Bloody Wedding Dress

Playlist for this Chapter: Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift, Fire by the Score.

* DOVE *

When I woke up the next morning, it was to a soft caress to my cheek. Slowly opening my eyes, I was met with dark and deep blue ones that looked directly into my soul.

My gaze moved down to his perfect lips that bruised me, his rough hands that gripped me and his eyes that held me captive.

"Good morning love." He whispered, giving me a small smile. I smiled back, bringing my hand to cup his cheek. He closed his eyes, leaning into my touch.

"Morning." I whispered back and his eyes opened to look at me. For few moments he kept stroking my cheek and we only looked at each other in a comfortable silence.

"Shower?" He asked me and I nodded, slowly getting up and we both went into the bathroom, quickly showering and getting ready for the day.

I was standing in my bathrobe in the closet, choosing what to wear when arms circled my waist and pulled me back to a firm chest.

"I want to take you out today. What do you say to dinner somewhere?" He asked and I nodded.

"That sounds nice." I answered, and he placed a kiss on my neck before letting me go. He went to get ready and I also decided on my outfit, a short black flary skirt with a light blue turtleneck sweater and thigh high black velvet boots.

Twirling in front of the mirror, I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, wore my ring and necklace, and applied a little lip gloss and smiled at my reflection.

Damn, I look good.

I spritzed on some perfume quickly and went downstairs, only to be met with Adriana in a bone-crushing hug as soon as I entered the dining room.

"Can't-...breathe." I whispered and she let me go, smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry Dove, I'm just really happy to see you because my life literally depends on you right now." She said dragging me to the table and I sat down next to Nico, who was dressed in a black suit, looking as always.

"Why? Is everything alright?" I asked her and she bit her lip before grinning widely.

"I'm getting married this weekend!" She exclaimed and I blinked my eyes twice before smiling widely.

"Oh wow, I'm so happy for you!" I said just as Stuart came in smiling, with Jake following behind.

"Hey guys." He said and pecked Adriana before sitting next to her. Jake sat next to me and soon breakfast was served.

"So how and why exactly does your life depend on me?" I asked Adriana who sighed.

"Well, my maid of honor ditched me, and I only have bridesmaids, so I was wondering if you would be my maid of honor because I feel like you're probably the first genuine friend I've had who isn't with me because of my money." She said and Stuart patted her back.

"Yeah Dove, we'd love to have you with us, it would mean a lot." Stuart added and I glanced at Nico who nodded.

"I'd love to Adrianna, it's honestly so nice you think of me that way."

"Oh thank god!" She exclaimed, sighing in relief then clapped her hands. "Are you ready to go dress shopping then? I also have to check in on my wedding dress. What do you say?" She asked hopefully and I smiled at her.

"Of course, when do we leave?" I asked her an she squealed happily.

"After breakfast, is that okay with you?"

"Yep. That's fine with me, but you should ask him." I whispered to her, pointing to Nico who frowned.

"Right, is it alright Ace?" Adriana looked at Nico who was looking at me thoughtfully.

"Of course. Anything you want." He said and took out a black card from his wallet and gave it to me. "Get anything you like." He said.

"No it's okay Nico, I have money, I don't need this." I said, pushing the card away but he shook his head.

"Take it. No arguments." He said with finality in his voice and I pouted before snatching the card from his hands.

Stubborn man.

"Fine." I huffed and drank the water.

"So when are you getting married Dove?" Jake asked me suddenly and I choked on my water. He handed me a napkin with a smirk, looking at Nico who had a small smile playing on his face.

"W-What?" I asked him in disbelief and he shook his head.

"When are you getting married Dovey?" He asked again innocently and I didn't miss the smug look on Nico's face and the grin's on everyone else.

You want to play? I'll play.

"When I find the right person hopefully." I said and Jake frowned.

"So you haven't found the right person yet?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Not really, no." I said indifferently and felt Nico's hand on my knee. I smirked and looked at Jake.

