All I want is You

Playlist for this Chapter: Believe by The Score.


"Hush baby, I'm here... It's okay, I'm here now." I whispered, rubbing her back as she shivered violently and cried into my chest for a good while.

What the fuck happened to her?

I felt her body go limp in my arms and I shook her gently. She didn't respond.


I checked her pulse. It was incredibly fast so I shook her again.

"Dove, baby open your eyes. My love, open your eyes, please." I shook her but no avail. Panic rose within me when I shouted.

"GUARDS! Where the fuck is everyone?!" I shouted hysterically and a few men came running in.

"Call the doctor NOW!" I shouted at them and they quickly went when Stuart and Adriana came rushing into my room.

"What the hell happened?" Stuart crouched beside me worried.

"She-she's not waking up. She won't wake up. She can't hear me.." I said in a daze and he put a hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

"Snap out of it Ace! She's just fainted, she'll wake up." He said while Adriana rubbed her cold hands to make her warmer.

"She's cold as ice right now." She whispered, rubbing her hands as the doctor came rushing inside.

"Hurry." Stuart said as as the doctor checked her pulse and shone a torch in her eyes.

A while went by as I held her in my arms while the doctor checked her. Adriana sat fidgeting with her hands and Stuart sat beside her. The doctor finally turned to look at me.

"She had a panic attack in her sleep which is why she fainted. It seems to have impacted her brain heavily and she seems to be facing some major trauma. I'd suggest you get her checked thoroughly but for the while I've given her medicine and put it by the table. Give it to her every 24 hours with water. She'll wake up in a few hours since she hasn't relaxed." He said and I nodded curtly.

Stuart got up and escorted the doctor out while I went to sit beside her. Her forehead was covered in sweat and her skin was ice cold. I held her hand and kissed it gently. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Adriana with a worried look.

"She'll be okay. Don't worry." She whispered but I didn't bother answering. This was all my fault anyway.

"This is all my fault." I grunted as Stuart came in.

"Care to elaborate?" Stuart looked at me and sighed.

"Giovanni. Her nightmares are about him. He shook her up pretty bad." I said, running a hand over my face.

"Merda." (Shit) Stuart said and looked back at me.

"Has she been receiving any help?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Refused." I told them and they both shook their heads in disbelief.

"You should get some sleep Ace. She'll wake up. The doctor said so." Adriana said and I nodded as they went back to their room. I watched her beautiful angelic face, running my hands through her hair and pulled her closer to my chest.

I'll kill him. I'll kill anyone for you my love. Just wait and watch Giovanni. You haven't faced my wrath just yet.

I pulled the covers over us as I sat against the headboard and she stayed in my lap with her head against my chest throughout the night. I don't know when sleep enveloped me and I was out like a light.

* DOVE *

I stirred in my sleep and snuggled into the comforting covers. A steady heartbeat beat in my ears and I lifted my head a bit and saw Nico's chest. I was in his lap and he was asleep, his face in a frown, worry etched across his features.

Even though he was asleep, he was holding me in a tight and firm grip. Like he would lose me if he let go.


I remembered crying.. the nightmare and then... nothing...

I must have passed out.

I slowly ran my fingers on his cheek then his hair as his features became more relaxed.

"Nico?" I whispered softly and his eyes opened slowly, taking me in and blinking hard.

"Dove?" He asked, sitting straighter and looking at me.

"Yes my love?" I asked him softly and he sighed in relief before smiling.

"Oh thank god." He pulled me closer, putting his face in the crook of my neck and inhaling deeply.

"Don't do that again for fuck's sake. You had me so worried." He said muffled and I hummed in response as I closed my eyes in his comforting scent.

"Look at me Nico." I said, cradling his face in my hands and saw his blood shot eyes. "Nico... what's wrong sweetheart?" I whispered and hugged him.

"I thought something happened to you.. I'm so sorry... This is all my fault..." He whispered but I shook my head.

"No Nico it's not. It was my choice to be with you, and I don't care about any consequences as long as I'm with you. It's not your fault. Okay?" I told him and he looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Why?" He whispered and I cupped his cheek.

