
What are you hunting?

In her dreams she repeats the question for the umpteenth time. That dream has drawn familiar in its unfamiliarity. It is hazy with smoke that pricks in her eyes and the fire is distant. So is Seo, clad in his armor, blood dripping from her father's sword that he carries. No matter how loud or hard she calls - he doesn't turn around.

Seol wakes up with a start and finds herself staring into the mud brown eyes of her third brother. She sits up with a little yelp and Yul steps back from his peering. Seol bunches up her blankets staring at his ghost-like face in the darkness.

"Where have you been?" She demands, trying to crease out trembling from her voice. "Here your older sister is battling death and you are nowhere to be found." She folded her arms and scowled. "I'm not impressed, Yul - ah."

Yul hesitates for a moment and then smiles thinly.