Till Death Do Us Part

Playlist for this Chapter: Old Me by 5SOS, Lover Of Mine by 5SOS.

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- N I C H O L A S - K I N G -

"Nico!" I heard her voice call out to me and rushed towards the sound, my heart beating wildly in my chest when I spotted her being dragged away by two men.

"Let go of her!" I shouted, pointing my gun at the two shot them dead. Sprinting to her, she ran towards me and jumped into my arms while my men held off the others.

"Dove, my baby, my love." We both held each other other, her sobbing into my chest as I placed kisses on the top of her head before making her look up at me.

"You're okay baby, we're okay. I love you." I cooed, kissing her soft lips.

She immediately responded, kissing me back feverishly before she fell forward into my arms, her grip around me loosening when I tasted something metallic in my mouth.


My blood running cold, I held her arms and pulled away from her when I felt my shirt clinging to my stomach and looked down, only to see blood.

Only problem was, it wasn't mine.

"Dove..." I rasped, my voice hoarse as blood pooled out of the bullet hole in her stomach, crimson flowing out of her mouth as she dropped to the ground beside me, lifeless blue eyes staring back at me.

"NO!" I shouted, sitting up with a jolt as I pulled my gun out on instinct, my finger ready to pull the trigger but all I saw in front of me was Jake looking at me worried with his hands up in surrender.

"Ace, it's me, Jake. You okay?" He asked worried when I looked around the car we were in, in alarm, on our way to the warehouse when I nodded, running a hand over my face.

"Bad dream?" He asked and I nodded, looking out at the abandoned buildings around as we remained quiet for a while.

"I saw her get shot. She-..." I stopped, my voice thick with emotion when I gulped and Jake put a hand on my shoulder.

"She's alright, and we'll get her back to you safe and sound so you can actually marry her." He said and I nodded as we stopped near a familiar building in Catania, Italy.

The city where Giovanni spent five years of his life.

We had a plan, we had the men, we had the guns and we had a mission. Now, all we needed was for the plan to work so all the rest of the the dominos would follow.

"Did we get more men?" I asked and Jake nodded as looked around the warehouse. We had been here for nearly an hour now, and dread was building up inside me rapidly.

"All of 'em, don. We're ready to leave." He said and I nodded, downing my scotch in one go as I exited the warehouse, looking over all the men and my family who had gathered here.

Jake, Stuart, Matteo and my uncles barked around orders while I went over the plan in my head a thousand times, making sure nothing was out of place before we all got in our cars and made our way out towards the large mansion.

The Valerios Estate.

It took us nearly half an hour since we were speeding quite a lot, also because Jake was glancing at his watch every now and then worriedly, barking orders at the driver to hurry up.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" I asked, looking at his foot tapping impatiently when he shook his head.

"Just worried, nothing much." He answered and I narrowed my eyes at him in response, but didn't say anything none the less.

"We're here." Jake announced as I looked at the large estate from my window.

We were parked quite a distance from the house but could still see it clearly since there was nothing else around it for miles.

All the men took their positions, Jake and I in the front and Stuart and Matteo right behind us. Crouching behind the bushes, I nodded to Jake who signalled some of other men who snuck up behind the guards at the metal gate and got rid of them carefully.

Dragging their bodies away, Jake and I took out more men as Stuart got us inside the gates and we carefully went up the driveway.

The guards spotted us, their eyes widening as they started to shoot at us, but we were quicker, taking cover behind the trees and bushes and shot them.

"Shit! They've triggered the alarm! Gio will know we're here." Matteo said from behind me while I clenched my teeth in frustration.

"Fuck. Take some men with you, take out anyone in your path, kill, but leave Giovanni alive." I said darkly and both Matteo and Stuart left running, killing people in their path as my men helped them through.

"I need a way in." I looked towards Jake who nodded and whistled and immediately, more men of ours came to our aid and cleared a path for me while I ran up towards the house, losing all common sense.

All I wanted was right now was Dove in my arms, and I'd do anything to make that happen. Busting the front doors open, Giovanni's men shot at us from inside and it was clear they were expecting us.

But not so many of us.

I barely missed a bullet that whizzed past my side and managed to shoot the person. Taking down as many men as I could, I heard a heart wrenching scream that made me freeze in place.

"That's her!" Jake shouted from behind me as I rushed towards the voice with Jake hot on my heels along with my uncles.

