He's Mine

Playlist for this Chapter: Old me by 5SOS, POV by Ariana Grande.

Just as we all were chatting amongst ourselves, the doors to the dining room opened and Sofia entered in a shocking pink dress and matching heels, her dark hair dyed blonde nd her face caked with make up.

"I'm here now! No need to put off lunch any longer now!" She said coming in while swaying her hips. Adriana rolled her eyes and I giggled at her reaction.

"We're waiting for Salvatore, actually." Jake told Sofia who shrugged him off.

"Whatever." She said and scanned the room until her eyes fell on me.

"Is that who I think it is?" She said with her eyes widened and walked over to me slowly, her heels clicking against the polished floors.

"My my, what a surprise." She clicked her tongue and looked me up and down. I could feel Nico's gaze on my back but I ignored it.

"Can I help you, Sofia?" I forced myself to smile at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Yes, do tell me why you are sitting on my seat? And who's whore did you come as now?" She said through clenched teeth and I could feel the anger rising in me but I did my best to stay calm.

"First of all, I didn't know it was your seat, honest mistake." I placed a hand on my heart. "And secondly, are you asking me or yourself?" I smiled at her sweetly and saw her face twitch with anger while everyone else snickered and chuckled.

"You-.." She started but stopped when Nico came to stand beside me. I stood up and smiled at me.

"Sofia." He said in a tone which told her to shut up and she did. He took my hand and lead me to the head of the table and made me sit on the seat right next to the largest one, on which he sat himself.

His family also took their seats while Sofia just glared at me before sitting down. Salvatore came in after a few minutes and greeted everyone. He smiled at me briefly before sitting across me and started talking to Nico.

Din was soon served and I realized all the dishes were Italian. The table was full of different dishes but I settled on the pasta, all while sipping red wine along with it.

"Do you like it?" Nico asked me and I nodded.

"It's so delicious." I told him and he smiled at me.

"Qualcuno sa dirmi chi è questa puttana? E perché è seduta accanto ad Ace?" (Can someone tell me who this bitch is? And why she's sitting next to Ace?) Sofia suddenly spoke and all heads turned to her but no one dared to speak.

"È la tua nuova puttana?" (Is she your new whore?) She asked Nico, looking at him while he glared at her. I don't think they know that I can speak Italian now.

I put my hand on Nico's and gestured to him not to say anything. I wanted to hear this.

"È la sua ragazza Sofia." (She's his girlfriend) Adriana told her and Sofia scoffed.

"Non ti credo. Non ama le ragazze". (I don't believe you. He doesn't do girlfriends.)

"Dice la donna che si è dichiarata la sua ragazza e poi la sua fidanzata." (Says the woman who announced herself as his girlfriend and later his fiancé) Stuart told her and I tried to hide my smile by lowering my head.

"Questo perché ho dormito con lui più di una volta, quindi questo mi porta automaticamente fuori dalla sua lista di 'puttane'." (That's because I slept with him more than once so that takes me out of his 'whore' list automatically.) She stated and I froze. Nico tensed and I snuck a glance at him and saw him looking at me intently before glaring at Sofia.

"ENOUGH!" Nico's fist slammed the table and everyone flinched. "What happened between you and me was a mistake. Something I did when I wasn't in my right mind, so it doesn't count as anything even close to being important rather as something I don't even remember." He told her and her face fell.

It's like he's trying to explain himself.

"Va tutto bene Nico. A volte le persone sbagliano le cose e si considerano importanti. Conosco il mio posto. E io conosco il suo." (It's alright Nico. Sometimes people mistake things and consider themselves important. I know my place. And I know hers.) I told him smiling and he put his hand on mine.

"Conosco il mio amore." (I know my love) He said and placed a kiss on my hand while everyone looked at us stunned.

"You know Italian? And who's Nico?" Stuart asked me and I smiled at him nodding.

"I'm Nico." Nico told them and their mouths fell open as they looked at him in disbelief.

"He let you call him that?" Adriana asked me and I nodded.

"Long before we were together." I said smiling and glanced at Sofia briefly who was fuming now, I smirked.

"He was the one who confessed first too." I told her and Nico smirked when he realized what I was trying to do. "In other words, he's mine." I looked at Sofia meaningfully and saw her furious face.

After dinner Nico took me to his room after talking to his uncles while I chatted with Adriana. She was such an amazing person, I knew we would make good friends.

I went ahead while Nico took off his coat and tie and threw it on the couch. He came to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling his face in my hair and inhaling deeply.

"Making territory already?" He asked me and I turned around and pressed myself to him.

"Well, you are mine. Aren't you?" I asked him and he grinned.

"I'm yours." He whispered, making me smile.

"Then kiss me like you mean it." I told him and his eyes flicked to my lips and darkened before he crashed his lips on mine and kissed me hungrily. I hooked my arms around his neck and pulled him closer if that was possible and tugged at his hair.

He grunted and lifted me off the ground and put me on his bed, kissing me roughly. His lips trailed my neck, leaving wet kisses and pulled off my sweater and my shirt. He kissed all the way to my breasts and unhooked my bra, throwing it aside as he sucked on my nipples while I squirmed under him.

He moved down further and pulled my pants off so I was only left in my underwear. He looked at me with desire in his eyes, taking off his shirt and pulling down his pants so that he was only in his boxers.

He came to me and kissed my lips once more and pulled off my panties, slowly rubbing my clit. I moaned his name slowly and ran my hands down his back. He moved down, kissing a trail all the way to my inner thigh where he bit me lightly and I gasped, making him chuckle.

He gripped my thighs and buried his head between my legs, running his tongue over my clit slowly while I moaned his name in pleasure. His tongue moved to my entrance and he licked and sucked, making me squirm as I tugged at his hair and arched my back, feeling the pressure build up slowly.

"Fuck you taste good." He said.

I gasped when his fingers slid inside me and he moved it at a fast pace, while I pulled his hair. His grip on my thigh tightened and he slid another finger inside me, moving faster and licking slowly, and I came all over him, screaming his name. He moved away from me and licked his fingers while I watched him.

He came back from the bathroom with a wet towel and cleaned me gently and placed it back in there, before coming to lie down next to me and pulled the covers over us. I turned to face him and he placed a lingering kiss on my lips, caressing my face.

"I love you." He whispered when we pulled away and I put my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat as the day's exhaustion took over me and my eyes closed.

"I love you too." I whispered before falling into a deep sleep and felt a kiss on my forehead. I smiled to myself faintly and was out like a light.

Who knows what tomorrow would bring. So I'll enjoy the warmth of his arms while I wait.