Treading the tempest

Each encounter with a man reveals a piece of his heart. Seol thinks back to her mother's words as she recalls the way Beom had behaved. His first instinct had been to demand her to accompany him, making implied remarks upon how she had staged her own poisoning, had involved both her guardian and her brother to vouch for her claims. 

When it seemed to fail, when Seo still refused to back down he had turned to the details of the scene itself. He had found her weakness. He had exploited the fact that, despite having every reason to arrest her, Seol couldn't refute the claim that An Ah merely carried a vial of poison in her person. She did not at any point use it. 

And now the girl is gone. With her the knowledge on what she intended to use it, under whose directions she moved, also gone. 

Seol sighs.