* * *

- D O V E - W I N C H E S T E R -

Swinging the gleaming dagger in my hand, I managed to slash Giovanni's cheek, satisfaction coursing through my veins when blood oozed out of it when he snarled.

"You bitch." He said wiping his face and hissing.

"No, you're the bitch." I said punching him square in the jaw.

I had attacked Giovanni the moment I heard the numerous gunshots and shouts, and knew exactly what it meant.

He was here.

But unfortunately, I knew exactly what was flowing in my veins right now and I would be lying if I was scared shitless at the moment after Giovanni told me what it was and how and why I'd be pulling the trigger.

At Nico.

And now, I had no choice but to protect the life inside me or the one I loved who was fighting outside.

Giovanni stumbled back a step as I kicked his legs, making him fall to the ground but he caught my arm the last moment, taking me down with him.

I hit the ground with an 'oomph', falling on my back as Giovanni pinned me to the ground. I raised my knee to hit him in the groin but he caught it just in time, looking at me angrily.

"Nice try." He sneered just as two guards came in and intercepted me, twisting my hands behind my back after flipping me over.

"Keep her in, make sure she doesn't get out." Giovanni ordered his men and left the room after cocking his gun.

I was on the floor on my stomach and knew a man was right over me, restraining my arms behind me when I caught sight of the dagger a few feet away from me.

I had to get it somehow, so I hit my head back, striking the man's face who stumbled back with a groan, his grip on me loosening while he clutched his nose in pain.

I took this chance to flip him over and his head hit the floor. The other guard lunged for me but I was quick to move out of his way and used the guard under me as a shield so the other one struck him instead.

Pulling out the gun from the guard's belt, I loaded it and took the safety off, shooting the first guard's knee and then the other's stomach.

I ran towards the knife when my hair was yanked back and I screamed in pain as my head was pulled back but I swung the knife behind me, effectively slashing the man's face.

That's going to leave a scar.

I kicked the other's stomach where I'd shot and he fell to the ground and I shot him once once more for good luck, then stabbed the first one with the knife right in his neck and pulled it out.

I watched his eyes roll back as blood flowed from the wound and he fell to the floor with a thud. Both died of the blood loss when I sighed in relief, falling to the floor when I felt a wave of dizziness hit me.

"Please, not now." I clutched my left arm where they had injected me as I felt it start to hurt, numbing my fingers a bit.

Staggering back up to my feet, I cleaned the dagger and tucked the gun in my belt and grabbed the other one as well as an extra.

Peeking out of the room, I saw three guards posted out in the hallway and whipped out the gun and with a deep breath, I shot all three of them without missing a beat, watching as they fell to the ground.

They weren't dead, but couldn't exactly hurt me now either as I kicked one of them back, making him stumble into the other guy and tumble down.

I stabbed another with the dagger, pulling it out in time for me miss his punch by a close one but I fell to the ground when one of them kicked my legs.

"Get her!" The second one shouted and I saw more men rushing towards us, none of whom I recognized but then they pulled out their guns, pointing them at me.

Or at least I thought so.

I closed my eyes as I waited for the shot as the hallway rang with the noise of the gunshots, but I wasn't hit.

"Dove!" I heard Jake's voice and my eyes snapped open as he rushed to me and helped me up with him, but I couldn't stand, my body hurting and feeling heavy.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked worried.

"He injected me with something. It's taking effect and he has the vial with the cure for it." I said strained when his eyes widened and he quickly lifted me up into his arms as the men with him cleared a path for us.

"Jake, our plan, it's ruined." I said when he frowned.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I explained everything that had happened.

"Shit, now what?" He asked as we edged closer to the staircase.

"You have to trust me, Jake, trust me when I tell you that things might not seem really good, but they will be in our favour, one way or the other." I said and saw him nod in confusion.

"What are you going to do?" He asked wen I pursed my lips and shook my head.

"I can't tell you. Just... take care of Nico if something happens, yeah?" I asked when he thought a few moments before nodding once and I pecked his cheek as he carried me down.

"Thank you, Jake. For everything."

"You deserve it all and so much more. You both deserve each other." He said quietly.

I smiled when a cold voice stopped us both, a gun pressing against Jake's temple while my heart beat fast in my chest.

"Put her down, brother." Giovanni warned and I nodded to Jake subtly who looked hesitant but did so nonetheless.

"Now go stand there, all the way with the rest of your pussy friends." He said and grabbed my hand, yanking me towards himself as Jake slowly walked away from us when my eyes connected with dark, blue ones, my breath hitching.

