(In a cave somewhere in Egypt)
"I love you so much" Geb said while stroking Nut's hair. They had just unleashed their orgasms and were catching their breathes "l love you more" Nut said with a beautiful smile.
The duo had been into incest since they came of age. They have tried to keep it a secret for all these years even making the impossible possible; blocking their thoughts from their father and most of all avoiding themselves in the presence of others, be it gods, warriors and servants. How their family got to know about it was surely a mystery to them but not a surprise. They knew their grandfather and his supremacy and the fact that all creatures in the whole of Egypt were under his control as sun god and god supreme. Even the cave they were at now if not suppressed by their will could rat them out to their father who was desperately looking for them.
They didn't know why exactly, but their instincts told them that it won't be good at all. They didn't want to take any chances so they rather stayed out of sight. They could have left Egypt but they weren't mortals that can migrate at will, they were gods and had responsibilities their abrupt absence alone as high ranked gods could cause Egypt alot and their existence in another part of the world wouldn't last long because their lives are tied with their country as gods till eternity. They now result to stay in the cave and with Nut being the goddess of sky could carnoflage the environment for them not to be seen and Geb as the god of earth used his will to cause the earth to hide their presence there at that moment.
"You know we can't hide for long right? " Geb said with a sad expression on his most handsome face. Nut just started into his captivating hazel eyes, her blue orbs were lost in his, forgetting to answer his question
"Nut? " she heard Geb call again and jolted from her lust.
"What did you say my love? "Nut said with pouted lips as she knew that Geb heard her thoughts, she wasn't shy though but was slightly annoyed that she couldn't do that as well.
"I am sure you know that l didn't give myself such will but l do like to listen to your thoughts, they turn me on all the time" Geb said with a sinster smile. Nut blushed at his words and layed unto him for a kiss the reciprocated and they shared the kiss, a slow sensational kiss full of lust and desire. They separated to catch their breathes and returned to their discussion.
"To be honest, I don't want to be separated from you, l want be with you till eternity " Nut said as she buried her head in Gebs chest.
Nut adored Geb so much but Geb just used her to satisfy his fantasies of lust and desires of the mortal skin they possess when they are not in sun city (Ra's abode). The gods of Egypt possessed mortal skin whenever they leave Sun city but still possess their will. The mortal body was gifted them by Ra with the reasons of reproduction with humans if they so please. They can take consorts of any type but not to the extend of incest and worse of all, both are pure blooded, direct descendants of Ra.
"Nut listen to me, l love you too and nothing bad will happen but you know how the supreme father can be, we need to answer fathers call so that the supreme father won't take matters into his hands, my source told me that he talked to father on this issue and gave him seven days and 7 nights to die the matter and that was five days and six nights ago we have just two days and one night before he unleashes his rot upon us and maybe he might even strip us of our will".
With that, Nut rose immediately in anger and paced around the cave. "And why didn't you tell me all this while" she said looking at Geb in a confused manner.
"Well, because I didn't want you to be bothered, l thought l could handle it" He said with a slight smile. But that was a lie his true aim of hiding from her, was because he knew that she would be restless and might not allow him touch her because definitely, she would want to surrender due to fear for the supreme father.
"O my heavens!!!" She screamed her blue eyes turned white causing a lighting bolt and thunder storm that lasted for some minutes. She was really mad and couldn't control her actions. Geb didn't bulge, he just stood and watched her unleash her frustration on the innocent sky.
After the unleash of frustration, she turned to Geb and gave him the 'don't just stand, there do something!' eye. Geb understood very well because he already read her mind.
"Well, l was waiting for you to finish with your overreaction which is now a big issue to us" he said with a very serious face and tune.
Nut knew Geb was serious and her eyes widened "what?" she was now terrified "what do you mean?" she asked afraid of the answer she would receive.
Geb sighed in disappointment "too late.... They are already here"
(Back at Shu's abode)
"My lord, you need to relax, other gods are helping in the search and with all elements in place, I am very sure we can find them in no time." said Shu's right hand man trying to comfort the angry god.
"Bo, I am sure you understand very well that the supreme father gave me just seven days and nights to find them and that was five days and six nights ago. We have just two days and one night left and you of all people know how disastrous his actions can be" Shu was trying to stay calm but failed.
"Bo have you looked to know if they have answered the mortal calls, l mean it is raining season and Nut is supposed to give rain as the goddess of sky, and we can find her when ever she manipulates the sky, so any luck with that " Tefnut said as she walked into the room with grace but a pale face.
"My lady, l have.... "Bo started till they heard thunder storm and lighting bolts from a distance.
"Is that Nut?" Tefnut said wanting to believe her ears.
"Well she is the only one that can do that so it must be her". Shu said filled with hope. "Bo pick up the pace before the manipulations fade away" he said in a husky voice as he too teleported to his warriors abode and took some of them with him before going to the place of the spell.
(Back in the cave)
"Who!?" Nut was very perplexed as she looked directly into Gebs eyes but before he could answer, the air in their lungs were ceasing. For a moment, they could not breathe and their mortal bodies were getting weaker and almost unconscious. But the both of them knew very well who could do that it was none other than their father; Shu the god of air.
Nut cursed in her mind, how could she forget that whenever she manipulates the sky, her location would be spotted. Geb could hear her thoughts but the pain he was passing through at the moment just made him curse her the more. They tried to shift to their god form but they were too weak to do so, so they just fell unconscious…