Tenacious - II

War runs in their blood. Guardsman Jung did not often think of his lord in those terms. He had little memory of the previous lord of Kangs - the queen's esteemed father. But the young man ahead of him, astride his war horse and donned in his light battle armor had that same cruel line to his jaw. His silver eyes hardened with indifference.

"Hold!" He calls out, raising an arm so the arches lined behind him could see. Below them in the valley Naju lies ominously silent, as if an oblivious animal about to be slain.

"My lord,' Jung skitters close to him, trying to decipher his mood. "They will be caught unaware."

Seo clenches his jaw and Jung wonders if the rumors of his General having ridden to the traitor's war were true.

"We were caught unaware, ourselves." He says shortly and lets down his arm. "Release!"

Hundreds of flaming arrows rain upon the sleeping cluster of inner Naju, setting the local keep alight in their wake.
