Excessive Shopping And That Red Dress

Playlist for this Chapter: The Heat by The Score, Money Run Low by The Score.

"Where to next?" Adriana asked me but I shrugged looking at the large amount of bags in Stuart's and the guards hands.

"I think this is enough no?" I said smiling sheepishly but Adriana gasped.

"Girl you only bought a pair of shoes! And even those were sneakers!" She said and Nico came to me and took my hand.

"You didn't get anything?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I don't think I need anything." I said but he shook his head and looked at Adriana.

"Which is best shop for dresses?" He asked her and she clapped her hands and lead us and a grumbling Stuart to a fancy boutique. So many dresses of every color and design hung. I gasped at all the pretty dresses and a saleswoman came to us.

"How can I help you ma'am?" She asked me and gasped when she saw Nico with me.

"Mr. King! What an honor to have you here! Do you wish to buy dresses for your sister?" She smiled at him sweetly and batted her eyelashes, ignoring my existence completely.

How nice of her.

"No. For my girl." He said and kissed my temple and smiled at me. The woman frowned and looked at me with a disgusted look on her face but smiled at Nico.

"Of course, come this way. What are you looking for?" She asked and Nico looked around, settling onto a posh white couch.

"Get us all your best. Nothing less for my girl." He grinned at me and I smiled as the lady went and a server came in with a tray of drinks. I took some champagne and sat next to Nico and pecked him on the cheek.

"Thank you Nico." I whispered in his ear and he closed his eyes.

"Say that again." He growled and I grinned.

"What? Nico?" I grinned at him and he opened his eyes, pulling me closer and exhaled on my lips.

"I love it when you call me Nico. I can't wait to hear you screaming my name." He whispered huskily, making me all hot and bothered. I blushed and he smirked.

Just as his lips touched mine, the sales woman came back with a few more people with a rack of dresses.

"Mr. King." The saleswoman said sweetly and I noticed that the buttons of her blouse were now opened, revealing a lot of her chest. I scoffed, loud enough for everyone to hear and all heads turned to me as I got up and picked the first dress up from the rack and went into the changing room, which was quite a big room blocked from view by curtains and mirrors all around it.

The dress was a black satin dress with spaghetti straps, a slit all the way to my thigh, and showed a little of my chest too. It was love at first sight. I absolutely loved it.

I pushed open the curtains and stepped outside, all eyes turning me. Nico's eyes trailed over my body shamelessly, lingering a lot longer at my legs and chest and his eyes darkened as he ran his tongue over his teeth and ran a thumb over his jaw.

I put a hand on my hip and smiled at him sweetly as his gaze flicked to me and he smirked.

"We're getting this." He said looking at me and I smiled, taking another green dress off from the rack and going back inside to change after winking at Nico and blowing him a kiss.

He pretended as if he caught it and put it into his pocket. The staff looked at us confused and I went back inside laughing.

I tried on the dark green dress. It was quite revealing and showed a lot of my skin, ending near my mid thighs. It was strapless dress with glitter on it that made it shimmer and hugged my body, with a small slit at the thigh.

I walked out of the changing room and saw the same saleswoman trying to flirt with Nico who was typing something on his phone and standing up.

His gaze flicked to me and then my dress, scanning my body as I looked at the woman who tried to touch is arm. She wouldn't get the hint that he simply wasn't interested so I walked over to Nico, slowly as his gaze darkened.

I got a hold o his tie and pulled him towards me, crashing my lips onto his. He smirked and kissed me back, pulling me closer by my waist and sliding his tongue in my mouth as we both fought for dominance.

He pulled away breathless with a grin on his face as all the staff looked at us flabbergasted. I looked over to the saleswoman.

"If I were you I'd keep my sticky paws to myself sweetheart. And button up your shirt you really don't look hot. If you value your job or your life I'd suggest you stop flirting with my boyfriend because he's not the only one who can shoot people without thinking twice." I smiled at her sweetly as she turned pale and ran off somewhere.

"That was so hot." Nico whispered in my ear huskily and I smirked at him, pecking his lips, and going back to the changing room.

Adriana was buying some things for herself too and came running to me when Nico had chosen a few dresses for me.

