
(In the then sun city, now the suburbs of Cairo the abode of the sun god Ra)

"Supreme father" called Shu the air god as he bowed to his supreme father Ra. Shu has seen his father angry so many times but not as furious as he was now, and he knew exactly what the matter was. Truth be told, he was totally helpless in the situation currently. He knows its not totally his fault but his father won't listen to him. Besides, he was supreme and needed to be listened to not listening to someone else. And he knew very well what follows if anyone disregarded that fact.

"Shu... "Ra breathed "l am sure you know why l called you "

"Of course, supreme father, I am fully aware of the reason for my presence here" Shu said trying not to portray the fear in his voice so as not to annoy his father more.

Ra studied Shu for some seconds, he could feel his uneasiness and was sort of pleased that his son didn't take him for granted but the now issue were his children 'Nut and Geb'

"And what are you and Tefnut doing about the matter" Ra kept a serious face as he spoke" those children of yours are total disgrace to my lineage and supremacy, you and Tefnut should take responsibility of their actions "

"Supreme father I do understand and l together with my wife shall see to it that their wings and tails are trimmed"

"I give you 7 days and 7 nights. If their madness doesn't stop, then l have no choice but to take action, use the time wisely and give me a good news else your family shall be in desolate" Ra spoke with authority, anger but most of all pride. He was willing to do anything just to retain his supremacy and accord among the people of Egypt and incest was a cog in his way.

Geb and Nut had all the of Egypt to pick their desired consorts from, but what made him furious was why each other. He tried to keep his calm not to take rational actions as he seemed it best to speak to their father first and from what he saw just now, he too was helpless in the matter. Besides, his children were gods as well and possessed strength and will just like every other god, but their incest was what Ra would never take.

He had in mind to curse and seprate them, but wanted to accord his son some regard by speaking to him first and giving him time to sort things out him self and he will wait patiently for his feedback.

"Thank You so much supreme father, I really appreciate your mercy. I shall talk to Geb and nut and treat their insolence accordingly" Shu heaved a sigh of relief as he heard his fathers words he had expected his father to curse or maybe rip them of their will as gods but he chose to give him time to sort things out.

He teleported immediately to his abode and his anxious wife walked up to him immediately as she sensed his presence

"What did he say?" she asked with tears welling in her eyes not ready to hear what her husband has to say.

"He gave us time 7days and 7 nights, when the time is passed and nothing is done, he shall take up the matter and serve judgment accordingly ". Tefnut heaved a sigh of relief but was still perplexed she knew very well how stubborn her children were and knew that no amout of time would be enough to talk them out of their will, and they will definitely have to be judged by the sun god. The thought of this sent shivers down her spine as she felt she was falling or maybe she was because she felt Shu's hand on her waist to hold her up.

"I know the same darling... "Shu said as he could her thoughts, that was one of his abilities so sometimes Tefnut didn't have to talk for him to hear from her "but l will try my best to seprate them and leave them with their wills, that is exactly what l will do l will seprate them send them to different timelines where they can never locate each other and maybe their feelings will fade then l will bring them back to apologize and plead pardon to the supreme father."

"Do you think it will work? "Tefnut asked with worry in her voice, she will surely miss her children but it was way better than being judged by Ra himself. "I mean can you really do that, you know how powerful they are. They might revoke the spell or maybe find their ways to each other "

"Don't worry, Tefnut," Shu said confidently. "My plan will work, and they won't be able to undo it. As the god of air, I'm omnipresent and can influence them wherever they go. I'II make sure they don't take any rational actions that might break the spell. And to ensure its success, I'll amplify my manipulation with the ancient hourglass's power."

"The ancient hourglass... " Tefnut gasped "you know that the hourglass can be used to cast just one spell at time so which one of them do u plan on sending far away " she twitched her eyes waiting for an answer.

"Darling I wanted to cast the spell on the both of them, using the hourglass's power to hold the most stubborn of them down then use my power to restrain the other" Shu said with a sad smile

"What?? "Tefnut was mad "are you ok, that will drain you, you might even loose your will entirely. No! please my lord I don't want to loose you " she said in tears.

Shu could understand her pain because of the love they shared. He pulled her into a hug and said "don't worry I will send just one of them away, using hourglass only so please stop crying now, you, l hate to see your tears"

Tefnut wiped her tears and tried to calm down she didn't want her husband to sacrifice himself for their stubborn children. Just as she tried to stay calm, then it dawned on her 'which of her children was she going to loose Geb or nut? '