Dance the Night Away

Playlist for this Chapter: Perfect (Matoma Remix) by One Direction, Money Run Low by The Score.


"Stai così bene che ti porterei qui subito." (You look so good I'd take you here right now.) I whispered in her ear and smirked at her reaction, placing a lingering kiss on her neck I felt her breathing quicken.

If only you knew what you're doing to me right now.

I went back to my seat but kept drawing patterns on her bare thigh, adjusting myself so my hard-on wouldn't be visible.

Fuck, I need her now.

We parked at the club's entrance. This was one of my best clubs. The guards opened my door and I went to Dove's side to open her door and held my hand out to her.

She took it slowly, her cold fingers fitting perfectly in my warm ones.

Like they were made for each other.

We walked to the front of the club, the others following close behind. I saw the men eyeing her and glared at them. It's good they know who I am.

We entered the club and blaring music could be heard. I saw her looking at her surroundings in awe as I led her to the VIP section. Everyone else was already sitting there and we took our places and a waiter came.

"Oh can we do shots?" Dove asked me excitedly and I nodded, gesturing to the waiter to get us shots and other drinks. As soon as our drinks came, everybody took theirs and I sipped on my scotch.

"Can I try yours?" Dove asked me and I handed it to her. She took it to her soft lips and took a sip and scrunched up her face.

"It's bitter!" She exclaimed, her eyes shining in the dim lights and I chuckled.

She examined the drink and handed it back to me. I took it and saw the red lipstick stain on the glass and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Not my fault." She said and I smirked, bringing the glass to my lips I put my lips where hers had been, all the while looking at her. She blushed and looked away, reaching for a shot and downed it in one go.

"Oh god! This is good!" She exclaimed as everyone took shots.

"I know right!" Adriana exclaimed.

"Let's see who can drink the most shots, okay?" Matteo said and Dove moved forward excited.

"Any prizes?" Dove asked and Matteo smirked.

"Ace will kiss whoever can drink the most number of shots." He suddenly spoke and I frowned.

"That's actually... a good prize..." Dove said grinning.

"Why are you making deals about me without my consent?" I asked Matteo who shrugged.

"Come on Ace, it'll be fun." Jake said and I looked at him expectantly.

"Are you that eager to kiss Nico?" Dove asked him and everyone erupted into laughter including Jake.

"What if it's me?" Adriana asked and Stuart thought for a moment.

"Ace will kiss whoever wins on the lips, except Adriana, he can kiss her cheek. That okay?" He said and everyone agreed.

"I'm right here, and I haven't agreed to anything." I said and Dove turned to me.

"Please Nico, please.." She begged and I frowned.

"Do you really want me to make out with these fuckers?" I asked her and she grinned.

"Yup. It'll be fun, please?" She begged and I sighed.

Fuck it, I can't even say no to her.

"Fine." I huffed and she clapped her hands.

"Alrighty, let's start come on guys!" She said and the waiters started bringing the shots.

"Round one, on three!" Stuart shouted and on three all of them took a shot.

"Round two!" Dove said and they all took another shot.

"Round three!" Adriana and Matteo said in unison and they took another shot.

"Round four!" Jake said and they took another. This went on till Adriana gave up on round 6.

Matteo gave up on round 10.

Stuart gave up on round 11.

Jake and Dove were facing each other.

"That kiss is mine sweetheart." Jake grinned at her and Dove smirked.

"Oh honey you have absolutely no idea how much I can drink." She said and they continued taking shots.

"Round 20!" they said in unison and burst out laughing while we all looked at them in awe.

"Wow. Her tolerance is high, no?" Matteo said and Dove looked at him.

"I've had lots and" *hiccup* "lots and lots and lots of practice." *hiccup*

"How?" Stuart asked and she smiled sadly and pointed to me.

"He hurt me" *hiccup* "so I drank and drank and drank until I felt nothing." *hiccup* "Moving on, ROUND 22!" She shouted while I thought about her words.

She drank because I hurt her. Hell, I started drinking uncontrollably at that time too.

"I give up!" Jake exclaimed and fell back onto the couch and my head snapped back to them.

"How many rounds was that?" I asked chuckling and Jake opened one eye.

"25? 26? How many?" He asked the others who laughed at him.

"24 rounds. Damn." Matteo said and Dove stood up and jumped up and down excitedly.