"Dove, you have to get this for the club tonight!" She threw a red dress at me and I luckily caught it and when I looked at it, my eyes widened by a large fraction.

"Oh god yes!" I said and Adriana squealed.

"Yes!" She exclaimed and I quickly tried it on. It was perfect. Hugged all the right curves and made me look amazing.

"Wow. Looks like you'll be turning heads tonight. Again." Adriana said and we laughed as I took the dress to the counter and Nico came over to me.

"That's it?" He looked at the bags that the cashier packed and I nodded.

"Yeah this is al too much anyway." I said and he frowned.

"Get something else too." He said but I shook my head.

"It's fine Nico, I don't need anything else." I said and he sighed.

"I'll have to do this myself." He payed with his card and dragged me to another store and bought me shoes matching each pair of dress and bags too, along with a big amount of accessories.

"Nico I'm tired!" I whined as I tried to catch up with him and he looked at me carefully before coming over to me and picking me up bridal style.

"Ah! What are you doing! Let me down Nico!" I said and he smirked as people stared at us.

"Nico people are staring!" I said but he ignored me and carried me all the way to the car and his guards and driver gave him weird looks. I buried my face in the crook of his neck so no one could see me and Adriana and Stuart snickered at us.

"Where are we going?" I asked Nico.

"Lunch." He said and I nodded, looking out the window as a fancy restaurant came into view. We went inside, Nico's arm on my waist as people stared at us. I looked down to avoid any attention.

"Don't look down my love. Keep your head high. No ne can say anything to you when you're with me." Nico said quietly and I nodded, standing straighter. We were lead to our table and sat down quietly.

We opened the menus but I couldn't decide on what to eat.

"Nico, could you order for me please?" I asked him and he hummed in response as he placed our orders.

"So which club are we going to tonight?" Stuart asked, sipping his wine.

"Mine." Nico said and he nodded.

"Oh that's great! You have to see Nico's club Dove it's absolutely amazing!" Adriana said and I smiled.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded as our food came. We ate it chatting occasionally. Lunch passed by pleasantly and by the time we reached home it was sunset.

"Be ready at 8, okay?" Nico said and I nodded as the men carried my bags to the room. I went up to the room and put everything away just as Nico came in.

"You should rest for a while my love, We'll wake you up at 7." He said and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Hmm. And where are you going?" I asked him and he looked down at me, wrapping his arms around me.

"In my office, I have to work a bit. Rest. You need it." He said and led me to the bed, putting the covers over me and closing the curtains. He kissed my forehead and went out as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep almost immediately.

"Dove? It's 7 pm wake up." Adriana shook me gently and I opened my eyes slightly and stretched."Already?" I asked getting up and she nodded nd I hummed in response.

Just then a maid came out of the bathroom and looked at us.

"The bath is ready ma'am." She said and went out.

"Come on, go take a nice bath and pamper yourself. I'll come back after a while okay?" She said and I nodded, getting up and making my way into the bathroom.

I stripped to my underwear and just I was about to go any further, I felt a presence behind me and cold fingers trailing down my back.

"Having fun without me?" He whispered in my ear and I shivered, turning around and pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back passionately, his cold hands making me shiver.

He unbuttoned his shirt and got in the tub with me, washing me gently. I sat with him there for a while while he kissed and sucked n my neck. His fingers trailed lower down my body and brushed ever so slightly over my clit.

"Nico... We're going to be late." I whispered.

"Don't give a fuck." He said and rubbed my clit slowly while I moaned quietly. His fingers slowly slid inside me and I gasped, arching my back as he moved them inside me slowly.

He took his sweet time teasing me while I whimpered, aching for more of his touch. He moved his fingers inside me faster now while I moaned his name ad felt the pressure building rapidly.

A few moments later, I came undone, moaning his name as my vision became hazy. He pulled me out of the water and I put a robe on as he wrapped a towel around his waist.

He pecked my lips and left the bathroom. I went out too and saw Adriana smirking at me and my face instantly turned red.

"Before you say anything, I heard you. Loud and clear sweetheart." She winked at me and I averted my gaze and Nico walked out of the closet dressed in a black suit. He winked at me and left the room.

