Trump Card - I

He had been dreaming. Seo knew this for certain as the ruins scattered around the dusk

  The lit landscape did not belong to that time. It was a battle eve, an age ago, he realizes as he watches stars reflected in stringent pools of blood. Mere inches from his outstretched hand they are, those clusters of stars. He flexed his fingers, numbness giving way to feeling, weariness to life. From the edge of his sight the star of battle rises in the eve sky, foretelling bloodshed of 'morrow. A battle without him. His eyes flutter, dwelling between sleep and wakefulness, pain and dullness. It is then that her shadow falls over him.

Unbound long hair falls over her shoulders and across her bosom, ends of her tresses brushing against him when she moves. With cold tips of her fingers she traces the lines of his face.