To Bind a God - II

Helplessness weighs down on him. When the moment comes, he fails to hold her back from taking the well trodden path of mistakes. Fate slips from his numb fingers and spirals into chaos, laughing at him all the while. He could barely catch his breath.

Air that Seol exhales washes over him in warm ripples, for the life of him he cannot open his eyes to look at her. He manages however to tighten his clasp on her fingers. She rises their entwined fingers and presses her mouth to the back of his palm before settling it against his heart and withdrawing her own hand.

"No," he mumbles. "Don't."

Her hands cup his face for a moment, making sure he is comfortable where she has deposited him, sitting and leaning against one wall of the tunnel.

"You are safe here," she promises in a breathy whisper, planting a kiss on his forehead. "Forgive me, darling."

"Don't - don't do it." He shakes his head, insisting, imploring. "Don't go."