"If you have anyone in mind, I'm open." I said and Jake grinned.

"Can I offer myself?" He asked me and I gave him a once over.

"Hmm. You're definitely handsome... I'll definitely keep you in mind. And do tell me if there's anyone else, yeah?" I asked him and he grinned widely, looking between me and Nico.

"I think I'll keep you to myself." Jake grinned and Nico's grip on my knee tightened but I shrugged his hand off, and leaned over to Jake's side, giving him a chaste kiss on his cheek.

He blushed a bit and Nico suddenly stood up.

"Don't you have work to do Jake?" Nico hissed at him and Jake wiped his mouth with a napkin before getting up.

Someone's jealous.

"Going now Ace, no need to get your panties in a twist." He said and winked at me before leaving. Nico looked furious while Adrianna and Stuart looked at us with big grins plastered on their faces.

Nico gave them a look and they both stood up and left the room, leaving us alone. He grabbed my hand suddenly and pulled me to him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He said furiously and I smirked, grabbing his tie and pulling him to me, I kissed him. He was taken aback at first but then grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, kissing me hard and rough.

He pushed me against the table so I was sitting on it while his hands roamed my body, before going under my skirt. I gasped when his fingers grazed my panties.

He thrust a finger inside me without warning, making me gasp. We didn't break the kiss. He moved his fingers inside me quickly and I felt the pressure building up inside me.

"You. Are . Mine. Comprendere?" (Understand?) He hissed in my ear and bit my earlobe, making me moan.

"And if I find that any other man even lays a finger on you or does so as look your way, he is dead. Dead, get me?" He said and I looked into his furious eyes that were now a shade darker and gulped.

This escalated quickly.

His fingers moved faster inside me and I bit my lip to stop the noises. He kissed me again, harder this time and I came undone within minutes, digging my nails in his arms and shoulder as his fingers slid out of me.

He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean, while I looked at him through half lidded eyes, breathing heavily.

"You're crazy." I whispered and he smirked.

"Crazy for you." He said and I rolled my eyes, getting off the dining and walking out with him following behind me.

"Let's go Dove, the driver's here!" Adriana said when she saw me and raised her eyebrows at Nico when she saw my flushed face.

"Seriously Ace? The dining room?" She said and Nico looked at her indifferently as we walked outside to the car.

The driver came to open the door for me but Nico held his hand up, and opened the door for me himself while his men and guards, including the driver looked at him baffled.

Nico turned to me and grabbed me by the nape of my neck and kissed my lips hard, biting my lip lightly he pulled back and kissed my forehead.

"Stay safe my love." He said while all his men looked at him confused.

"Security." Nico told one of his men and an entourage of men would follow us for our safety.

"Don't worry Ace, I'll bring her back in one piece." Adrianna said to him and grabbed my hand, pulling me in the car with her. Nico put his hands in his pockets and watched us leave with a forlorn look in his eyes.

As we were about to leave the estate I quickly rolled the window down and peeked out of it and watched Nico.

"I love you!" I screamed and waved at Nico who laughed and waved back. I laughed and waved again before settling back in my seat. The driver chuckled at me and Adrianna gave me a look.

"You guys really can't live without each other can you?" She said and I shrugged.

"And I thought Stuart was too much." She sighed, making me laugh as we turned up the radio and sang our hearts out.

We pulled up in front of an upscale boutique and the guards opened our door for us. People around us stared at us as we went inside and were greeted by the sales man and we were led to a room.

The designer met us and Adrianna chose a dress for me that we both agreed on. She then went to try her dress on and when she came out, my jaw dropped.

"Oh my god you look so beautiful!" I squealed and hugged Adrianna who had tears in her eyes.

"I'm so happy Dove! I got the perfect dress, the perfect family and friends, the perfect wedding and most importantly the perfect man!" She said as tears stained her cheeks and I hugged her.

