Trust Him

Playlist for this Chapter: Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons, Red (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift.

* DOVE *

"I did." His voice came and my head snapped to Liam and I looked at him in disbelief.

"W-What?" I asked him, my gaze unwavering.

"I had to Dove! I can't just let you ruin yourself because of a man who doesn't even love you!" He told me but I just shook my head in disbelief.

Nicholas ran his hand over his jaw and stared at Liam intently.

I guess he's planning on how to kill him. I don't know why, but I don't mind right now.

"You had no right to do that Liam! This is my personal matter and I was handling it very well." I told him and he scoffed.

"You mean how you've been having nightmares every fucking day or how you cried yourself to sleep every night?" He asked me sarcastically.

"That is none of your fucking business. Who I am with is none of your fucking business. If I want to be with Nicholas then I will be with him. No one will interfere with my life." I hissed at him and my dad came between us suddenly and looked at me with desperation.

"Dove please, this is for your own good, this man is not right for you." He took my hands and I sighed, shaking my head.

"Dad please, I can't just leave him. I love him." I whispered the last part and my dad ran a hand over his face.

"You aren't safe with him Dove, why can't you understand that?" Liam said and I glared at him.

"You can't tell me what to do Liam, you've already done so much so don't butt in anymore will you?" I told him and he looked hurt, but he had no right.

"But he doesn't care for you Dove, he's just using you!" Liam shouted at me and Nico came to stand beside me and held my waist.

"Who are you to say that I'm using her? Or that I don't love her?" He asked him confidently and Liam stood up straighter.

"Because you are engaged to some one already! I found out Dove, he's engaged to someone named Sofia." Liam told me and I froze, remembering last year.

"I am not engaged to anyone. If there's any woman in my life, it's her. Not Sofia." Nico stressed out the last part. "Sofia means nothing to me and if you try to interfere in our relationship again, I will end you." His voice became more threatening now and Liam averted his gaze.

I took Nico's hand and my dad glanced at me with a painful expression.

"I just want you to be safe sweetheart. And I don't think this man is the best choice right now." He said and I frowned.

"If there's anyone who can keep me safe, it's Nicholas. No one else dad." I pleaded with him but he still shook his head.

"You do realize what he does, right?" He asked me and I looked down. Nico tensed beside me but I squeezed his hand.

"I know. But he would never hurt me or the people I love. I know that dad. I trust him."

My dad sat on the couch and put his head in his hands.

"He is the last person you should be with right now Dove, he has many enemies. More than you can count.." Liam spoke to me and Nico scoffed.

"And you can keep her safe, yes?" He asked him skeptically and Liam gulped. "I thought so. Come on my love, let's go back home." He tugged at my hand and my dad stood up suddenly.

"Don't leave with him Dove." He said but I looked at Nico.

"I trust him. I'll be back dad, I promise." I told him and Nico and I walked out, ignoring whatever my dad and Liam said to us.

The driver opened the door of Nico's car and we both sat in the backseat. I put my head against the window and closed my eyes, letting the tears flow down slowly. I tried my best to not make any noise but when Nico's hand gripped mine I couldn't hold back.

I moved towards him and put my head on his chest, letting it go while he held me close in his arms and ran his hands in my hair while I cried silently. I let myself drift off to sleep to the sound of his steady heartbeat as the day took its toll on me.

When I woke up, I found myself in a comfortable bed in a small room that was barely lit up. I adjusted my eyes and saw Nico asleep on the chairs in front of me, my hand in his.

He looked so peaceful, so calm. I sat up slowly and my movement caused caused him to wake up too. He smiled at me and sat up straighter. I sat on the edge of the bed, facing him as his hand stroked my knuckles.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me slowly.

"Better, thank you." I answered, his eyes gazing at me intently, as if he was trying to figure something out.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me and I nodded and looked around.

"Where are we?" I asked him and he stood up, making me stand up too.

"My plane." He said and I answered with an 'oh'.

So we really were going home.

"Come my love, let's get you something to eat." He said and I followed him out. I looked around and saw the posh interior of the plane. I sat on a single seat and Nico sat in the seat across me.

Moments later the stewardess came with a tray of delicious food and put it in front of us. I saw her eyeing Nico and giving him a sweet smile but he didn't acknowledge her presence so I mouthed her a small 'thank you' and she left glaring at me.

Jeez, I was just trying to be polite.

We ate in silence and I looked out the window and gasped at the view of the evening sky.

"Wow! Look at the view Nico!" I exclaimed excitedly and saw Nico looking at me with an unreadable expression. He chuckled at me and looked out.

"You like it?" He asked me and I nodded enthusiastically, the smile never leaving my face.

"I love it! It's breathtaking, isn't it?" I clapped my hands and looked out.

"It is. Absolutely breathtaking." He whispered and I glanced at him and saw him looing at me, my smile growing wider as I blushed and looked away from his intense eyes.

He grinned and sat back in his seat, looking at me intently while the stewardess cleared the plates in front of us.

"When will we reach home?" I asked him and he smiled mischievously.

"We're not going home." He said and I frowned.

"What? Then where?" I asked him and he smirked, removing the table between us and leaning towards me.

"I'm taking you to my home. Italy." He said and I gasped in disbelief.

"What? Why?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"I wanted to take you away from everyone. Keep you to myself." he said and I could hear my heartbeat ringing in my ears.

"Italy?" I whispered, shocked.

"Yes my love. I wanted to show you where I'm from. A huge part of me, I wanted to share with you." He said and I felt the butterflies in my stomach.

"Thank you.." I whispered, swallowing the emotion and he leaned forward, placing a lingering kiss on my lips.

"Nessuno può separarci. You're mine. Tutto mio" (No one can separate us. You're mine. All mine.) He whispered and kissed me again.

I'm yours.