
Aion never had heard of followers of the god that disappeared… even those that still followed the goddesses were reduced to Artemisia. Still, it didn't seem like he was a bad person, and he had that feeling when Aion talked with him.

"Although we never got along, Milleris family and Heradins family always knew about each other's existence and activities," Artemisia said. "They followed the teachings of the god that disappeared, and thanks to it, they had a fraction of his power… they can control time in numerous ways."

"That sounds like a powerful ability to have…" Aion said.

"It has its merits and demerits… those who can't control their power end up having shorter lives, or someday they wake up feeling like they slept for days…" Artemisia said.

"I take it is a hard skill to control… that guy's aura changed when he used it, so it seems that he can control it in spite of his mana," Aion rubbed his chin thoughtfully.