Unwanted Visitors

"So, he disappeared last night?" Artemisia asked.

"That is what the others said. I wanted to ask him about what he knew regarding the history of his family since I feel that he has quite the knowledge, but I guess he will pay his debt later," Aion replied. "Mom, do you think that his kind of ability can be learned or only his lineage has that power?"

"I think that everything is possible, but no one managed to pull that off," Artemisia replied. "Come to think of it, I still have a lot of things to teach you, but we have been too busy as of late. You didn't even have time to look for a girlfriend."

"That talk again… Do you want to be called grandma before turning forty that much?" Aion asked while frowning.

"Something like that won't bother me in the least," Artemisia replied.