"I know, you're really lucky.." I rubbed her back and after gushing over the beautiful dress she took it off for some adjustments.

When we walked out of the boutique, two hours had already passed and we decided to have lunch at a restaurant that was near us. It was a five star hotel, and we immediately got a table even though the place was packed.

The name 'King' really can do wonders.

We settled on a secluded table in the corner while the security team with us scattered about. I also saw Valentino and decided to get something for the men to eat us well, so we ordered burgers and fries for ourselves and for the entourage that accompanied us.

"Hey Val, I ordered burgers and fries for everyone, can you distribute them to everyone?" I asked him and he nodded, saying something in his earpiece.

"Thank you Mrs. King." He said and I frowned.

Mrs. King? Again?

"Please, just call me Dove." I told him and he smiled.

Adrianna and I talked about the wedding and where it would take place, and an hour passed while we chatted about her family and everyone else.

We were sipping the wine when I noticed the bodyguards with us were speaking in their ear pieces simultaneously and looking around.

"Everything okay Val?" I asked Val who was looking around frantically and gave me a nod.

"We're... working on it Mrs. King." He said and walked to some other men and they talked in hushed tones.

"Something's wrong." Adrianna said and we both looked around when suddenly a gunshot was heard.


Silence, as both Adrianna and I looked at each other with wide eyes and then chaos.

Gunshots fired everywhere and people scrambled about, screaming and running around.

"Under the table Adrianna, now!" I shouted at her just as I saw our men hiding behind tables and shooting at what looked like other men.

The glass wall in the restaurant shattered and fell everywhere as I rolled and ducked under a table. Someone grabbed my arm and I put a hand over my mouth, pulling me up.

It was not one of our men, I knew this much because all our men wore matching rings and had a very unique tattoo on their wrists. Adrianna looked at me with wide eyes but I motioned for her to stay where she was.

I didn't have many options right now so I did the first thing I could do and swung my head back, hitting the man's nose. He scrambled back and hissed in pain.

"Dove look out!" Val alerted me and I looked behind me to see another man approaching with a bat. He swung at me but I ducked and hit his ankle with such strength that he fell onto the floor with a thud.

I grabbed the bat and hit the man with the bloody nose in the stomach. He clutched his stomach and fell to the ground. Another man came up to me and I hit his head with the bat, breaking it in half and grabbed his hair, slamming his face onto the table.

I heard Adrianna's scream and looked at two men manhandling her and pulling her with them. I grabbed the knife from a table near me and flung it at one of the men, hitting his chest and pulled out the gun from a man's waistband as he lay unconscious and shot the other man who held Adrianna's arm.

Another guy grabbed my arm and I hit the gun's backside on his forehead and grabbed the flower vase from a table and smashed it on his head.

The gunshots subsided now and someone kicked Valentino, making him fall on his face. He pulled out his gun to shoot Valentino but I beat him to it and shot him in the chest.

Suddenly the screeching of cars was heard and I looked out the broken glass wall and saw a glimpse of Nico's furious face before he spotted me and his eyes widened as he pulled out his gun and pointed it to me.

I looked behind me and saw a man pointing his gun to Nico but Nico's eyes were on me. I heard the shot, three times shot to Nico. Except it didn't hit hit him. It was a split second movement as I shielded Nico with my body.

I felt the sudden shot of pain in my stomach and chest. It felt like the life had been drained out of me and my body was being torn apart. When I put my hands on my stomach and felt the blood cover my hands.

I couldn't breathe, the world was spinning and my body was growing colder.

Blood pooled out from my mouth and I coughed it out, my legs turning jelly as turned around and gave Nico a last smile and saw the color of his face drain away.

He was okay, he was fine...

I looked at my bloody hands and before I could comprehend what happened, I fell to the floor with a thud, with Nico's shouts ringing in my ears as my eyes closed on their own.

Was this the end?