"Okay come on, we don't have much time left." She pushed me in front of the dressing table and dried my hair, straightening them

"When did you dye your hair?" She asked and I smiled when I remembered.

"A few days before I met Nico." I said and she smiled, helping me put on some makeup. I only applied mascara and a little highlighter. Feeling bold, I picked up the red lipstick and put it on carefully.

"You look hot." Adriana said as she reached for our dresses.

"Thanks. So do you." I told her as I admired her smoky make up. I took my dress and quickly put it on, along with nude lacy panties. I put on the necklace Nico gave me and his ring, and strapped my heels on, running a hand through my hair.

"Wooooowwww." Adriana said as I admired my reflection in the mirror. I smiled to myself as I looked at the dress and twirled.

"You look so hot!" She said and I grinned, looking at her.

"You look so beautiful too!" I said and she smirked, flipping her hair.

"I know right." She said and we both started laughing.

"Cazzo! It's 8 and Ace doesn't like waiting. Come on, affrettarsi!" (Hurry up!) She said and I quickly grabbed my small clutch and put lipstick and my phone inside, spraying some perfume on and running outside.

We slowed down on the stairs so we wouldn't slip. I heard voices from below and saw Nico and Stuart talking with Jake and another young guy with dirty blonde hair.

When they heard the sound of our heels, everyone looked up and stared as their eyes widened. But my eyes were only on Nico whose eyes had darkened by a large amount as he took my body in, his gaze making me hot al over.

"Holy fuck." Jake said wolf whistling and I laughed, making Nico glared at him and put an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"What are you wearing my love?" He hissed in my ear and I smirked.

"A dress. Why? You don't like it?" I asked him innocently and he closed his eyes then opened them again, running his tongue across his teeth.

"Stai cercando di uccidermi, tesoro. La mia pazienza scatterà da un momento all'altro, amore." (You're fucking trying to kill me darling. My patience is going to snap any second now love.) He whispered but everyone heard it and chuckled.

"Don't mind him Dove, you look too hot." Jake said and I smiled.

"Thanks. And where have you been all this time?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Sicily. Work." He said and I nodded and glanced at Nico who was looking at me intently.

"Stop torturing the poor man Dove." Stuart snickered and Nico gave him a deathly glare that shut him up. I turned to the guy with the dirty blonde hair and noticed he had dark brown eyes. He gave me a small smile which I returned.

"Matteo, my beautiful lady. Ace's younger cousin." He said and winked at me. I chuckled and Nico growled at him threateningly, making Matteo step back and raise his hands in surrender.

"Sorry fratello. Couldn't help myself." He said.

"It's nice to meet you Matteo, I'm Dove."

"So I've heard." He said and smirked, looking at Nico.

"Sei fottutamente frustato Ace. Sembri che la porterai proprio qui." (You're fucking whipped Ace. You look like you're going to take her right here.) He said to Nico chuckling who scowled at him.

Whipped? So am I.

"Infatti, NO? L'ho avvolto intorno alle mie dita." (I know, right? I have him wrapped around my fingers.) I said and Matteo's eyes widened as he looked at Nico.

"Lei sa parlare italiano."(She can speak Italian.) He looked at Nico in disbelief and then me. "Puoi parlare italiano." (You can speak Italian.)

"Sì posso." (Yes I can) I said and he shook his head.

"Ah well, that's good." He cleared his throat and glanced at his watch.

"Oh we'll get late, come on you persone calde" (hot people) He said and we all walked outside. The door was opened for me and I slid inside quickly and Nico got in with me while the others came in their own cars.

Nico put his hot hands on my thigh and leaned forward.

"As much as I hate other people staring at you, I'd be lying if I didn't say you look so damn sexy and hot. All I want to do is drag you back into my room and have my way with you while you scream my name." He bit my earlobe lightly while I grew hot all over and blushed furiously, hiding my smile.

"Stai così bene che ti porterei qui subito." (You look so good I'd take you here right now.) He whispered and smirked at me, placing a kiss on my neck.

He went back to his seat but kept drawing patterns on my bare thigh, leaving a tingling sensation there and a throbbing in my core.

I need him. I want him so bad.

I have a feeling that it's going to be a hell of a night.