"Ha! I won! Suck it loser!" She exclaimed while we all laughed at her. She swayed dangerously and I stood up immediately and caught her before she fell.

"Oh my knight in shining armor!" She hooked her arms around my neck and I made her sit down on my lap and gave her water.

"Come on Ace, you made a deal." Matteo said rubbing his hands together and Stuart smirked.

"Yeah hold up your end Ace!" Adriana said and Stuart agreed with her.

"Make out! We want a steamy make out session!" Stuart said and Dove laughed, coming back to her senses. I looked at her and raised my eyebrow at her.

"May I kiss you my lady?" I asked her and she smiled, her eyes sparkling.

"You may my fine si-" But I didn't let her finish her sentence and crashed my lips onto hers, kissing her passionately and feverishly. My arms went around her waist and her hands went in my hair, tugging at them.

I bit her lip and she gasped, giving me access to her mouth and I slid my tongue inside, dominating her and exploring her mouth. I pulled her closer to myself, our bodies flush against each other as my grip on her waist tightened and she moaned ever so slightly.

I grunted, feeling the hard on in my pants growing and I slowly pulled away. Everyone was whistling and whooping by now and I looked at her red cheeks as she breathed heavily and looked into my eyes.

"Now that's one steamy make out!" Matteo said and everyone laughed, Dove burying her face in the crook of my neck.

She's so cute sometimes.

We sat there talking and laughing for a while. Dove tried to reach for a drink many times but I didn't let her. I made sure she didn't get off from my lap until she was more sober.

"Let's go the dance floor! Come on guys!" Adriana pulled Stuart and Matteo by their hands and they went with her. Jake followed them and Dove looked at me.

"Can I dance? Please?" She said and I sighed, loosening my grip on her and she ran to the others excitedly ad onto the dance floor. I looked at them since the dance floor was right in front of where I was sitting.

I saw them dancing randomly to the songs, laughing and doing weird moved. Just then Dove's face lit up and she looked at Adriana.

(Play the Heat by The Score from here.)

"My favorite song!" She shouted and I listened to the start of the song. I remember she was listening to it a few days ago. The Heat by The Score.

She started moving to the rhythm slowly and doing all types of professional dance moves while I looked at her, completely mesmerized.

* DOVE *

I moved my hips slowly and sensually to the music, closing my eyes and doing my own thing. Moving my body to the music, I an my hands over my body and through my hair, slowly, taking my time and imagining them as Nico's.

I opened my eyes and saw Nico with scotch in his hand as he stared at me intently and took small sips from his lips. and people had made a circle around me and were cheering me on, but my eyes stayed on him the whole time as I swayed my hips and bit my lip when I saw him gulp.

I felt so energetic, so alive and did a graceful pirouette that I learnt when I was younger. Everyone cheered and I saw my friends smiling at me.

When the song ended there was a round of applause and a lot of whistling. I moved back towards Nico as another song started and everyone danced to that. I walked over to him and he stood up.

"Did you like it?" I asked him and he smiled.

"I loved it so fucking much." He said and I smiled, taking his hand and dragging him to the dance floor.

I hooked my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. A slow song was playing and we swayed to the beat slowly. He twirled me around and when he pulled me back our noses touched, lips just a breath apart.

But at the last moment I pulled away and smirked at his confused face. My back touched his front as his hands settled on my waist and we moved slowly.

My eyes closed on their own slowly and I hooked my arms around his neck as his hands roamed my body and I grinded against him to the song that was playing.

I felt everything, everywhere. His touch, his scent, all around me, igniting a fire inside me that only Nico could put away. My hands covered his on my waist and I leaned my head against his chest.

He kissed my lips and I turned my head a little to kiss him better. And in this moment, I knew I needed him now. I turned around and kissed him deeper, and when we pulled away for a breather, I looked into his deep blue eyes, losing myself in them.

"Nico..." I whispered against his lips.

"My love." he whispered, his hot breath fanning my face.

"I want you. I need you. Now." I said and he pulled away a bit and looked at my face to understand me.

"What?" He asked confused and I pulled him closer to me.

"I want you to make love to me." I whispered in his ear and saw his eyes darken dangerously and he gulped, gripping my waist, he took my hand and led me out of the club.

This is where it all began.