall.

We settled on a table and waiters placed our breakfast in front of us. I could see the women eyeing Nico and chatting in hushed tones. They would occasionally glance at me and give me dirty looks.

I felt really uncomfortable and tried to keep my head down, focusing on my breakfast and the tasty waffles in front of me.

"What's wrong my love?" Nico asked me and I looked up at him, giving him a faint smile and shaking my head.

Nico noticed my stiffness and looked around, his face hardening. Just then he got up from his seat and pushed his chair near mine and sat down on it, so that he had a clear view of the dining hall and everyone.

He took a fork and knife and fed me breakfast while I looked at him surprised. The women gasped when they saw us like that. I smiled at Nico and relaxed a bit, putting some cream on the waffles.

"Wanna try?" I held up a bite for him and he eyed it and hesitated before opening his mouth and eating it. He chewed it a few times before grinning.

"It's good." He said and I fed him another bite, smiling widely. We ate like this and people just stared at us shocked.

Guess no one ever saw Nico being so gentle and affectionate before.

After finishing breakfast, we sat at the table for a while and I spotted some girls behind Nico giggling and pointing at him. It's like they didn't even see me. Nico followed my line of sight and spotted the girls and frowned, looking at me and back at them.

I saw the girls saying something like 'go for it' and 'just do it', and one of them came forward slowly, wearing a very revealing black top and a tight skirt under it. Her hair was blonde and she would have been pretty if I could've actually seen her face under all of that makeup.

She stopped next to our table but Nico didn't spare her a glance even when she cleared her throat. He only looked at me, like I was the only person in the world. His gaze was full of warmth and love and he took my right hand, and brought it to his lips, kissing it slowly.

The girl grew more frustrated by the second as Nico reached inside his coat pocket and took out a silver signet ring, a lot similar to the one he was wearing. He slowly slipped it on the ring finger of my right hand he was holding and admired it.

I couldn't help but smile at him and he grinned at me, standing up and pulling me with him. Just then the girl behind him grunted in frustration.

"Mr. King." She said and Nico looked behind at the girl, the coldness in his eyes returning as he held my hand. The girl glanced at our hands and back at him, leaning forward to give him a full view of her cleave age, but he only raised his eyebrow at her questioningly, not once looking down.

"I'm Olivia, and I just wanted to say that you're really handsome and I was hoping I could get your number." She twirled her hair around her fingers and batted her eyelashes at him, licking her lips. I glanced at Nico discreetly before hanging my head low.

"Are you blind? Or are you just stupid to not see that I'm with someone already?" He spat out his words and surprised her, but she only smiled at him.


My hand tightened in Nico's and he noticed it, pulling me closer to him and placing a hand on my waist. Only then did the girl regard me, looking me up and down before scowling.

"I'm great in bed. You'll really like how wild I can get." She send sensually and I scoffed.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, you must be one of those clingy ones. Let me break it to you nice and slow. He is not interested in you." I said, highlighting each word and Nico looked at me with a smirk at how I used the same words that were thrown at me.

The girl looked at me with disgust.

"And who are you, bitch? Another one of his whores?" She said and I could feel Nico getting angrier by the second, but I kept my cool and looked at her sweetly.

"No sweetheart, I'm his girlfriend." I flashed her the ring on my hand and she looked at my necklace and frowned, while Nico smirked. I took this opportunity to hook my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately in front of everyone.

He kissed me back and pulled away grinning, tugging at my hand and leading me out.

"What does this slut have that I don't?" I heard her shout and both of us turned to look at her. Nico glared at her and she became pale.

"Don't ever insult my woman ever again or I'll make sure you never existed." He threatened her and her face turned as white as a sheet and her lips trembled as his words rang out in the now quiet hall.

My woman.

We turned to leave but Nico stopped abruptly and turned around.

"You want to know what she has so badly?" He looked at her menacingly before speaking, and then glanced at me and smiled, holding my gaze.

"My heart."