"Nico." I whispered, watching the man I loved point his gun to towards us, his eyes blazing with fury as Giovanni wrapped his arm around me, holding a gun to my temple.

"Long time no see, my dear friend." Giovanni said sinisterly when Nico's eyes met mine, softening slightly as he looked at me worried before his gaze fell onto my stomach and staying there a while before he looked back up.

I saw the love and adoration in his eyes as he looked at me, silently asking me if I was okay when I smiled, letting him now I was fine. That we, were fine.

"Let her go." Nico ordered calmly when Gio clicked his tongue.

"You see, I can't exactly do that, now can I?" He said, pressing the cold metal into my head when a whimper escaped my lips in fear, my eyes shut tightly.

I can't do this.

"Let her go, and you can have me. Take me instead." Nico said and my eyes snapped open, looking at him in shock.

"N-No, Nico, don't!" I yelled when he gave me a sad yet reassuring smile before looking coldly at Giovanni.

"That sounds so tempting. How about we twist it up a bit?" He said mockingly.

"Come forward a few steps and drop you gun back there." He ordered and Nico did as asked as he looked at me carefully, warning him with my eyes to not fall into his trap.

It was all a game.

"Tell your men to drop their weapons and you get down on your knees." He said.

Nico narrowed his eyes at him which made Giovanni tighten his grip on me as a hiss escaped my lips when my wounded back pressed against him.

Nico's eyes widened in alarm before he did what was asked and everyone but Giovanni's men lowered their guns as Nico got down on the floor.

"Now, darling, you know what to do, don't you?" Giovanni asked me wickedly while I felt light headed and sick, feeling like I would collapse any second now.

"Do it, or you won't get what you want so badly." He said and pulled his gun from my temple, and placed another one in my hand.

"Go on, do your part, and you and your child will live." He said when my eyes widened in shock.

"H-How did y-you...?" I stumbled back confused when he chuckled darkly.

"You think I wouldn't know? That's sad, you think so low of me." He said feigning hurt before grinning.

"But that's alright darling, you do what I told you to and live. You'll be free." He said as I lowered my eyes to the floor, deep in thought.

"Free? You won't hurt me or my baby?" I asked worriedly when he shook his head.

"You have my word." He said and I chewed on my lip nervously before turning to Nico, I walked up to him slowly.

Please don't make me do this.

His eyes raised to meet mine in confusion as I looked down at him with sorrow, tears falling down my face as I cocked the gun and pressed it to his forehead.

"Baby..." Nico's smooth and gentle voice drifted to my ears as I choked back a sob.

"Look at me, my love." He said gently when I shook my head, looking at the floor.

"Look at me, please." He whispered when I finally raised my eyes to meet his, filled with pain, hurt, longing, love. So much love, I felt like I was drowning in it.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed when his eyes softened but he didn't make any move to remove the gun as my hands shook violently.

"I know, I know baby, it's okay. You're okay. Both of you are okay." He cooed, his gaze briefly glancing at my stomach before coming back up to me as if he was convincing himself I was fine.

"I love you, you know that?" He asked and I nodded.

"Then you'll be safe? You'll keep our baby safe, yes?" He asked when I shook my head.

"I-I can't, not without you, I need you." I whimpered when he smiled sadly.

"We can't always have what we want. But you love me, right? Because I love you, and our unborn child, and I hope when he or she is born, they're strong like you. I'm proud of you baby, do what you have to do." He urged when I shook my head, tears falling down uncontrollably.

"I-I love y-you. So much." I whispered with a blurry vision, feeling my body getting heavier when I swayed.

"Time's running out, darling, get it over with, and I'll give you this little vial." Giovanni chirped from behind me when a sob pushed past my lips.

"Don't be scared, baby. Close your eyes, and count to ten. Pull the trigger, and don't open them eyes until you're taken away from here. Promise me." He said and I remembered his words.

Till death do us part.

"Promise to remember me, but still move on. Love our child with everything in you, give them a wonderful life, and tell them I loved them long before they were born. That I wished to be with them. That I loved both of you, so fucking much." He whispered, placing a kiss on my free hand.

"Close your eyes, my love." He whispered when I closed my eyes, my throat clogging up when I felt his hand clutch my free one tightly, it's warmth telling me he was here.

He would keep me safe, always.

"Ti amo, amore mio. Always and forever." (I love you, my love) I heard his soft whisper as I clutched the gun tighter in my hands, the safety coming off as his words rang in my head.

Ti amo.