"Why not you?" I asked and he exhaled.

"Look at me Dove, I'm broken. I'm a killer. I'm a murderer. I'm not perfect. You deserve someone good. Not me." He spoke as if every word he said pained him.

"No Nico don't say that. No one's perfect. And I love you the way you are. I love you so much I can't think straight. You're not a killer. You're not a murderer. You're the man I love with all of my heart and more. That's all that matters to me. All I want is you. All I need is you." I said and he looked at me with such love and admiration and love in his eyes and kissed me gently.

There was so much love, hurt, pain and longing in the kiss it made me breathless.

"God I love you so fucking much." He said and I smiled.

"I love you too." I said and he smiled faintly, when a nock was heard at our door.

"Breakfast is ready Mr. King." He said and left. Nico slowly carried me out of bed and took me to the bathroom. Carefully putting me on the counter, he opened the tap of water and filled the bathtub with warm water and added bubbled.

He then walked over to me and looked at me intently.

"May I?" He touch my shirt and I nodded, lifting my arms as he pulled the shirt over my head. I wasn't wearing a bra and the cold air hit my skin as he also took his shirt off.

He came closer to me and placed a kiss on my cheek, and then my neck, then my chest. He moved down slowly, placing kisses all the way to my silky shorts, he tugged them down as I sat there naked in front of him.

Picking me up again, he placed me into the bath tub carefully and took his sweatpants off and got in behind me. I settled my head on his chest as he slowly massaged my shoulders and I relaxed.

"Good?" He asked me and I hummed in response.

I turned my head to look up at him and he smiled, pecking my lips briefly as we sat there for a while more. When we were done, he wrapped a towel around my body and did the same for himself and we went to the closet.

"Nico?" I asked him and he hummed in response. "Are we still going out today? For shopping I mean." I asked him and he turned to look at me while buttoning his shirt up.

I saw his glistening skin peeking through the open shirt and looked away before he caught me.

"I don't think that's a good idea sweetheart." He told me and I frowned.

"Why though? I'm okay now, see?" I twirled for him and he smiled at me.

"I don't know. It's quite risky. I don't want you fainting again." He said but I frowned.

"It'll be okay Nico, and you'll be there with me. Won't you?" I said and he looked at me with an unreadable expression before sighing.

"Alright. Fine. Hurry up then." He said and walked out of the room, all dressed while I squealed in my towel. I rummaged through my clothes and found my comfy light blue jeans and navy blue Nike sweatshirt.

It was less colder now so I decided I wouldn't need to wear anything too warm. Getting dressed, I quickly put on my white sneakers and analyzed myself in the mirror before running a hand through my hair.

I quickly went downstairs and greeted some maids and guard on that floor who asked me how I was feeling. I saw Nico sitting in the head seat and scrolling on his phone and Adriana and Stuart talking about something.

Adriana spotted me in the doorway and her eyes widened before ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Oh god you had us so worried!" She said and examined me from head to toe.

"I'm fine now." I said as I walked over to Nico. He smiled at me as I sat down and made me a plate of breakfast that I devoured within minutes.

"Glad to know you're okay. You should've seen Ace though. He was so worried we thought he'd kill someone." Stuart said chuckling and I smiled widely and glanced at Nico who ate quietly.

A sudden thud was heard from under the table and Nico glared at Stuart.

"Ow man, not cool." He whined and Nico just continued with breakfast.

"Are we still going shopping?" Adriana asked and I nodded while she squealed happily.

"You two are going alone right?" Stuart asked and Adriana glared at him playfully.

"No darling, Ace's coming with since he won't leave Dove's side like a child, so you're coming with too." She said and Nico choked on the juice he was drinking.

"Child?" He asked her confused.

"Yes, like a child. You're too clingy. Even for a girl." She told him and Nico's face scrunched up while we all laughed at him. I patted his hand to comfort him and drank the rest of my juice quickly.

I feel at home with these people. Nico is my home, and I hope it stays that way.