Treading the Tempest - II

Miles away, to another prince who may not be as close to the dragon throne as Yong is, the night was coming to a dull, hazy ending. 

Eun liked his bath water warm, so warm that it scalded the hands of ladies tending to it. It amused him to watch those women skittering around, trying to keep their hands from burning too badly, always red faced, their fingers and palms peeled red from the heat. 

Steam rises from the water and Eun leans back, allowing the heat to melt knots of stress from his shoulders and spine. Enjoying the red and silver carvings of the ceiling overhead or the soothing touches of the ladies massaging his arms. The pleasant burn on his throat from his last puff of smoke melts away and he rolls his tongue over his lips gathering the last of its sweet traces.