Thrice Told

When fear leaves, it leaves her shaking, trembling fingers clutching at air and inaudible sighs. Seol allows herself to collapse in solitude, curling into the smallest she could manage. But in company, she stands tall with her choices. Courage that she grasped into, had left her scalded. Yet the real battle lies ahead, dauntingly closer now that she allows herself to reflect. She had  well and truly made an enemy of the Grand Princess. She had allowed her fear to rule her and made her lady mother disappointed about her choices. 

And she has lost the only man who has never truly left her side; Kang Seo. Now that her father is awake, the very air of the palace crackling with the might of his presence Seol allows the mask of bravery to fall off and her shoulders to slouch. She has never had to pretend before him. It would not matter, for he could read her very heart as if she wore it on her sleeve.