Trump Card - II

"How dare you accuse me -"

"It is true," An Ah speaks up. Her eyes dart between  Beom and Seo then lowers to the ground. She clutches her fists and inhales sharply, her mind made. "Naju was never alone in misappropriation of imperial steel or in later schemes against the other border cities. The covet line of communication. Silla aided and abetted it all." 

Her voice is drowned under the weight of the court's exclamations and Beom's exasperated growl. 

"Where is proof?" He demands, beside himself. 

"I am proof!" An Ah speaks over him, her voice shrill. "My father is proof. My cousin is proof. My almost death at your hands is proof - my lord!"

Beom almost seizes her by the throat before Seo calmly steps between them. His silver eyes steel hard. He snatches the hand Beom stretches out towards the traitorous wench by his wrist, twisting it away dispassionately.