To Bind a God

"Nakrang - do not test me..." There is a threat in the Queen's tone, low and measured but simmering with anger. 

"Whatever will you do?" Grand princess mocks. "Cast an evil spell on me? Set your mountain God on me?"

"If I do, you will regret it sister," the queen speaks slowly. "You do not know the gravity of your folly."

"Break the door!"

Hyeon Jong does not respond to her, but instead mutters a few choice words. There is a pause in which the air stings, stilling as if in anticipation of a forthcoming storm. Then the queen begins to sing, hauntingly, unceasingly. It is a melodious chant that Seol has often heard during her younger years that escapes the queen's mouth. Beside her Seo drops down to his knees, twitching as if those words burned him.
